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Walking Dead Game


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Oh please,


knowing that, as a child, you killed the only person who protected you, loved you like their own daughter, and went to such lengths to save you from an unstable individual,



yeah, that's not going to be psychologically damaging. Oh, it's what he wanted, but you still had to be the one to commit the act. You can't just waive it off like David from Shaun of the Dead. Otherwise you're being a terrible person by being so cold and calculating, ala 400 Days Later.

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Oh please, not doing it is far more damaging psychologically in the long-run. What's worse:



Knowing that he's dead, or  knowing that he's not dead and that he's a zombie and out there somewhere?



I agree with you that doing so is the correct choice, but how many 9 year olds are able to be that coldly rational?

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Oh please, not doing it is far more damaging psychologically in the long-run. What's worse:



Knowing that he's dead, or  knowing that he's not dead and that he's a zombie and out there somewhere?



I agree with you that doing so is the correct choice, but how many 9 year olds are able to be that coldly rational?



I am not a 9 year old girl.

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Depends on the child though, especially a child who has barely been using a gun. It's why I brought up 400 Days and how we had Becca, someone who's innocence was quickly thrown away from a survivalist group mentality.


I imagine Season 2 Clem is on par with Carl from the television series now, because she could have been surviving on her own, but Clem had a rough day in Episode 5. Even when she understood the world had changed, she still couldn't except when group memebers would be killed. She even cried over Ben, someone who so willingly left her to be Walker chow.

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Because you're


killing the guy who has been giving you advice? I think there's a big difference between "We've got to cut your hair" and "Put one between my eyes."



If it was anyone else, I'd be there with you, but it's Clem. Hell, I didn't even make


Kenny shoot his own son; I did it for him.


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Oh please, not doing it is far more damaging psychologically in the long-run. What's worse:



Knowing that he's dead, or  knowing that he's not dead and that he's a zombie and out there somewhere?



I agree with you that doing so is the correct choice, but how many 9 year olds are able to be that coldly rational?



I am not a 9 year old girl.



Yes, but we were discussing the psychological effects on the character, who is.

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Because you're


killing the guy who has been giving you advice? I think there's a big difference between "We've got to cut your hair" and "Put one between my eyes."



If it was anyone else, I'd be there with you, but it's Clem. Hell, I didn't even make


Kenny shoot his own son; I did it for him.




Lee tells you to do it.



And then here you know what the fucking best decision is you fucks because you're Lee not a 9 year old girl:




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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I'll talk about Walking Dead.... Again.


Just finished Season 2 Episode 1.


Telltale didn't hold back on introducing us to a new gamut of woes and emotional turmoil. Probably didn't help that I went back through Episode 5 of the first series, correcting my exploration options and sticking to most of my original path. I say most because I went ahead with strangling Clementine's kidnapper. Yeah, keep mashing the button even when it disappears and you'll actually kill the guy yourself without Clementine's help. Because of that, I went ahead with the "shoot Lee" option as I felt it properly mirrored the prior action. Clementine's dialogue changed even to where she recognized she would have to do the deed, so I saw that as an opening to allow Clementine's character to commit to it.


On to actual spoilers



I honestly replayed the beginning because I didn't want Omid to die. He isn't a favorite character, but you've played the game for a solid five minutes and he dies. Then the dog, Sam... I'm a dog lover. Knew you shouldn't pet strange dogs, but as we were searching for food, it seemed like he warmed up to me. Then came the bite. No matter which option you choose, he will bite you. I was willing to share, but then he jumps up and attacks. I didn't have a problem kicking and punching him... but his whines of pain as he's stabbed. Even typing this right now I'm a little teary because I hate to see dogs in pain. A while ago we talked about "being a monster" if you let Lee live, but I think if you left Sam to suffer, that's being a monster. Pierced, suffering in pain and in the remains of his last home, either to bleed out or devoured by a Walker.


The only other moment that got to me was when I told Clementine's story to Luke. She basically gave the abridged version, but got to talking about Lee. We all know the story, but I'm concerned that my Season 1 save file didn't get properly ported. Clem mentioned about having an amputee friend when Luke joked about scars being better than stumps. I can't remember anyone else other than Lee if you chose to cut his arm off. I didn't because I knew it wouldn't help and it'd be best to have two arms. Another thing is I'm sure I stabbed that creepy dairy farm brother with a pitchfork, but the Season 1 cuts that play before playing showed I spared him.



Otherwise, a solid game. Telltale added in the Action Button like what's in The Wolf Among Us, and the directional QTEs as well. Not a fan of the "hold down" actions, though that may be because during the "sewing" part it felt iffy. Like I wasn't doing it right, or possibly a bit sensitive. Oh, and for who's survived.



I never put much thought into Kenny actually surviving Episode 5, just a fan theory. Thing is, I can't see it being Christa because that's not as big of a revelation in my eyes. She might show up later, but you wouldn't get that kind of a reaction from Clem.


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I too had suspicions that one of my choices from season 1 didn't get imported properly, and it was exactly the one you mentioned involving the arm.  Other than that hiccup, this was definitely a great way to start off season 2. 



You've grown so much, Clem. Lee taught you well.


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I spared the guy at the dairy farm and Lee kept his arm in my playthrough, and those choices were reflected in the first episode of Season 2. I think you may have imported the wrong save, or not imported one at all, Atom.

This episode seemed incredibly short to me compared to Season 1 episodes and the first episode of The Wolf Among Us. I wonder if I missed something, or took a quick path.


