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Oversight on their part, I'd hope. But that's all in the past now. It feels good to have that behind me. I'm so close to doing Emily justice. She's waiting for this one final trophy!






I got to the point in the later levels where, after having beaten them so many times, I would just rush through with blink and bend time rank 2 like some temporal badass.




The Dishonored Tumblr posted the remaining Sokolov paintings today. I think this is all or most of them:















I wish there were one of Emily. She deserves a Sokolov painting.

Edited by Saturnine Tenshi
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Going for low chaos, and I have a question: does killing or being spotted by weepers raise chaos? I'm used to zombies being consequence-free kills, but I'm not so sure in this game. I'm only on the second mission, so I haven't seen how the game counts up weeper kills.


Killed my second guy saving an innocent from being mugged. When I'm out of sleep darts, I usually blink around and sneak up on enemies and give them the ol' sleeper hold. But when this dude lost track of me, he'd murder the innocent before hunting me down.


Also: all the talk and pics of Emily really should be behind spoiler tags.

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Weeper kills count as enemy kills, I don't know if being spotted raises your chaos.


Two of the pics Tenshi posted didn't work, and the forum says there are too many pictures when I try to fix it, so here they are:







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Goh: Weepers can spot you since if they see you the 3 lightning give-away symbol and music cue appears. And since you are given the option to either knock them out or kill them, killing them has consequences. aka don't get spotted or kill them if you're going for low chaos. Only creatures that don't matter if they spot you are rats, fish and mollusks.

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Huh. I knew her attitude and drawings would be different from reading the wikia and watching videos, didn't realize it was THAT much different. A very nice story telling tool they had there to portray your choices, props to them. Hopefully the game sells well where the next title isn't so black and white.

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man it seems to me that only big video games release their sale numbers. It'd be nice to know how many games they shipped out/sold to see if we'll ever see a sequel. If it's a new IP I'd say anywhere near half a million to a million it's ok. You can't expect people to buy your game when you bring it out in such a crowded time.

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So ignoring the fact that dishonored was on sale "on Steam, where Dishonored was listed as the #1 selling title over the holiday weekend." They've said it's selling better than expected and it's likely they've a new franshice. So expect to see more Dishonored..probably during next-gen I would guess. It's to be expected. Bethesda don't setlle on making individual games.


Can't wait for Xmas to pick this up :D

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Hopefully publishers will get the idea from this that maybe people like new things. Doubt it though. And I know that for every successful new IP like this there are a bunch that fail, but I feel like most of the ones that fail are pretty obviously not going to be good right from the start.

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It really is up to consumers to pick up new IP's. Dishonored did decently well in a time-zone against mainly big named sequels. That's memorable and hopefully next time they'll release it NOT in the fall season. Summer or spring would be fantastic.


It's like when Alan Wake was competing against Red Dead. One was a brand new IP and the other was arguably a brand new game as the first wasn't much to talk about.

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Dishonred was also helped by a pretty big marketing campaign, along with the whole "From the makers of Skyrim, and the artist of HL2" thing, while going up against a bunch of sequels and buffeted by the winds of nostaligia that blow from yonder Kickstarter of late (it's a pretty Theif-ey vibed game). Steam sale won't have hurt either.

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