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The Legend of Korra


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Given we're all of two episodes in, what is the Wiki basing this information on? Because nothing like that was mentioned in the show. He just waved about, made glowing golden ribbons (is it worth noting water glows blue in the show?) and then the spirits go all docile, and walk away n fade into nothingness.


If it is an extension of water bending, then in Korra alone we've seen water bending mimic the effects of energy bending, and mimic the effects of an unknown form of bending allowing water benders to control spirits.

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Well, as of now, we don't know if Unaloq can necessarily control Spirits. He makes water spirals that have an effect of changing the Spirit's alignment/attribute. Kind of a silly comparison, but it might end up like the Heartless in Kingdom Hearts. Maybe Unaloq will play out to be the central antagonist* who uses Dark Spirits to assert his dominance, but in the end the Dark Spirits were in more control over him than Unaloq realized.


And Amon's/Noatak's bloodbending only manipulated an individual's chi pathways, not energy/chi itself. It easily had a similar appearance to energybending, but not the same function. Still, it was ultimately "po-tay-to, po-tah-to," where the underlying difference is that technically those affected still had their bending, but couldn't use it because of the damage done to their chi pathways.


*spoiler content



Leaked episode titles for Episode 3 and 4 being "Civil War, Part 1 and Part 2." However, the conflict might be over given that we'll seemingly have two episodes, "Beginnings, Part 1 and Part 2," which are the episodes we'll learn about Wan, the first Avatar. They could still continue with whatever conflict, but it might not be exclusive about the Northern and Southern Water Tribes.




EDIT: Ah dammit, Studio Pierrot is making some mistakes. Didn't catch this last episode, but someone posted a screenshot of the near end where the credits begin to roll. Studio Mir, the ones behind Book 1 and will be working on Book 3 and 4, did do quality control. Thing is, I'm not sure how much they got around too.



Edited by Atomsk88
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No evidence he can control the spirits, just calm them.

Calm/control. They stop doing what they're doing, go docile, and sod off back to wherever they came from.



And Amon's/Noatak's bloodbending only manipulated an individual's chi pathways, not energy/chi itself. It easily had a similar appearance to energybending, but not the same function. Still, it was ultimately "po-tay-to, po-tah-to," where the underlying difference is that technically those affected still had their bending, but couldn't use it because of the damage done to their chi pathways.

Yeah, hence "mimic".

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Unaloq seems to be being another "grey" guys like Amon where you're like "hey don't quite agree with what you're doing, but your reasoning seems solid enough". Though given we're only three episodes in I'm doubthing he's gonna be the main antagonist, I doubt they'd make it that obvious that early on. He's also seeming way too grey. The business dude seems a bit "bad" but also somewhat stupid. Hey, maybe they're not gonna have a season long "baddie"?


The interaction between Aangs offspring is the main highlight of the episode though. Looking forward to more exploration there.

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Just finished watching and have to agree.


People are getting suspicious of Varrick, but to me he's a classic example of thinking out loud. When a thought comes to mind, he either rolls with it or lets it fall by the wayside. He's so rich that he must not really feel the consequences of his actions. He's most likely going to be on trial, but I can guarantee that he's going to be relaxed even when he shouldn't be.


I remember when it was said that Kya was suppose to be the oldest and Bumi was the middle child, but now we have Kya saying Bumi is the oldest. I'm cool with this because I think it makes for a better dynamic sibling relationship. Bumi as the firstborn/oldest, but perhaps jealous of his siblings because he's not a bender. Kya is the middle child, and the middle child is characterized as the awkward/confused one, and Tenzin said she did have a "discovery" phase in her life. Then you have Tenzin, the youngest, a.k.a. "The Baby" of the family. Usually the one who gets a bit spoiled and can appear to the other siblings as the favored one.

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Just caught up on the last two episodes.



While it doesn't seem like Unalaq is going to be giving us any surprises in his character since everyone suspected him as a villain, I am at least glad to see that Varrick seems to be one of the good guys. I like him.

And holy shit, Eska. Bolin was right to flee the country to get away from your crazy ass.


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Yeah it's all looking quite good. Kinda hoping the Bolin-Esta stuff doesn't continue remaining so largely separate sideshow and builds into the story more somewhat (especially given it's Korra's cousin).


In fact now they're in the boat somewhat hoping that we're going to see more of the world than Republic City and South Pole.

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I'm hoping/suspecting they're going to



use Varricks's ship, a la Appa, to rally more support at other nations/places.


It was such a great episode, and really set up the rest of the season for whatever may happen next. We have our definite antagonist (maybe possible twist much later), a goal, a group (Krew), and Aang's kids are over their personal issues against each other.


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So I'm not the only one who has been dsappointed by both the animation and the story so far right?



I understand the animation should get better later on as this was a different studio than the first season, but the characters and story are kind of dying on me. Korra is acting like a spoiled bitch. And I can't seem to hate on Mako like I did last season since he has to deal with all of this. She may not be a great air-bender, but she sure is a great hormone bender.

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I honestly thought we would be past her "my side" arguments, and etc. There's hotheaded, but I swear she's on the verge of punching faces if she doesn't get her way. I get that her whole home is threaten, and so I would allow some wiggle room for "C'mon, we have to gain support," but when she flat out says that...



the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Hall bombing just has to be the Northern Water Tribe after Mako clearly states he chased a firebender, girl needs to calm her tits.



Which leads us back to suspecting perhaps if...


Varrick is up to something. We have him making a propaganda film, and has political connections due to his donations, so what if (again) he really could be egging on this war for personal profit. Someone had to have paid off Triad members to bomb a building during a protest. I like him, but he could still be villainous. Watch Zhu Li turn out to be some prodigy combat specialist too.



EDIT: This is too good.


Edited by Atomsk88
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Bolin and Eska have been the saving grace of this season for me. Not their relationship, just the characters. My issue is their relationship came out nowhere, it lasted like 3 episodes, and then it was gone. I swear none of the writers are women because some of the writing they try for romance is borderline childish.

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I thought the animation was a bit low quality, but figured it was just my mind overemphasising the vast difference between TLA and first series of TLoK.


And yeah the writing behind Korra, the character, has been terrible. Thankfully there's Vacation Tenzin and Bolin n Eska to help support it, and the idea that the story might be going somewhere interesting even if Korra isn't.

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I don't wanna be that guy... no wait yes I do.


This was the best episode of the season and it's because it focused on everybody but Korra. Coincidence?


Can we just have a show about Mako being a detective with bending gangsters and another show about Nuktuk? [Nuktukity!]





- Asami still having feelings for Mako? Well no shit she does.

- Even though Bolin acted like a bit of a jerk this episode you can't entirely blame him since Mako was being a dick to him earlier in the season and he has fame on his head right now.

- Varric being shady/evil for the sake of getting Northern tribe hate? I like that his character isn't entirely good actually. Businessman with shady side.


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Asami has been the merciless beating bag for the writers for a while now. Funny enough since first season she was this confident, rich, kick-ass capable woman with a boyfriend and a future ahead of her and then they've shat on that completely.


Could it be the writer's twisted humor to make her character grow? Fuck character growth. My poor girl. You are best girl in this show, Wally will hold you.

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Well she spent most of the first season in the dark about what her father was doing, and the only real responsibilities she had were ones she elected to take on herself i.e. helping Korra and the others.  She only started running the business in season 2, and she already had a sizable disadvantage because of her father's reputation.


I like Asami and I still think she's a smart and capable character, but even capable people can get in over their heads.

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