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The Legend of Korra


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Eh still. I understand the equalists have had time to study the benders and make effective weapons to be "equals" but it seems to me like the benders could do so much more in the fights they've had.


I'd love it if Korra eventually would start to use different styles of bending in combination. She seems to rely on firebending a bit TOO much during fighting and it's getting on my nerves.

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I've notice that too, but I think that goes with the area again. On top of the stadium, she was using firebending because all the water was further away and earthbending would have destroyed the entire structure. While she has three styles of bending, I've been thinking...


I'm wondering if she was only taught basic traditional styles of earth and firebending. Katara was her master in waterbending, and she has shown great skill in her native bending art, so I'm sure it's great. Still, I'm wondering if she hasn't really had the opportunities to utilize the other forms of bending. Unlike past Avatars, it seems as though she was protected for her training in a single location. I mean, she was do her firebending training at the Southern Water Tribe area. The Avatar traveling the world and applying his/her bending to real scenarios probably gave them the benefit of versatile techniques and movements.


You know, I have my theory for Season 2. Korra is going to be traveling to the different nations to rally support for the then conquered Republic City. She's going to see herself as a failed Avatar, but along the journey she develops as a person much like Aang did on his travels. She'll know the basics of airbending, but Tenzin will have been caught so she relies on her abilities as the Avatar rather than direct force.


EDIT: Now, not to mention all of Korra's training has been bender-to-bender. Whenever the Avatar had to face a non-bender threat, 98% of the time it was a cake walk. These Equalist has advanced tech specifically tailored for combating benders. In time I'm sure benders will find weaknesses, but for now it's all a new challenge.

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I feel like Amon is either working for someone or will end up being replaced by someone in season 2. As much as he personally gets his hands dirty, he'd have to be the most baddest of asses to keep his actions from catching up with him for almost 24 episodes.

I've thought before that Amon is working for someone too. I mean, the antagonist changed each Book for TLA. There is that Yakone fellow who was mentioned by Tarrlok, and its suspected that he's the man in the flashbacks. Perhaps both Amon and Tarrlok are working under him to gain control of Republic City? Amon rallies the non-benders and Tarrlok brings the bender forces under his command to be given to Yakone.

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Is it only Republic City they're targeting? I'd imagine there's more to it than that, there's plenty other places where things aren't quite equal. There's Ba Sing-Se for one, and while Republic City has gone from nothing Ba Sing-Se was huge even at the time of Last Airbender so that's probably a pretty large spot now. Taking Republic City would be a symbol to the movement, it wouldn't be the be-all-end-all.


As for the fighting thing as I mentioned to WaS in chat; Team Avatar had a fair few difficult run ins with the likes of Combustion Man and Azula & Co. And Azula & Co could chi block too which is what is fucking up folks in this series. They also had the mechanic tell them the weak spots on the tanks (since he designed them) so could specifically target them from above and with water bending. They were also designed to be bender on bender(and non-benders I guess), whereas the new tech is specifically designed to take out benders. About the only time Aang became unstoppably powerful(minus the lightening attack) was in the Avatar State, which Korra has yet to show off. The rest of the time they were about on par with the current lot. A lot of their fights were against simple soldiers or rebels like Jet and his gang. Team Avatar also got owned pretty quickly by the Dai Li a few times too.


edit: So we were chatting in steam (new viewers, nice to geek out) and a thought crossed my mind: What about reverse energy bending? Surely if an Avatar can take away, they can give too. I imagine that something will come about through Korras spirit world meetings with Aang on that topic. Maybe instead of the equalist plan of taking away everyones bending, Korra could do the reverse, give non-benders bending powers.

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Yeah, though Yakone had a plan for Republic City, it's possible it was for a grander scheme. You have to start somewhere, and Republic City would be a key point much like the takeover of Ba Sing Se.


I definitely have a strong feeling that this anti-bender tech is going to eventually be used on non-benders. I mean, we saw it to that effect at the pro-bending stadium. What is there to really stop the higher-ups of the Equalists going, "You know what? You answer to us now!"


Speaking of, anyone else notice that particular Equalist fighter (EDIT: I guess he's called "The Lieutenant) gets dominated each time? Like, he fights excellently, but then something out of nowhere comes and knocks him out. I swear, I may have to keep tabs and make a collab for the first season.


EDIT: I don't think that would be a thing, Dean. While this has caused a divide in the fanbase, there is a genetic attribute to bending. TLA never bothered to properly address benders and non-benders aside from Sokka's woes. When ToK showed that mixed bender relationships could yield mixed offspring, it gave us a genetic side to bending. A lot of people presumed bending was entirely spiritual, but we have Mako and Bolin. Two brothers, two benders, different element.


What does this mean? That you're either born a bender or you're not, and that's the way it is. Everything else is based on spirituality, though there are unique attributes to bender "relationships."


i.e. Two airbenders will always have airbender children, no non-benders. This is due to the high spirituality of airbenders. However, Katara and Aang had three children. The first, a water tribe girl who was a waterbender. The second, a water tribe boy who was a non-bender. The last, an air nomad boy.

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What Dean said, but also there was a booklet of some sort sent out to reviewers containing some episodes on a DVD and other material to aid in understanding The Legend of Korra.


EDIT: @Ethan, I forgot to mention the whole "non-bender carrier" thing, but technically it should be true. After all, Toph's parents (Lao and Poppy) were non-benders. I don't know how far along a family tree an "odd" element could pop up into a family, but again, airbenders are an exception. While I'm sure there was some mixing amongst the other people (The Promise, Part 1), the air nomads stayed relatively close together, so I doubt that a latent airbender could spring forth from a generational gap.


Also, the Fire Nation spent a lot of time and effort in making sure they killed all airbenders. There's a "lost adventure" comic where Admiral Zhao, after trapping Aang, tells him of the Fire Nations traps set for wandering airbenders who escaped the initial genocidal raids on air temples.



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Unless the Official Facebook page is full of it, sadly there is no new episode. It would have been great for the three-day weekend, but at least I don't have to wake up early now to watch a show at 9 AM when it's suppose to be 11 AM. (For some reason we get the Eastern broadcast.)

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