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Assassin's Creed 3

Yantelope V2

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Just beat the game. Over-all a satisfying experience and a great end to the trilogy of Desmond's story. The ending opened the possibility for more games in the universe which I like.


As to the ending i don't see why some consider it bad. It goes with the themes of the game. Or maybe after ME3's original ending no other trilogy's ending can be nearly as bad.


I think my only real complaint over the game would be the homestead/money. I enjoyed the missions and trading caravans.. but what was the point? I had so much money at the end I didn't know what to do with it so I spent it all on shit I'd never use like upgrading all my ship components, buying all the outfits and the best weapons. And I still had way too much at the end.



After playing this my REAL desire, as I've made it explicitly clear before, is to see a whole game based off the Naval mechanics. Maybe a pirate/royal navy game where you choose a side, make your ship, and go around many islands doing in-land missions, finding new recruits, managing a group of ships and having the option to battle other captains online.


Basically Sid Meier's Pirates with this game's battle mechanics and multiplayer.

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After playing this my REAL desire, as I've made it explicitly clear before, is to see a whole game based off the Naval mechanics. Maybe a pirate/royal navy game where you choose a side, make your ship, and go around many islands doing in-land missions, finding new recruits, managing a group of ships and having the option to battle other captains online.


Basically Sid Meier's Pirates with this game's battle mechanics and multiplayer.


I would buy that in a heartbeat. Maybe they'll make a multiplayer DLC centered around the ship combat? I know that's probably too much to hope for, but it would be amazing.

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The economy in this game makes no damn sense to me. I had convoy in the tutorial, I sent it out, it got attacked, I had no idea where it was so I lost it, and now I have no convoys. After that I've honestly just ignored all the crafting and homestead shit and haven't noticed any real difference so far.

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They never explain you're supposed to go build your convoys. When they're attacked they get attacked in the forest-y area you have to either send your assassins to defend it, as long as you're not in that area already. If not you gotta go there yourself as fast as possible and do it. To be honest just wait until chapte 9/10 which is when your carpenter is high enough of a rank to build naval convoys, and as long as you have done those missions you'll get so much more money.

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Yeah it was a really bad tutorial tbh. So, what, you choose a homesteader, choose some materials, then send them off to a trade thing? Really badly told.


Doesn't help that the interface is an actual joke, as I said. Even the weapon/ assassin choice wheel is an utter joke. They should have spent more time on that. It's like they're going for minimalist UI, but that's not how you do a functioning action-game UI. It has to be big and clear and chunky and easy to select things and navigate. It's all too small for me.

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No the way trading works is that you have certain material-givers in your homestead. They give you the raw materials. You also have the artisans which can build fancy shit.


At the end of the day the best thing to do is to go hunt bears once you have naval convoys. Then trade them with whichever store-guy from one of the cities gives you the highest bidding for it. You can have a max of two naval convoys but if you fill them both with bear pelts you'll get around 30,000 gold/dollars. Which if you do what I did and send as many as possible and only use assassins blade throughout the entire game, it'll be more than enough as at the end you'll buy the most OP weapons, fully upgrade your ship and buy all the clothing options.


I found it sad that they even had a doctor and medicine. As long as you didn't suck at the combat you'd never need anything medicine or poison related.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is old news since I've been avoiding this thread since the console version came out but I just got my key from Amazon and it turns out the Benedict Arnold DLC was only PS3-exclusive as far as consoles go because it's listed under the DLC tab on Steam. So that's pretty cool.


Less cool is I didn't get my key in time to preload, so I just got home and I've got over 15GB to download. So looks like I'll be sticking to Hitman for tonight :)

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FUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I get home, 4 hours after I started the download, and it still has an estimated 3 hours remaining. It's downloading at about 1/10th of what it normally does. All those fuckers downloading free Planetside 2 are eating up my bandwidth.


Guess I'll just play NSMBU that arrived in the mail today.

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I think I've narrowed down my one major complaint with this game, and it's a big one: side missions and content feel way too disconnected from the main game.


I managed to finish the entire game with my starting gear, without ever working on my homestead, without ever doing whatever the fuck Achilles wanted me to do with the journal because I had no idea what I was supposed to look for, and without ever doing the (admittedly fun) naval side missions. In a game like grand theft auto, side missions are clearly marked on your map and your minimap has icons telling you "Hey, go this way to do some extra stuff." In Assassin's Creed III, I rarely saw anything on my minimap aside from the marker for story missions. For that matter, a lot of the side content is really more like random street events, as far as I could tell. You walk around and just happen to bump into something. I was expecting to have side stories where I get missions and shit from other historical characters, but it doesn't seem to be possible. The game gives you little reason to go out of your way to do this stuff. I found a bunch of almanac pages but I still have no idea what the hell to do with them. I felt lost the entire time I was playing and eventually just gave up on all that confusion and stuck solely with the story.


I'm still glad I played it, but this is an issue that really held the game back.

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Well, looks like the PC version isn't optimized for shit. Either that or the system requirements are wildly off because I'm well above the minimum specs and mostly meet the recommended (just a bit under in VRAM) yet the frame rate drops to unplayable levels as soon as I get to Boston. I get 30+ inside buildings and in smaller environments, sometimes even up to 70. But as soon as I step outside, I'm averaging 15 fps. :/


So, yeah, glad I dropped 65$ on that... Hopefully there'll be a patch soon that improves things but I'm not really holding my breath. Guess it's time to upgrade :(

Oh well, at least Hitman runs fine...

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Yeah, when checking the forums yesterday, I saw that people are having all sorts of problems despite amazing PC setups. Nice job, Ubisoft...


On the plus side, someone found a 'fix' to the issue I was having. Downloaded the most recent graphics card update available on the site...despite being from earlier than when my graphics card last said it had updated.

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I'm quite enjoying the game so far. Or, I should say, I'm enjoying some of the missions more than I expected. Early on it has those horrible insta-fail conditions and there are still some really horribly-designed missions (along with seriously messed up bugs), but the past few have been quite nice and open-ended to some extent. Some of the secondary objectives are actually worthy. I like when it is more about 'not being detected' than arbitrary crap they add in for no real reason ('Avoid this AMOUNT OF TIME of open combat!' Fuck you. Why?). It allows a more free-form playstyle compared to having to follow a strict routine. Having the foliage act as cover is handy, too.


I'm also sensing a nice bit of depth to some of the story. I mean, on the surface, it has that 'YEAH, REVOLUTION' vibe but I can see a bit of conflict in the minds of both Desmond and Connor. Hoping that's not just window-dressing.

It's early days for me to make an accurate guess but it seems maybe Minerva and Juno are opposed to one another. Perhaps with either responsible for the conflict between Assassins and Templars? I'm interested to see where it's going.



Anyway, I'll share some of my favourite moments so far, but in spoiler tags (though I've only just finished sequence 6)



- "Welcome to...THE TEMPLARS!" :o

- Jumping off horseback to knife a beaver.

- Unleashing a full bombardment of cannonballs on a ship then ducking the return fire.

- Marching up behind an army convoy, assassinating the guards from behind, one-by-one, with none of them realising what's happening.

- Carefully planting a powder keg at the objective but waiting for the guard patrol to return before shooting it.

- Jumping out of a tree to stab a bear in the head.


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