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I don't think a past German law is what Malicious meant when stating Europe was bound by tradition. Europe not being Germany for one.


Also I'm not sure what you're saying with your second paragraph. Because there's lots of history behind the beers of Europe people can't afford to lose customers that want to try something else? That the breweries want you drinking something else?


Sorry, I think I was still drunk at that point. I was just talking about how the traditional has been around longer so they're more apt to follow it and customers are less likely to like change. Or something.

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Not really, few decades back there was a large shift over to lagers, and now there's a shift going back the other way (Though not as large, and more spread amongst other alcoholic drinks too). Huge surge of microbreweries since inception too, which would be lead by demand. Pubs are very happy to host a few taps of local brew, my cousin has even ran a couple of CAMRA events too (annoyingly last one timed with the night before I start xmas work). There are traditions in so far as local water is going to dictate the method and taste of the brew, but there's no particular drive by consumers for a particular type of beer (beyond the int'l lagers). Though I speak mostly for the north, ponces down south probably only drink a beer if mixed with lots of fizzy pop.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

the article does say that was pretty much all that was produced until fairly recently (going from 50 to 2000 breweries), and certainly that was all that would have coming out of the country to international markets so it is only fair that is what people would be thinking and it takes a long time for people's ideas of something to change.


Also, don't forget that, outside the US in most places outside of trendy urban areas, i.e. most areas, it's still just the junk beers from USA that are available, and probably will continue to be the only representation that the US has in bars and shops. So it is unlikely that the vast majority of people's opinions of USA beer will change

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  • 2 months later...

So I've been interested in buying the Iron Throne beer that is available for Game of Thrones, but it's fucking impossible to find and they don't even sell it on their website. I understand buying beer from a website is stupid, but man I want to give my money to someone but they won't let me.


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So I've been interested in buying the Iron Throne beer that is available for Game of Thrones, but it's fucking impossible to find and they don't even sell it on their website. I understand buying beer from a website is stupid, but man I want to give my money to someone but they won't let me.



How do you even know it's good? It's not like it's going to actually taste like anything they drink in the books or the show.

For that, see the previously mentioned article.

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I won't get to know what's good until I give it a try. The worst thing that happens if I buy the beer, assuming it doesn't cost me an arm to buy, is that I don't like it and never buy it again. Plus assuming it's a lager, which from what I remember reading it is I'll probably like it. I'm usually down to taste beers as long as they aren't porters/dark ass beers or IPA's.

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They're just novelty items. Nothing more. I'm sure they're fine beers but I bet you can get something similar or better at a lower price.


Also porters/stouts dulled my bitter taste detection. I approach them like I do like dark chocolate. Hell, they taste like chocolate to me. Now what do you know, now IPAs aren't that bitter anymore. You can dry hop it, hop bomb it to hell and it wouldn't even phase me. With that said... I wonder if I'm setting myself for a failure when I get older and can't handle as much alcohol in my system and stuff starting to taste bland despite being some potent stuff.

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