CorgiShinobi Posted June 20, 2012 Report Share Posted June 20, 2012 Heads up to new GIFs. I imagine you can go to the prior link I posted for the 17 new images I made. I didn't do some of the more obvious ones because those have already been done to death. My personal favorites: In case you haven't seen the preview "Dinner in Hiding." Reveal hidden contents Spread 'em around if you can because I don't think my post is going to take off, for one reason or another. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CorgiShinobi Posted June 23, 2012 Report Share Posted June 23, 2012 Short Version: OMG njlwnjlqeleruigenqrjfnwjlnerwlfnerkglerwrnegruejgi34jgt4ughtnfdjv Actual Coherent Version: Very good, and I mean I didn't expect the turn of events. Well, I mean, I got most of my theories right, but even still the sequence of events wasn't as most people expected. Reveal hidden contents A lot of people were so sure that when Korra closed her eyes, she would go into the Avatar State. To me, that was too obvious, but at the same time how could we adjust from a season finale where Korra's bending is taken away? Oh, just her fire, water, and earthbending. Airbending comes to save the day! Not to mention it was nice to see Amon actually getting taken down a few notches. He was becoming this nearly invincible villain that no one could touch. Oh yeah, so he was a bloodbender. I wasn't sure if I would have gone with the whole "brother" route, it almost seemed too "convenient," but given Yakone's post-bending life, it made both Tarrlok and Noatak a legitimate and sympathetic story. Another prodigy story that is fueled by the desires of the father, something the Fire Nation is all too familiar with. I'll just go on about the ending because, just like the original series finale, some people are going on about how the energybending and Amon's demise are a "cop-out." Any series that has a competent villain receives high marks in my book. It would have been a terrible cliche if all of a sudden Amon is getting his ass handed to him in the last fifteen minutes of the finale. Keep in mind he was taking blows, but he was still a strong and ferocious fighter. In fact, how he bended water in front of all those people was perfect. If Korra just kicked his ass, it would have made Amon a martyr because his face paint ruse would have still told everyone, "Nope, he was a victim seeking equality." He got away, along with his brother, but Tarrlok knew that Noatak was a threat just like their father and Tarrlok couldn't allow for such power and ambition to survive another day. The harm that they created with their advanced bloodbending had to be removed. In those few seconds, Noatak knew what Tarrlok committed too and for those brief seconds knew that is was perhaps what was best. And how Korra achieved the Avatar State? It's true that Korra needed to feel her lowest, to not be this Avatar prodigy where her bending defined her (just as I've said before). She even says how bending defines her when Mako wants to comfort her as they leave Katara's hut, but Mako sees pas that all. Truth be told her conversation with Aang could have used more time rather than, "Hey, you feel like crap, but how about we make it all better?" She all the previous Avatars was cool, and it looks like others were right that Korra will be able to energybend people's bending back. I do feel weird at how energybending is suppose to repair Noatak's advanced bloodbending block because energy is suppose to be a spiritual attribute and Noatak could only alter the physical. Well, unless the energybending is also altering the energy's physical "flow" as it were in the body. You can definitely see how this could have been a miniseries because I feel like this would be a solid conclusion to the story we've seen. You can take it as because Lin's bending was fully restored, Korra could go back to Republic City and thus "happy ending." Sure, what happens to Hiroshi Sato, other than Asami inheriting the business? Is there more to Bumi than just "WWOOOOOOOOAAAHAHHYAAAAA?" How did Mako break the news to Asami, other than Asmai being like, "Yeah, I already knew this..." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waldorf and Statler Posted June 23, 2012 Report Share Posted June 23, 2012 (edited) god dammit it sucks being in an international country. the good side is this is the last time for the summer, besides the Dark Knight, where Ill feel the effects. Waiting for it to be put up for streaming. If anybody finds a streaming link lemme know edit: Found a working JustinTV stream in the website I've streamed all the episodes through. It's really slow as they filmed about an hour and a half of footage [only the last hour is Korra with its respective commercials] but it's decent quality. If anybody cant wait to watch it go to, sign up for the website and go to the episodes portal. Edited June 23, 2012 by Waldorf And Statler Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waldorf and Statler Posted June 23, 2012 Report Share Posted June 23, 2012 Just watched the season finale. IMHO the climax/action ended a bit too early in the episode but the ending scene. OH GOD. THE ENDING SCENE WAS WORTH IT. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CorgiShinobi Posted June 23, 2012 Report Share Posted June 23, 2012 Alright, some other people have noticed this too (glad I'm not insane), but during a certain scene... Reveal hidden contents Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted June 23, 2012 Report Share Posted June 23, 2012 hehe. The Cakebender. (I'm still downloading it, but have being tempting fate on the TLA sub-reddit) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mister Jack Posted June 23, 2012 Report Share Posted June 23, 2012 Holy SHIT this finale was amazing. Oh my god I need season 2 right now. This was television at its best. