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Little Pirate

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I've been noticing that my newer (within the last 6 months) jeans were having issues staying on with my belt tightened to how I was used to. So up one notch up (or is it down?) it goes, to a position that I haven't used in a while. I also tried my field work jeans that I used up to a year or two ago but stopped using since it was popping the button. It fits normally now at about 210lbs. Slowly but surely...


Here's to 200lbs by New Years. 180lbs by my 30th maybe (gonna get harder as I get lower and of course gain muscle mass).


Edited by Mal
  • Rock On 2
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Congratulations on the continued weight loss/improvement in health. That's the hardest part - sticking at it - these things are easy to start. Seems like you're going about it in a healthy and sustainable way. Good luck.

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  • 3 years later...

*MetalCaveman used a Max Revive!*



Been doing this one for a couple of weeks, pretty fun. :P


Also been thinking about going for a fitness challenge with Elden Ring, maybe even start with Remnant From the Ashes to see how it goes, thinking something along the lines of:


  • 3-5 Squats
  • 3-5 Pike push-ups
  • 5 Power ups
  • 3-5 Pounding trunk lifts
  • 6 Standing ab twists

All per death, or maybe alternate sets between deaths. :P Though depending on how it goes it might be a bit too much (iirc one of the people who played the CNT said they died 20 times to one boss lol), still, given some recent issues I've kinda neglected my weight and general health a bit, so this seems like a good idea, might change my mind if I die too many times though. :P

  • Rock On 1
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