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Best Game Ever Bracket

Yantelope V2

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So I think we can use bracketeers.com to set up an online bracket to vote over what the best game ever is. I think it would be fun. I'd like to get nominations from you guys and then I'll set up the bracket. Hopefully through this site we can avoid the mess of voting we used to have in these threads. Anyone interested?


The one catch to bracketeers.com is that we can't make it private. I think we can keep random people from voting on it by naming it something nobody would ever search for like "pressxordie".

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Well, how do you even classify a game as being the greatest ever? You have to have criteria, like still fun to play or the best game in it's day. I've been playing games for so damn long, I've forgotten some of my most favorite games. I spent much dollars on Galaga, Pacman, Altered Beast. I've been killed in the tens of thousands playing Contra and Mario. Paperboy was tedious, yet fun. Splinter Cell was a game changer for me, as was KoTOR. XWing vs Tie Fighter.


Man, that's going to be tough to narrow down the criteria. Criteria!

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Yes, it will be stupid and pointless but I like the idea of head to head matchups rather than just a vote. Post your nominations now. Don't bother posting FF or Zelda as I'll just take the most popular ones from their respective threads. I'm only going to vote for one game in a series so post your favorite of the major series and that's how we will decide what gets in for each series.

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Strange, I was able to say no thanks and it took me to the main site where I could log in.




Edit: I also would add that I can only find the FF poll so I guess the Mario and Zelda polls were on the old site. I'm planning on putting up OOT and Super Mario World unless I hear strong opposition from you guys. Other games going on the list probably.


Metal Gear Solid

Half Life


COD4 Modern Warfare

Megaman II

Uncharted 2

Red Dead Redemption

Star Wars KOTOR

Chrono Trigger


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  On 3/23/2012 at 1:08 AM, TheMightyEthan said:

I think the hardest part won't be coming up with the games, but figuring out how to seed them.


Well, honestly I was going to randomize it but if you guys want to see certain match ups then maybe we could do it that way. I don't see much point to trying to be scientific. This is mostly for fun. GameFAQs used to do these all the time and it's just fun. Better than a straight up vote for best game.

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  On 3/22/2012 at 11:37 PM, TheRevanchist said:

Well, how do you even classify a game as being the greatest ever? You have to have criteria, like still fun to play or the best game in it's day. I've been playing games for so damn long, I've forgotten some of my most favorite games. I spent much dollars on Galaga, Pacman, Altered Beast. I've been killed in the tens of thousands playing Contra and Mario. Paperboy was tedious, yet fun. Splinter Cell was a game changer for me, as was KoTOR. XWing vs Tie Fighter.


Man, that's going to be tough to narrow down the criteria. Criteria!


I agree with this. I can't pick favorites. I can do it within specific criteria though. The same applies to music. I don't have a favorite band. I do however, have favorite albums, favorite bands within specific genres, stuff I've listened to the most over time, etc.

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Okay gents. Bracket is now live.




let me know if that link works. If not just try searching for PXOD


I tried to seed the most obvious choices higher than the underdogs. This is mostly just a test run. Rounds are automatically scheduled ever 2 or so days with round 2 starting on Monday I believe. Let me know if you're having trouble accessing it and I'll try to fix it. May your favorite game win.


I was going to try and arrange like genres to fight against each other but that was going to be too hard as you can only rank linearly 1-32 and it brackets it somehow and I didn't want to bother to figure it out.

Edited by Yantelope V2
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