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted June 24, 2012 Report Share Posted June 24, 2012 Argh. Stupid General "doesn't bother with a different voice" Iroh. Kinda sucked you out each time he spoke. Not the only one though. Reveal hidden contents Young child Amon has the VA of Aang, though for only one line Overall pretty ace. Shock twist, though I dislike it. Reveal hidden contents Because what he used looked like and acted like energy bending, but it was an extension of an extension of waterbending. Kinda pushing the limits really hard on that one. Waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck, is actually a hamster. The end we saw coming a mile off though. Reveal hidden contents Becomes Avatar State, restores bending...with energy bending... Oh which makes me wonder if she can not just restore but give bending too. Also I assume Iroh n Bumi will be making bigger appearances. Given the whole fleet n such existing n them popping back to South Pole I'm hoping Book 2 might have Team Avatar Mk II go on global adventures. And more spirit world goodness. Bit of 80-years later Ba Sing Se, how Fire Nation were under Zuko, the growth of the water tribes, if anything happened with the Air Temples. Son of Combustion Man. Who is Lins dad? Who did Sokka end up with? Where is Zukos mum? What's in the hatch? What's Airs secondary power? Who shot JR? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mercurial Posted June 24, 2012 Report Share Posted June 24, 2012 Reveal hidden contents I am assuming that Amon took A LOT of people's bending away and Korra is the only one who can give it back...sooooooo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waldorf and Statler Posted June 24, 2012 Report Share Posted June 24, 2012 They'll most likely imply that's what happened in the short time [inevitable] time skip so another villain can appear. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CorgiShinobi Posted June 24, 2012 Report Share Posted June 24, 2012 Given that Amon had the time to line up people in an almost public execution style "cleansing," Korra could easily notify the press and have a productive weekend. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mister Jack Posted June 24, 2012 Report Share Posted June 24, 2012 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Little Pirate Posted June 24, 2012 Report Share Posted June 24, 2012 They did such an amazing job with the writing and the depth of all their characters. To make you feel badly for a villain you loathed takes quite a bit. Reveal hidden contents I feel pretty badly for Asami. She stuck by her friends, despite the relationship conflicts. Not to mention having your dad try to kill you. I hope in the next season we seem some more positive situations for both Asami and Bolin. As far as Amon being a bender, I had a strong feeling that was the case, but him being a waterbender threw me for a bit of a loop. An extension of an extension I can understand to a degree, but if they had left Amon's chiblocking a permanent technique I wouldn't be quite as happy with their explanations of the laws of bending. Although the grimdark loving side of me would have enjoyed the ultra-villainy of the act. And as far as the way way Amon/Naotok went... Brilliant. I'm surprised they were able to put that on a kid's show, but damn did that really cover the cores of those characters... They did unspeakable things but you still manage to feel a bit of remorse for them. Great finale to a great season, cannot wait for more. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted June 24, 2012 Report Share Posted June 24, 2012 You think Asami and Bolin? I think Asami n Iroh. Though Bolin better get someone. Cos know.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mister Jack Posted June 24, 2012 Report Share Posted June 24, 2012 Usually I hate it when side characters get romantically paired just for the sake of everybody getting a relationship at the end but in Bolin's case I fully endorse it. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waldorf and Statler Posted June 24, 2012 Report Share Posted June 24, 2012 (edited) Honestly at this point I could see Asami ending up with either of them. Bolin for everything he did for her this past episode [even if it didn't mean anything more than friendship] and Iroh for being a high class handsome bender. Apparently she doesn't need much to fall for a guy seeing how she crashed a guy then asked him out simply for being famous. But I think the most important question is.... Reveal hidden contents WHO WILL BUMI END UP WITH? WILL HE SAY WAHOO? Edited June 24, 2012 by Waldorf And Statler Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMightyEthan Posted June 24, 2012 Report Share Posted June 24, 2012 On 6/24/2012 at 6:37 AM, LittlePirate said: Reveal hidden contents I feel pretty badly for Asami. Thank you! Reveal hidden contents I keep saying I feel bad for Asami and my wife thinks I'm nuts cause she doesn't like Asami. