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Sim City V


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I've been following this saga today on twitter. Polygon (and more specifically Arthur Gies) looking a bit silly(ier) now. Not sure I'll touch it, a lot of the (probably very correct) speculation on them making it now possible to work offline means that they're planning to try and grab as many folks with the change then turn off the servers in like 6 months time. Which means while it'll no longer be always online, it'll lose the MP functions that were a big part of making it always-online.

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I'm interested because I already have the game.  It just makes sense for me to at least check it out when they've patched this through.  Of course, they've been releasing patch to fix other patches, so who knows how it'll work out.  But I did shell out the money and the game COULD be interesting, especially now that it's opening up customer content, which is one of the reasons I loved playing the other SimCity games.  

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I wonder how pain in the ass is it to mod this game. When the servers are taken offline then it'll be moot to follow what EA/Maxis says. Anyways, if the devs manages to release a sufficiently larger map then maybe it'll be worth to mod it. Offline is one step towards that.

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For now, it appears they aren't going to be focusing on creating larger maps.  They said so in an October blog article last year.  That doesn't mean they won't explore it again once this "offline-mode" comes into play.  I'm hoping they pick it up again, because there comes a time during my SimCity gaming experience that I simply cannot get anything out of my city anymore--and it comes fast (hehe, that's what she said).  In any case, it's annoying and I hope they quit acting like shitheads about it.  They said it would be damn near impossible to give the game an offline mode, which, as fans, we all knew was bullshit.  Sure, it might've interfered a few seemingly important aspects of the game being online-only, but it is possible and they knew it just as much as the players did.

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I just read the article since I am on a computer now...



"In retrospect, our biggest takeaway is that we are lucky that SimCity has an enormous number of loyal fans," EA exec Frank Gibeau said. "That first week after launch was really rough - an experience nobody wants to live through again."

Fuck you.

Apologies but it rubbed me in a really wrong way.

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I own it, in a moment of madness I bought it and I played it for around three hours or so and didn't really care for it. Not sure what I was expecting, I didn't really ever enjoy Sim City but I thought maybe I could go in for the simpler, more generally appealing version, but yeah. Making it offline isn't going to make me play it anymore, and I also think it's probably something to do with the fact they're going to take everything offline, in which case they better make the city sizes a damn sight bigger, and soon. Hopefully more support for mods if it goes fully offline though, we'll see.

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I think you have to have been a fan of the series prior to really feel that nostalgia of what SimCity could and has been.  3000 and SimCity 4 are my absolute all time favorite PC games, but when 2000 rolled out prior to that, I was all over it and that is what started this love for me.  It's a beloved piece of gaming history, and to see it so stripped apart and messed with in ways that don't benefit the game figuratively breaks my heart.  I have to admit that I'm partial to it, which explains my willingness to give EA just one more chance.  You bet your ass I'll give in and have another go!

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