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Im starting to fucking hate beer. Mostly craft shit. They are getting ridiculous with the labels they put upon them. This past week we had a "summer ale" and a "4 grain breakfast beer" on tap.


What the fuck does that even mean? Fuck you.

Just give them a try and pin down their style. The summer ale explain itself. It should be nice and refreshing for well, the summer. A lot of breweries has something like that. Now the 4 grain breakfast beer... yeah, bad label (Never just call it beer). I only ever heard of Founder's Breakfast Stout. I'm assuming its something that approached that.


Just take joy in the fact that its not a Rouge beer. Now they pull some weird and overpriced shit.

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  • 2 months later...

Not too sure where to put this but...



Greek Life and alcohol are some big topics with my university and for other universities as well. I feel that you really can't stop people from drinking. Combine that with the mystification of alcohol to teens and you get the stuff that went and are going down. I honestly believe it kind of points all the way back to the 21 legal age to drink and alcohol being so taboo... until you are 21 that is. So no, nothing that my or any group of university can do will affect underage drinking. Our society got to demystify it.




Also me getting into alcohol is perhaps the worst financial thing I have done to myself. So kiddies, be careful of your wallets. If I can pay for at least two rent with utilities, internet and TV OR at least 1/10 of my student loans with the amount I've spent on alcohol... yeah, it is kind of bad. At least with games and my computer I can reuse and replay. Alcohol adds nothing but a beer belly. So respect it, understand it and beware of it. So happy that I'm not genetically prone to alcoholism...

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America's favourite beers by state.


Not being American I don't know how this fits with what you'd expect, but from here I'm surprised it is mostly light beers. I don't think they're popular at all in the UK.

Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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For company...? Maybe Sierra Nevada Pale Ale which you can get it for about $1 per bottle (24 pack). Sam Adams variety pack might work too. Of course, if money isn't much of an issue you can get the more expensive stuff.


There is also this: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/style_pairings/19

and I do have a book (Tasting Beer). In general, delicate beer with delicate food, strong beers with strong food. Also don't forget about contrast.

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I wonder what UK beers would be by county in UK. I know the map will likely have much more colour variance than blue(in fact fosters is the only one I can think of that's blue), and probably reassuringly expensive or the best beer map in the world.


As long as foster's doesn't make the list you have a shot. Though I'd say it would be hard to beat Belgium or Germany.

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  • 1 month later...

I suppose a liquor store is just that in NYC. No beers. I'm trying to a lightning run through stuff I can't get easily in California. I think I'll need to go further than one mile out from my place since I doubt the corner stores will have stuff that I'm looking for.

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  • 4 weeks later...



To be honest, I haven't been looking hard but it is nice to finally get some numbers now. Rough numbers but they kind of fall in the range that I was expecting. ~225 C for 12 oz and ~500 C for a 22oz for the beers I usually drink.  Bare minimum is ~150 C. I sometimes leave out the carbs from my dinner and seems like it made sense.

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