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mister Jack Posted June 24, 2012 Report Share Posted June 24, 2012 Reveal hidden contents Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CorgiShinobi Posted June 25, 2012 Report Share Posted June 25, 2012 Honestly, as far as Bolin and Asami... Reveal hidden contents I think Asami and Iroh would be perfect, and I for one like Asami. She was a character I was suspicious of at first, but she stayed by her friends the entire time. A lot of people were afraid she would turn-tail during the finale, but she fought her father tooth and nail. Part of the fandom doesn't understand that she has legitimate reasons to say she "hates" her father. Her whole life turned upside-down because of her father's actions. He was filled with hate, so much that he didn't see the error in blaming all benders for the action of a firebender murderer. So filled with hate he was ready to kill his own daughter. She went against so many tropes, and at the end of it all she still likes Korra. It would be so easy to write her character as the jealous type, but Asami knew the problem was in Mako's subconscious conflict. That's the other thing, people seem to either love or hate Mako. It's all about how you see his conflict. I see it as subconscious, that through all his life he had to calculate what was best for him and his brother while leaving out emotion. You see this when Bolin is asking Mako about him dating Korra, but Mako answers for himself with a "logical" answer. I wish Mako and Asami's breakup was a bit more clear for the other viewers because when Mako and Korra kiss, he really hasn't cheated on Asami given that Mako and her were far too distant even before Katara's hut. I mean, Asami sees Mako in the jail cell and she passionately kisses him. Mako goes off with Korra to ambush Amon and she gives a light-heart kiss on the cheek. But as far as Bolin, it would be cool if he found himself a girl. However, what I want for him most is to learn metalbending! Think about this: Master Lin and Apprentice Bolin! I doubt Lin will be able to become the police chief again given that she willingly resigned and left the force. Not to mention that this would be a good opportunity for us to learn what exactly happened between Lin and Tenzin. A good fan theory is that perhaps Lin is barren, and because Tenzin was his generation's only airbender, he needed to have a family. To me, that's a little dark, even for this series, so I would go with Lin simply wanted to focus on herself and have no children. Tenzin obviously wanted more, but Lin wasn't budging from her stance. After all, she would have to bear the children while Tenzin does whatever he did. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mercurial Posted June 25, 2012 Report Share Posted June 25, 2012 I just wish Mako would bash his shit head face into a wall. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted June 25, 2012 Report Share Posted June 25, 2012 This is a pretty well done TLA/LOK family tree. Reveal hidden contents Also Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mercurial Posted June 25, 2012 Report Share Posted June 25, 2012 Didn't they say the baby was an airbender? Like in the first episode or something. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMightyEthan Posted June 25, 2012 Report Share Posted June 25, 2012 (edited) Katara says something like "I sense another airbender". *Edit* - Something I hadn't thought about before, but that shows that bending genes or whatever can be carried by a non-bender, as shown by Katara and Sokka's parents. So presumably it's at least POSSIBLE that other latent airbenders could have cropped up. Edited June 25, 2012 by TheMightyEthan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted June 25, 2012 Report Share Posted June 25, 2012 See which is it reliant on. I can't see a firebender couple having an airbender child, but there is a fair bit pointing to bending not being in the genes but in "the spirit". Which would be in the way bending is removed and also that two benders can have a non-bending child(and one of those benders being the avatar). I guess it's something they've not thought on too much, just thinking it'd be neat to have waterbender-airbender couple have a waterbender, non-bender and an airbender just to have a nice balance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CorgiShinobi Posted June 25, 2012 Report Share Posted June 25, 2012 (edited) On 6/25/2012 at 5:46 PM, TheMightyEthan said: Katara says something like "I sense another airbender". *Edit* - Something I hadn't thought about before, but that shows that bending genes or whatever can be carried by a non-bender, as shown by Katara and Sokka's parents. So presumably it's at least POSSIBLE that other latent airbenders could have cropped up. Possibly, but then in those hundred years before Aang's awakening, "latent" airbenders could have been shoved off to... you know, be "dealt with" like when the Fire Nation set up traps for any airbenders that escaped the initial air temple assaults. Yet, the way Air Nomads were described to live was that they secluded themselves from the rest of the world. Air Nomads would travel the world, but I wouldn't put my hopes into them "spreading their seed" because all their children would be trained in the air nomad lifestyle. Basically, the Air Nomads were a pretty self-contained people. North and South were males, West and East were females. Every child was an airbender because airbenders were highly spiritual and because "airbender + airbender" can really only yield an airbending child. EDIT: But as I said before, bending is both genetic and spiritual. It would have be interesting to see if two nonpracticing Air Nomads would have an airbending child, even if they both can airbend. Edited June 25, 2012 by Atomsk88 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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