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Assassin's Creed 3

Yantelope V2

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Looks like quite a large city area looking at the horizon. I wonder what the ratio of countryside to town is, and if the split in time you spend in each is a similar ratio.


The countryside areas in the previous games always only felt like a connecting area between built up areas I hope in this game they feel like their own thing, a place to explore not just to travel through.

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I'm more excited about the forest areas too, that's why I was surprised to see what looks like a large town. I'm hoping we don't end up spending the majority of our game time in cities and the rural areas are relegated to being corridors like they are currently.

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Thanks for clearing it up. I'm trying not to read too much about AC3 so it's a nice surprise for me when I play it .That means I may end up with the wrong idea about some things. I guess I kind of hate the amount of information that's thrown at as nowadays.

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I agree. It definitely took away from my enjoyment of Quantum Conundrum that so many of the puzzle-solving methods had already been shown in videos (not that specific puzzle solutions were spoiled, but that the kinds of things you're capable of were).

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Rise Trailer[uK]


"When I refuse to learn the history of a country I'll never see"

Yes, son, why the hell would you need that? And learning alphabet is useless, because the only three letters you need in your life are U, S and A. Yeee-haw!


Anyway, those French fucks are retarded.

Edited by Maritan
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That's cos he killed a shit ton of crusaders, which composed of a variety of European nations, and the indigenous Muslims n Jews. It was true to the original game aim of: Assassin take on Templars no matter which side in the conflict. And that's what Ubisoft are still trying to push in their interviews despite all the marketing materials up to now (even after people have questioned the aim) showing Connor just taking on redcoats (and bears). In fact I don't think any of the marketing materials have even pushed the idea of connor taking on Templars within the red coats, instead of just indiscriminate killing of redcoats.

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I'm sorry, and I know I'll probably come off as an ass here, but I find this hysterical.


A game series that specifically states each time you begin a session that the team responsible is part of many different cultural and religious affiliations to primarily offset the otherwise controversial premise that everything in human history is a giant farce. Ancient beings as our creators, historical figures either as Assassins or Templars, the concept of "everything is permitted," and the reality that we can access ancestral memories through our DNA by entering a pseudo-reality generated by a top-secret device.


But lets go on about how Connor seemingly keeps killing standard NPC redcoats. That's just going too far.


And no, if I saw Connor killing a bunch of revolutionary soldiers, I wouldn't be complaining because I know there is an intended purpose (or at least should be). After all, if I haven't complained about how the human race having been created by a race of psychic technomage demigods who know of our future, then it seems asinine to go into who gets killed.


EDIT: Hell, have Connor assassinate George Washington! Get some Assassin to replace him and "no one will be the wiser." Oh, wait, have Ben Franklin be the mastermind Templar who owns two items of Eden, a printing press that converts iron into gold and a pair of bifocals that allow him to see into the future!

Edited by Atomsk88
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So you're going to point out how silly the lore/cannon in the game series is in order to point out how it's silly some of us have issue that up to now AC3 doesn't seem to be following the lore? (I'm now trying ot cast my mind back on which side of the ME3 ending fence you were on, I'm gonna guess the "be an ass" side) Or maybe it is following the lore strictly; of only killing templars (and killing innocents nets you a de-sync) And while templars n assassins might be somewhat evenly distributed in previous games, especially with AC1 (which'd be the biggy with adding in the disclaimer), in AC3 it seems up to now the only templars in America at the time of revolutionary war are red coats. Which is a bit :/

For a game purported to be made by a team of multi-cultural developers it sure seems the team marketing it is very america-centric.

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I guess I'm going to blow some minds here, but just so you know, not everyone you kill is a Templar. In fact, the great majority of the people you stab/poison/knife are men who were at the wrong place at the wrong time.


"What's this crazy talk coming out of your mouth?"


Of all the Assassin's Creed games I've played (II, Brotherhood, Revelations), the standard guard enemy type is just that, a guard. He doesn't know anything about Templars and for all intents and purposes is just doing his duty to "Sir Whatsit" or for his country/empire. Anyone who isn't a part of the inner circle of Templars will know nothing of Assassins and Templars. When a guard gets angry at Ezio running on rooftops, it isn't because "he's the Assassin the Grand Templar told me about!" No, it's "Hey, you! You can't be up here running on roofs!"


I've said this before, but chances are redcoats are our standard guard enemy. This has nothing to do with lore, it's gameplay. The British military were the prevalent law enforcement of the British colonies of the time. I don't think I need to remind everyone that the revolutionary force was an underdog, underground movement that wasn't going to be the type to, as we've seen countless times in AC, randomly guard a treasure chest. If we're going to have to kill a Revolutionary figurehead, chances are we're going to have to slowly work our way into finding hideouts, gaining trust, and etc to where we'll have intelligence of where the target is located.


You know, like pretty much every Assassin's Creed game before.


Sure, take offense to it still, or maybe this time when you play Assassin's Creed you'll be more careful who you casually assassinate. I'm sure Phil, the guard at the entrance to the structure you need access to would greatly appreciate his life since he'll be leaving for home the next day. He'll finally get to see his wife and child again and get away from all the tension the British colonies have been layered with recently.


Or you'll stab him in the throat and enter the building. Assasin's Creed.


(And if it's so vital to remember my Mass Effect 3 ending, for whatever it's worth to our discussion on Assassin's Creed, I chose Synthesis.)

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That assumes it plays exactly like the older games, which up to now what they've shown n hinted at isn't the case. "Guard" type enemies aren't, or shouldn't be, so cut n dry as to them being one or the other. Just within the recently release Revelations you didn't just take on Ottomon guards, but Byzantine templar units, and in the flashbacks both crusaders and assassins. Given red coats aren't going to be guarding forts and towns captured by the continental forces it should mean that the "guard" types would be equally distributed between both sides. Unless the Red Coats are made out specifically as a tempalr guard side, and the continentals as filling in the roles of the thieves/companions/mercs of previous games.

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