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Well, there was only one save, and I was definitely at an "import Season 1 save" screen before starting the new episode. Keep in mind I'm on PS3 for The Walking Dead, so maybe there's some odd bugs for the console versions. It still is a Telltale game, and they tend to have those as of late. I remember the PC version having some issues in Season 1 on carrying over choices between episodes.

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I spared the guy at the dairy farm and Lee kept his arm in my playthrough, and those choices were reflected in the first episode of Season 2. I think you may have imported the wrong save, or not imported one at all, Atom.


This episode seemed incredibly short to me compared to Season 1 episodes and the first episode of The Wolf Among Us. I wonder if I missed something, or took a quick path.



Could you wait in the shed for the to get you / Did you sneak into the house to fix yourself up? I don't even know if that was an option, I didn't see anything about it in the Choices section


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  • 2 months later...

Is anyone going to discuss S2E2? I got around to playing it tonight (waited so I could finish in one sitting) and damn does the game always give you a case of the feels.



I don't know the consensus here, or in general, but I mostly like Kenny. He most definitely had (and has) his faults, but the only saint I've seen in this whole series has been Walter. Too bad guys like him never seem to make it through situations like a zombie apocalypse. Of course, as I write this, I chose to protect Carlos nearing the end of the episode. On PS3 I'm in the slight minority, though to be honest some of these decisions felt like a coin flip where either result was likely to happen.


If I knew where Kenny and Luke were, damn if I wouldn't have tried to get out to them. Thing is, Carlos seemed to be on the verge of death and running out of the building was going to solidify that result. Hell, the ending got to the point where I didn't really know how to respond. I even ended up protecting Alvin with my little girl body. I think Telltale knows that even when you like Kenny, with all the emotional weight that has been on him (especially when alone), you'll still clash with him. Kenny didn't seem to like me "giving up," but we were going to end up at that damn super market no matter the decisions.


Oh, not to mention I wish there was an option to shoot Bonnie. 500 Days Later insight and so forth, though that makes me hopeful that we may see the other characters. Speaking of insight though, I swear all the "reveals" were a bit obvious. Why Carver would case after the group, who Matthew was, and pretty much who was going to die this round.


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Fuck Bonnie, that's all I have to say on that matter. The preview for episode 3 makes it sound like she and Clementine are going to get friendly with each other. As long as I have the option, I'm going to be real nice and polite to Bonnie, then kill her like a dog the first chance I get.

Also, Carver is shaping up to be a really good antagonist. I mean I certainly hate the guy. It helps that he's voiced by Michael Madsen, too. As for running out of the house after Kenny...I'll put that in a second spoiler in case you don't want to read it.




I snuck out and found Kenny in a gazebo, and when Carver was marching Alvin out I told Kenny to take the shot. He hit Carver in the arm and knocked him over, but Carver quickly got back up and executed Alvin. He then took Kenny's new girlfriend hostage at gunpoint, which was enough to make Kenny give up.


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I don't know if it's because I'm playing the episodes the day they come out, but it hasn't been showing me a recap of the decisions.  Makes me sad.


*Edit* - About the actual episode:



I haven't actually trusted anyone in this new group the whole time, so I'll admit that as soon as I saw Kenny I ran up and gave him a big hug.  I may not agree with every single thing he's done, but I trust him not to screw me over just because it's in his personal interest to do so, and to me that's the most important thing.  So yeah, I sat with Kenny, and I went outside to find him, and I told him to shoot the motherfuckers.


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  • 1 month later...

Another episode, another wonderful night.


Last night I finished Episode 3 in one sitting and I gotta say I'm concerned about the performance on PS3. Not to mention I don't think my character results from 400 Days transferred as I remember not being able to convince the two sisters to join "the group," but they were in this episode. I wasn't willing to play all of Walking Dead again on PC before Season 2, and with the Season Pass, I have the last two episodes as well. I'm sure they'll get by, but if there's a third season, I don't know how the transferring of choices will work for PS3 to PS4. So, speaking of choices...


This was kinda a different episode. It gave off a different vibe I mean, probably because it gave us a different perspective on joining groups. Clem met up with a new group, but they in turn got forced into their old group thus making Clem a kind of "newcomer" character for our story. It's a bit too obvious that Clem is the go-to chore taker as a lot rides on your shoulders in this episode. There's even a point where you can bring it up, but we all know Clem is the only capable Jack-of-All-Trades.


Onto spoilers:


So yeah, didn't think helping Sarah would mean I wouldn't get any of my work done either. Didn't expect Carver to come and to kill one-armed Prismo! Poor, poor one-armed Prismo.


I began hesitantly trusting Bonnie a bit, but wasn't at the level to tell her about Luke. Mostly because the group never did mention anything about her, but it does seem like she'll be a useful character from now on.


The walkie theft appears to be split nearly evenly and I can understand why. I kept quiet because the walkie was still a possible leg-up on Carver and I knew he could go crazy on Clem. Still, Luke was caught and Carver would probably kill someone else too. I think if I played again, I'd try to fess up, but in the end it doesn't matter what Clem does as Kenny will take the bullet.


On Carver's death, I felt this was a tipping point for Clem. During the conversation with Carver in his office, he tells you that the two of you are not so different, though obviously I denied such a claim. However, even with Lee, I've always played a "I can still kill" type of character, one who'll give his friends a fair chance, but give his enemies little chance at all. Perhaps a bit blunt, but I instantly told Luke to shoot Carver and I stayed for Kenny's Freeman-style bashing of Carver's face.


For the last choice, obviously most people realized cutting off part of Sarita's arm was going to save her in the long run. It certainly made for an amazing ending scene for the episode.


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