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Assassin's Creed 3

Yantelope V2

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah I rarely did it until Revelations where you could get all sorts of stuff off looted bodies (but then again most of you lot never used bombs). Have they explicitly stated that looting isn't in it? I know most of new stuff in the ACII spin-offs are dropped like bombs, tower defense, hook blades etc, hence needing to point out that assassin groupies are back (from Brotherhood), but Looting came in on ACII.

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Yeah, it's simply regen that won't be mid-combat. About health potions all he said was 'there'll be no more health potions mid-combat or anything' but he said this deferentially in a list; suggesting health potions won't be around at all. Which I like. But I'm not sure how I feel about regenerating health.


As long as health is an actual issue in the game I'll be happy. This looks actually pretty great. Surprisingly.

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Well that took them long enough. I don't get what was so hard, unless they assume "put it in a tech video, no one watches tech videos". Shame for a engine tech video they still had the enemies bodies sliding through each other. (And all that Gamestop content they're working on during the games certification process....).

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Glad to see more balance and some mention of the character's internal conflict. As for the engine, I thought the animation on things not Connor looked a little rough around the edges tbh, a good example being right at the start when the wolves change direction and just sort of pivot. Lo-res-ness of the video didn't exactly help.

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Well that took them long enough. I don't get what was so hard, unless they assume "put it in a tech video, no one watches tech videos".

Unless you're subscribed to Machinima's YouTube like I am, where I saw this at first. Anything labeled "Assassin's Creed 3 blah blah" is going to draw attention if you ask me. Didn't know what AnvilNext was, but I guess that's the point of the video since it's the AnvilNext Trailer.

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Well, for one, Far Cry 2 doesn't even run on a halfway playable framerate on my PC. Assassin's Creed games, however, run pretty much flawlessly. And they still look gorgeous.

Both games run in 60-90 fps on my PC and AC2(installed brotherhood to test it out) looks unimpressive in 2012. AC3 looks the same, which means crap shadows, textures and vegetation.

edit: just played a little, actually looks nice.


But I still think it's not as impressive as Dunia Engine.

Edited by Maritan
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Fuck everything about this. That doesn't make me more likely to get the PS3 version, it makes me less likely to buy the game at all.

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