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Sim City V


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  • 4 weeks later...

Gotta say part of my apprehension with Sim City V and it's whole online DRM dealy-o is just how bad their log-in systems have been and what should be a simple process of signing up to a beta isn't helping. Also not helped in cleaning out my inbox past few days digging up my old Spore support emails. That was a fun journey into EA games and DRM.

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I signed up for the beta ages ago. Found out from their Facebook page that the beta is basically the same first hour of the game over and over again just to stress-test the DRM servers.


So, I guess if any of you wants a beta key still, if I get invited I'll give you mine. Because after finding that out, being allowed in would only bum me out that the gameplay time is that short, and I'd likely have to download the same 10GB worth of game again when the final version comes out.

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I signed up for the beta ages ago. Found out from their Facebook page that the beta is basically the same first hour of the game over and over again just to stress-test the DRM servers.


So, I guess if any of you wants a beta key still, if I get invited I'll give you mine. Because after finding that out, being allowed in would only bum me out that the gameplay time is that short, and I'd likely have to download the same 10GB worth of game again when the final version comes out.



I wouldn't mind taking it off your hands.

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I signed up for the beta ages ago. Found out from their Facebook page that the beta is basically the same first hour of the game over and over again just to stress-test the DRM servers.


So, I guess if any of you wants a beta key still, if I get invited I'll give you mine. Because after finding that out, being allowed in would only bum me out that the gameplay time is that short, and I'd likely have to download the same 10GB worth of game again when the final version comes out.



I wouldn't mind taking it off your hands.

Sent, check your DMs.

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So gave this a spin courtesy of bigdanhero. So here's some impressions of it:


Sucks that despite Origin in current forum being around for over a year (nearly two?) they still don't have games integrated with it. So yeah 184MB download on Origin which turns out to be the download client for SimCity not SimCity itself (which is kind of large for an installer/downloader). I guess on the plus side it means you might not need Origin in order to play the game if it's running independently of it.


As for the game itself it is pretty small compared to previous games so it's more of a SimTown that SimCity. The zoning works a lot like Caesar 3(and probably others) than the older SimCity titles in that you just zone of space (for free) and then improve the surrounding area to build up value and thus the buildings go from small shacks to big apartment blocks and presumably (you only get an hour) beyond. Apart from industrial as they'll always be negative value so they're always big factories (though maybe they change from big factories to shiny chip plants n stuff?). Money is tight, or at least buildings are severely overpriced. Affording stuff like emergency services and school takes a pretty long time. The module system is neat, and it's lucky zoning is free as it will eat away at the zones around the new modules.


The menus are really nice, and so are the stats. Super simple to use and get info from. Especially neat is if you click the education buildings tool in the corner you get quick access to the stat overlays for education coverage and students in and out of education n so on. Same with all the building tools. Though sometimes the stats did feel a bit lacking and I can't remember what it was.


Money wise it falls short. Apart from the aforementioned pricing differences there's no ordinances to pass anymore, which had some nice fine grained control.


I don't mind losing the ability to run pipes and cabling, it was somewhat tedious in previous games . But it does mean you need to build utilities on road ways instead of in the middle of nowhere. Which I guess is a bit more realistic but with the smaller space given somewhat constraining since you can't plonk one in the middle of nowhere. Without neighbours you're kinda screwed too as extra income(and expenditure  is to be more fine tuned through dealing with neighbours than the ordinances I guess. So if you're playing on your own you've got a region with which to develop, you can't run an independent city. Which iirc was a complaint Monte Cristo had with CitiesXL in focusing a bit too much on the MP side of things with resource trading. I think it's why buildings cost so much, you wouldn't build all of them. You'd build power station and your mate would build a rubbish tip, and you trade services, instead of building everything yourself.


Oh and PC gaming wise: there's no singular low/medium/high setting so was fun toggling all that stuff (not that a modern game shouldn't auto-configure on launch anyway) and there's no control sensitivity either which I guess is good the towns are small as it's really fucking slow dragging around the town. There's no like "you're at the edge so lets whip you around super fast".


edit: I forgot. In the feedback bit at the end they ask how you'd buy it and one of the options is used. lolwut?


edit2: Forgot this part too, meant to mention it in the menu section. As you get a better city you can build better buildings and it has pop-ups to alert you to this "successfully petitioned to build town hall" and so on. Well it said I could build casinos, and the tutorial there is a las vegas like city you're neighbours with. But I couldn't find the casino in any of the menus. I don't know where specialised buildings were to be stored, if at all. Didn't seem like you could build the IRL buildings either (but given the £65 version of SimCity has "british/french/german set" I assume that's DLC now)


edit3: So back on how it installed. Uninstallign it from within Origin opens up the "Programs and Features" control panel. Who the fuck is coding Origin?

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Beyond my normal dislike of always-on DRM, there's the fact that EA has shown a willingness to turn off servers for games that are just a couple years old.  I can't buy this game which requires their servers to be online when I have 0 trust that they'll still be on in 5 years.

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Beyond my normal dislike of always-on DRM, there's the fact that EA has shown a willingness to turn off servers for games that are just a couple years old.  I can't buy this game which requires their servers to be online when I have 0 trust that they'll still be on in 5 years.


Exactly. For me to put up with always-on DRM, I need to not be afraid that the servers are going to shut down in a few short years. For example,  I'm not the least bit worried about Blizzard pulling the plug on Diablo III. But EA have a history for pulling this kind of crap.

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So there is a Sandbox mode of sorts where you can "cheat" and destroy at whim and so on so forth. They've sure taken their time in bringing it up. 

GameInformer mentioned it in their preview a few days ago, but yeah, if they announced this way back in June/July when everyone was really in panic mode over the DRM, they'd have won a few people over rather than quietly slipping it in the back door like this.


Always-Online should be just for the network regions and global economy, but you're limited to classic SimCity/Sandbox mode offline. Anyone with half a brain cell would see this as the ideal solution. Granting access to new features by gating them behind a network connection rather than restricting core elements by locking them in would certainly be more encouraging to an "on the fence" customer such as yourself and Ethan.

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Always-Online should be just for the network regions and global economy, but you're limited to classic SimCity/Sandbox mode offline. Anyone with half a brain cell would see this as the ideal solution. Granting access to new features by gating them behind a network connection rather than restricting core elements by locking them in would certainly be more encouraging to an "on the fence" customer such as yourself and Ethan.


So much this.

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