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The Legend of Korra


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But there's only a small amount of Water Tribe left though. The search wouldn't take that long. Also they have to start the search for the avatar again when he escapes anyway. Much easier to hunt down a baby than a flying kid that's zigzagging all over the place and building up many allies and resistances along the way.

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It's impossible to tell who the avatar is as a baby. Their powers don't manifest until they get older. If they decided to just kill the entire water tribe to eliminate all doubt (because that worked so well the first time they tried it) then the avatar would just be reborn in the earth kingdom, which is extremely difficult to wage war against.

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Yeah, they'd just get into this endless cycle of trying to track down the Avatar, kill him, he's reborn elsewhere, lather, rinse, repeat. They figure it'll be easier if they just capture him and hold him prisoner, that way they don't have to worry about him being reborn for a good 70 years or so.

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Yep, not to mention the controversy it would cause for the next Avatar to be born from the Fire Nation. I mean, if somehow you were to eventually kill the Earth Kingdom born Avatar, you'd then eventually have a political dilemma with a weakened force. Would they try to bring the Avatar to their side as a fellow Fire Nation citizen, or would they know it's the Avatar's destiny to oppose them and thus having to turn against their own kind, especially someone so young.


Even though it has been 100 years, only the Water Tribe has genuinely suffered. The Fire Nation still isn't that large, but the Earth Kingdom can not last forever against such ruthless leaders and politicians. Of course, this is only possible because the Avatar was trapped away in a block of ice, the Fire Nation's best case scenario.


EDIT: As for the "self-taught" question, it's not that straight forward.


If anything, the Avatar at a young age is an untapped powerhouse. Aang has the built-up power of all the previous Avatars, but his own physical being doesn't have the experience. I imagine any Avatar is, much like we saw Korra in "A Leaf in the Wind," the ultimate visual learner. Monkey see, monkey do.


Also, you'll see in Book Two: Earth that Aang really struggles with earthbending. He does try all the moves he sees, but bending also has a psychological and spiritual side. Book Two tackles the spiritual, whereas you'll see the "mental stuff" in Book Three: Fire. You should already know by now Aang's feelings about firebending.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh yeah, totally caught it on television today. Didn't know about anyone else, but my impressions anyway.


A great introduction to Amon and the Equalists. It's refreshing to see a competent enemy, unlike average Fire Nation soldiers. Of course, the larger the army, the larger amount of standard soldiers. The Equalists are a small elite force, and every non-bender has to be trained in either chi blocking and/or offensive tech to tackle benders. So yeah, if you have a small group they've got to be very formidable for the plot to have any respect, which Legend of Korra did.


Now, for the spoiler bit...


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Now as far as Korra and Mako...


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Amon is a giant fraud, that's my theory.



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EDIT: Oh, and when Mako and those other firebenders were using lightning generation in that power plant, I got giddy with how lightning was being featured in this industrial world. If you think about it, lightning was pretty freaking special in The Last Airbender. Only Ozai, Azula, and Iroh would generate lightning whereas Zuko was taught to redirect it.


I guess Legend of Korra kinda nerfs it because lightning was suppose to be this master level skill because it requires... blahblahblah

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Alright, a bit more info from some research on Amon's... you know...



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I'm mildly irritated by the apparent ease with which people can bend lightning and metal. Both of those in the original series were supposed to be OMG HOLY CRAP I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CAN DO THAT. Metal bending even more so than lightning bending. Now I'm willing to give metal bending a pass because maybe it was only hard cause no one had invented it yet, and throughout her life Toph was able to figure out how to teach the technique to others beyond "you just have to be the greatest earth bender ever."


The lightning though really bugs me, because that was an established art that was very difficult. I wish they'd just made it so the fire benders were heating boilers to drive turbines to generate electricity, rather than creating the electricity directly.

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So I finished Avatar. Pretty good. Though


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As for Korra


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p.s I asked this on twitter: Anyone know if the other two pro-benders are Zuko n Sokkas VAs? I checked IMDB and it does list Zuko VA as being in LOK, but with no listed role. So maybe he's back but as Zuko (I think that's elder Zuko at the start as "Fire")

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Firelord Ozai was Mark Hamill too. They both have little things that give them away. Hamill slips into the joker everynow n then with Ozai, Simmons is a bit better, I'd say I've only noticed it's him cos what with it being Portal 2's anniversary I've being getting back into all that sorta stuff. Shame Twitter only has 140 characters.

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About a certain spirit


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As for metalbending, I'll repeat "discovery over difficulty." It requires seismic sense so that the earthbender can locate the tiny amounts of earth remaining in the metal. I don't know if seismic sense is something that can be taught, but it's required for metalbending so even a master earthbender could be unable to metalbend if they do not possess seismic sense.


So yeah, there is some difficulty to it as well as simply saying, "Hey, you know we can bend metal too" isn't enough. Because of this, even those with seismic sense in the past probably never thought to look at metal and wonder if they could bend "non-rock" stuff.


EDIT: Oh, and as for Zuko...


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I think that an explanation for Korra's "Earthbender personality" may be a result of the 70-year timeskip. The tribes, now not under the influence of the Fire Nation may have become closer and more integrated. The huge cities that were shown were obviously made out of benders of all types. It's very possible that the personalities became less segregated from one tribe to another.

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I was under the impression that the different personalities of the various bending disciplines had more to do with the bending itself rather than the tribe. Each type of bending requires a certain outlook/philosophical approach, so when you're that kind of bender you're immersed in that philosophy for your entire life, and that shapes your personality.


Re: metal bending, that stuff about using seismic sense to detect trace amounts of unpurified earth in the metal is on the Avatar Wiki page, but I don't remember anything about that being in the show, and their citation is just to the episode where Toph metal bends. Without some official source saying that's the case I'm ignoring that and going with the (to me) more obvious explanation that metal is just as much "earth" as stone is, and that's why they can bend it, forget that "trace amounts" stuff. As far as seismic sense goes, I always figured it was a thing that any earthbender could do, just most don't need to cause they can see normal-wise, so they never learn it.

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You're right that a typical earthbender wouldn't need seismic sense, other than them having a "threat detection" technique, though Toph needed it to see and make sense of the world.


Because of her reliance on seismic sense, she discovered the pockets of un-purified earth in metal. It would be like someone walking around with a magnify glass constantly, and because of that constant use she saw the little bits of earth. When Guru Pathik is speaking to Aang and giving the analogy of earth and metal, it's a spoken description of why Toph has discovered metalbending.


Think of all the earthbenders ever chained up, or in containment with surrounding metal. You'd have to think that at one point someone would think that they could bend metal, but nope. They probably failed, and they failed because they didn't bend the earth within the metal. Metal is being manipulated along the points of the un-purified earth.




Heck, when Katara and Aang are trying to breach the hull of the Fire Nation "giant drill," Aang sarcastically remarked how he wish he was a "metalbender." The idea has to have popped up, but the method was never discovered until Toph.


Looking this up I saw there is a book/comic of Toph training three kids in metalbending, but since I've never read it or even seen it, I don't know how she went about it. Sometimes the books aren't even considered canon, just a "neat sidestory."


EDIT: Man, I had a lot of grammatical errors... (and a few spellings).


EDIT2: Well, well, it's part of a graphic novel that is suppose to be canon. First issue was this last January and details event one year after TLA ended. The second will be this coming May!

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