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Assassin's Creed 3

Yantelope V2

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I doubt it. PS3 getting exclusive missions in Assassin's Creed games is nothing new. AC Brotherhood got that Copernicus Conspiracy DLC and none of the other platforms ever got it, not even the PC version that came out months later.


The Copernicus one was pretty pointless, too. An average mission that just happened to feature an historical figure that had nothing to do with the game's story. So yeah, not too bothered by it either.

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Yeah, I get that. Personally, I don't find this worth skipping a game that otherwise looks amazing over but I can't really blame anyone for getting fed up and drawing the line.


That being said, with all the crap already surrounding the game's launch (what is it, like 6 different editions, each with its own exclusive content), I'm surprised that this one is what annoyed you enough to consider not buying the game.

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I'm getting it, but it still pisses me off. The reason this one more than the various retail editions is that those DLCs (AFAIK) are things like a special set of armor or weapon or MP skin, not actual game content that I care about.


... Although now that I look, I see that pretty much every retailer but Amazon has an exclusive mission. That's bullshit.

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Yeah, but for me the fact that they're crappy is neither here nor there, it's that they're withholding content that is more than just cosmetic (like skins) or which has a very negligible effect on the game (like a special armor or weapon), they're withholding actual segments of the game.

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I stopped worrying about this sort of thing in 2007/2008, when Microsoft went on a "please Japan, love us!" rampage and bought exclusivity to every jrpg that was coming out at the time. Thank God that most of them sucked or were eventually ported years later.


And honestly, 30 day exclusive dlc pisses me off more. Bethesda and Activision are assholes.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 4:13 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

Exclusive games don't bother me, exclusive content for multiplatform games does. Why does 30 day console-exclusive DLC bother you more than forever-exclusive console DLC?

To be honest, I doubt this "exclusive content" will add up to an hour. It'll probably be like the Red Dead exclusive PS3 stuff.. as in you're not missing much.


Bethesda's 30-day exclusive content is bullshit. It's 30 days, then on PC, and whenever they get around to it PS3. You'd think it was 2007 again by the way they treat that platform.

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Holding back something feels a lot more petty than outright buying it. I often wonder how many people are dissuaded from buying Elder Scrolls, Fallout, or CoD games on the PS3 because the 360 will get all the dlc first.


A month is a long fucking time to wait for something you really want. And it stings that a lot of people are enjoying it while you wait. Then add on the fact that the internet moves so fast that by the time you get the dlc or game, no one is talking about it anymore. Not only are you late to the party, but you missed it completely.

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The 30 Day exclusive thing is because of Arkham Asylum(iirc it might have been a different game). With all the different retailer exclusive offers MS got so many complaints that they implemented a new policy that any exclusive pre-order DLC must be made available on XBL 30 days later. If it wasn't for that exclusives would be eternal not 30 day.

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I think we're getting three different conversations crossed:


One about how 360 will get DLC 30 days before PC/PS3.


Another about how different retailers will have DLC exclusive to that retailer, regardless of platform.


The third about a specific platform will sometimes have exclusive DLC even in an otherwise multi-platform game.


All of them piss me off, though I can live with the first one because at least it comes out eventually. The other two don't bother me all that much as long as it's basically just cosmetic stuff or items that have very little effect on the game (like a different weapon with a bonus against a certain enemy, or whatever), but really piss me off when it's actual missions/levels/whatever, even if they're crappy. The second two are also the ones at issue with AC3 specifically.


*Edit* - The retailer-specific ones piss me off more than they might others partially because Amazon is really the only viable retailer I have for pre-ordering games and actually getting them on release day because of my location, and they tend to have the crappiest bonuses.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Again, the fact that they suck is entirely beside the point, the thing that pisses me off is that they're doing it in the first place.


And as I told FDS in another thread, I don't view piracy as a viable option for protest. Either I find the game worth playing despite whatever it was that pissed me off or I don't, and if it's worth playing then it's worth paying for, even if it means waiting for a reduced price at some point down the road. The one exception to this being ridiculous DRM, because since the pirate version obviously doesn't have it I'm not saying it's worth playing in spite of the problem, merely that it's worth playing in a version that lacks the problem.

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  On 8/9/2012 at 6:32 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

Again, the fact that they suck is entirely beside the point, the thing that pisses me off is that they're doing it in the first place.


And as I told FDS in another thread, I don't view piracy as a viable option for protest. Either I find the game worth playing despite whatever it was that pissed me off or I don't, and if it's worth playing then it's worth paying for, even if it means waiting for a reduced price at some point down the road. The one exception to this being ridiculous DRM, because since the pirate version obviously doesn't have it I'm not saying it's worth playing in spite of the problem, merely that it's worth playing in a version that lacks the problem.


Should we take this to the piracy thread? Because the big issue I see here is publishers vs. developers. I can like a developer, but abhor who they work for.

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That's what I'd do if I actually cared about having the DLC, but I don't, because like people said it's almost always crap. It's just the fact that they do it that pisses me off, and if I buy the game I'm supporting the practice, even if I then pirate the other stuff.

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