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Best Game Ever Bracket

Yantelope V2

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So who won in the Uncharted vs Mortal Kombat?


As for the SSB thing I guess they at least reckon it's better than Red Dead (which was a single game btw, not really a franchise..same as Warcraft/Starcraft being two different franchises on one choice), and certainly better than Gears of War (which maybe shows a flaw in not having folks list stuff beforehand?)

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But RDR does indeed have it's really big fans. I know theres people who would say its the best game ever.

I personally would place it on my top 10.


I know ill get shit for it, but whatever - SMB is the Mario Party of fighting games. Its seriously not anything im going to remember in 20 years. Same with Mario Party. I cant imagine anyone except a 4 year old say that Mario Party is the greatest franchise of all time.

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Halo beat KotOR....

Counter-Strike beat Chrono Trigger...

Fallout beat Mass Effect....

Street Fighter beat Shadow of the Colossus...


Damn you, opinions! :getoffmylawn: (although, I love Street Fighter and Halo, and really enjoyed Fallout 3 and CS for the little while I played it)


Yeah, those surprised me a lot too.


Uncharted won simply because of seeding I think. Interesting that it was 50/50 on that one.


Super Smash Bros. was in here because it was in the "TAY's top 50" thread and because I was trying to represent all the genres. I don't feel there were any obvious choices that I left out instead of putting it in there. Also it won so isn't that reason enough to have it in the bracket. I voted for RDR because I loved that game.


Round 2 has begun in case you guys didn't realize too. Vote now!

Edited by Yantelope V2
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