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Sim City V


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Oh dears. Someone has found the dlc store, which is expected given who we're dealing with but rather than a large expansion a la Gods and Kings it seems to be individual buildings. The specific building that was discovered is the marina, which has always been included with the game until now.

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People are bitching about an optional free thing, that is optional and free. And the biggest cause for concern is because it has the name of the person that paid for it on everyone else's behalf clearly visible on it?


If I donate money to erect a park bench, I don't expect the people sitting on that bench to moan that it has my name on the plaque.

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It's not required to play the game, it's been paid for by someone else. If EA offered two versions, one with Nissan branding for free, and one without branding for £0.99 I bet everyone bar a few protest votes would go for the free one.


And what of the Marina supposedly being sold as DLC (I haven't checked if it is or is not)? Why does it matter that some DLC is free and some is paid for? That's hardly new. And what impact does it have on sponsored DLC?


Truth is SimCity V is a rather successful title. It had server issues when it started, but sales were good and PSUs are still high. I'm the first to admit when a crap game is crap. (MoH and Ao2)) but I really get the feeling that much of the hate for SimCity is bandwagon hoppage. The release was poor. The always online was (in my personal opinion) a mistake. But many people seem to enjoy the game itself. They clearly enjoy it enough to care about free DLC that has a brand on it "ruining" their game.

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There's a Marina in the code for $15, it's something previously included in the base games. Going off previous DLC related discussion you can see the issue here.


And surely the £45 a pop for the game could be going towards sponsoring the game and additions before heading towards Nissan to sponsor DLC? (Especially as it seems somewhat in-balanced, not that it's hard, to the gameplay).


And no doubt a game with the SimCity/MAxis/Sims labelling will have sold well, doesn't really negate the crud about the game.

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Well, the Marina isn't out yet and the description is placeholder so let's not moan about that till it happens.


As for Nissan DLC. It's free and it's optional and it's not content that used to be in the game. So why the complaints? If it breaks the game, and is ugly, and you don't want it and nobody else wants it, and it's God Tier Sponsored Content then don't get it, it's not Battlefield, nobody is going to shoot you with it. I honestly don't see the problem.

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I think I might be the only person who doesn't really mind this kind of stuff in games. In fact, I almost kind of like it. I don't really give a fuck if a company is trying to push a product at me; I watch TV, I browse the internet, shit, I support a sports team that has "XBOX" on the front of their jerseys and I'm used to it by now. When I see a Coke machine in a game I don't really think "Oh, I should go buy some Coke", it's more of a "Oh, it's almost like real life". Obviously I'm not going to pay to have advertisements thrown at me in games, but if they're there anyway and in this case serve some sort of gameplay purpose, fine by me. 


And besides, this is nowhere near the level of the DX:HR loading screen ads. 

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People are bitching about an optional free thing, that is optional and free. And the biggest cause for concern is because it has the name of the person that paid for it on everyone else's behalf clearly visible on it?


If I donate money to erect a park bench, I don't expect the people sitting on that bench to moan that it has my name on the plaque.


I see your point, but for me at least the issue is with the implementation.  It shows a willingness to fuck up the game mechanics for DLC.  If this thing did something more sensical, like reducing pollution from cars in its vicinity, then I wouldn't have a problem with it, but the fact that it magically just increases happiness everywhere is... sigh.


The advertising aspect doesn't bother me by itself, only as it relates to the other aspects of it that bother me.  I'm fine with product placement that makes sense (this makes sense, as does stuff like vending machines in a shooter that are real soda brands, billboards in a racing game that have real ads on them, etc).

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The ads and the way the game was designed (Which is fine for a game but this is Simcity we are talking about) connects in such a way that it might reminds some folks too much of Facebook games and its likes. I would be fine with the ads (if I play the game) since it adds another level of immersion to me. I know folks make mods for games like GTA that places real life products in game. Same idea.  Also, yeah, the apparent brokeness (OP) of the thing is concerning.

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I assume you can build a toothpaste factory or something. I don't really get this partnership compared to the Nissan Leaf one. (Incidentally should you get these codes don't redeem it for Sims Social, it was announced yesterday it's getting axed.)



@Goh: Maxis haven't been making Sims games for Donkeys. The recent game, DLC, and expansions are the work of "Sims Studio".

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