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DUST 514


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On the left, EVE Online, a PC MMO. On the right DUST 514, a PS3 FPS.

Welcome to the future people.

edit (since I made it's own thread)
CCP Games

What is it
A Free to Play MMOFPS that will be playing alongside those playing EVE Online, it's all using the same shard (server)

What website

And a gameplay/trailer video
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  • 1 month later...

It's free to download and play so at least give it a whirl, but you could also give a EVE a try and if you want I got extended buddy trial codes.

There is also a vita app type thing where you can buy equipment and a few other things when you're not near your PS3.

Edited by Hakidia
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  • 2 weeks later...



For those following along at home, if you die 250 times in top end gear, that'll cost you $60.


If you purchase the items with real money. I don't see this being an issue for many people, or I hope it's not at least. It's going to be free to play so we know there has to be some sort of revenue stream for CCP. Also, since Eve players can use their own funds - or fund a friend - I think it should work out fine.


The real question is whether the game itself will work out. I should check it out, no point ignoring that closed beta invite I have. Come to think of it, I may have another available if someone would like to try it out.

Edited by MasterDex
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  • 3 weeks later...

Played through a bit of it.


Gotta say I'm a bit underwhelmed.


They've already let people buy a shit ton of upgrades....so, some guys get some powerful implants/vehicles and wait by spawn points.


I'll hold my judgement on if I should or should not play it down the road...but it is starting to look like it is suffering form pay2win.


Maps aren't that great...24 players needs to be increased. Don't like the way the guns control...


Also, graphics aren't so great(but I'd be find with it if they fixed the gameplay).


Looks like I'll be sticking with Planetside 2 for the time being.

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Just played a bit more day.


It was a bit better...has much potential...Hope they iron it out through the beta.


Yeah, it definitely feels like it's in early beta stages. So far, it's been surprisingly good, but there's definitely some kinks that need to be worked out. I love the UI and interface, and the briefing room before battles is really neat with the scoreboard/players on the screen in the middle. I love the art style and look of the game, it's just balanced a little... oddly right now.

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Most of the interesting stuff is "Soontm" with pretty much just the shooty bits in place atm. It is pretty neat, and the main part of the attachment to EVE is yet to happen (It's still running on EVE Test server atm not Trinity). And that's when the game is either going to totally fuck up or blow everyone's minds.


My main issue is the game has a habit of dropping connection for me quite a bit. That definitely needs resolving. And they only have a few hundred people on atm, so it's not a server strain issue. Or if it is they're fucked.


Shooting is neat, I have no idea what I'm doing, it's pretty bland visually but it's a console game so I'm not expecting all magic n sparkles, and definitely not something that looks like Tribes. The blandness fits EVE.


So yeah, fun. It's free so not going to say no to it (unless it get's a severe case of Pay2Win), just hope they fix the dropping issue and learn how to do weekend betas in the future.

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