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Assassin's Creed 3

Yantelope V2

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I voted Revolutionary America. I'm one of those guys who's saying this because of the concept art seen of an American Revolution Assassin and, if the setting is going to be in North America, the vault/temple/whatever of the North American continent looks to be situated around the original 13 colonies.




EDIT: Of course, this isn't to say that perhaps we'll get to play more of Desmond. It might be like a more interactive Brotherhood where you're going into the past to find a location.


I feel like the only reason why Desmond doesn't get more time is that Desmond doesn't have the resources like his ancestors. If anything, Desmond has been going on "National Treasure" plot points.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Leaked image confirming American Revolution setting. Interestingly though, the character appears to have Native American influences, so perhaps the character himself isn't a colonist, or that the Assassins of the the North American continent are Native Americans.


If you haven't seen it, look it up!

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I've got to be completely honest with you, even if it's set in america, I am not too excited and sticking with my original intent. I don't know if there were any landmarks by then but tall buildings are out of the question. I'm afraid this might end up becoming a cover shooter with small cabin climbings.. like red dead assassin.


I would've preferred they kept it in the modern period. Part of me IS glad we get to play as a badass native american, Prey did it right and I love those guys. but still... I wanted more desmond.

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I think he'll likely be half Native American. Which is undoubtedly cool. In Canada, those with First Nation's blood are called Metis, which essentially translates to "mixed blood". They have a really interesting history, as they were part of both cultures.

Maybe not setting it in a compact, urban environment is their way of mixing the series up? A lot of people were a little burnt out by the time Revelations came out. Also, AC2 had large areas of farm/country side, and it worked pretty well.

(EDIT: Also sorry for posting that JayZ song and temporarily killing this thread).

Edited by TheCowboyPoet
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Leaked image confirming American Revolution setting. Interestingly though, the character appears to have Native American influences, so perhaps the character himself isn't a colonist, or that the Assassins of the the North American continent are Native Americans.

The tomahawk suggests he's Native American but he is unlikely to be "native american". Main hero will most likely help TRUE MERRICKUNS fight British and BUILD DEMOCRACY, and I don't think an Indian will help "colonists" after that holocaust thingie they did when they settled on the continent..

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Boom. Claims its official leaked box art.


Frankly, I'm really excited about this setting. I would've preferred the French revolution, but the main character sounds really interesting to me

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I'm guessing it's cheating to answer the poll now :P


Just got a Ubisoft email "assassin's creed iii is coming. click here to find out when" the website (which was having trouble loading when I went) just has a logo and 3 days 20 hours countdown on a snowy field backdrop. Now that makes it sound like the game is coming out in 4 days, but surely it must only be the official reveal of setting and maybe a release date. Looking forward to some proper details though.

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I'd argue that Brotherhood was the best Assassin's Creed to date. But they've already said that this game was in development as soon as they finished AC2. And we already know they got a lot of development help from other Ubisoft studios on ACR (just watch the credits).

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Ever since the conclusion of Assassin's Creed II, a senior team of Ubisoft developers has been secretly toiling away on what comes next. That team aimed high, with plans to examine and rethink every element of the franchise from the ground up, build something new, and take a full three year development cycle to do it."


Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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Ever since the conclusion of Assassin's Creed II, a senior team of Ubisoft developers has been secretly toiling away on what comes next. That team aimed high, with plans to examine and rethink every element of the franchise from the ground up, build something new, and take a full three year development cycle to do it."



Yeah, definitely interested.

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I've felt the series has needed a big rewrite like this, from the ground-up, for a while.


The series isn't strong from a gameplay standpoint, and has never been. Since the first game, Ubisoft have needed to add so many elements like weapons and bombs and junk just to make up for how dull the very basic gameplay elements actually are. It's not a good way to go. It's gonna be interesting to see what they come up with.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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Well it's 2012 so they better get a move on. Then again what's going to happen is of course 'moving goalposts'. Regardless if the Native American assassin guy is sort of Yojimbo-ish instead of taking sides it'll be a lot more interesting than killing either side (considering Native Americans fought on both sides).

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I agree, it could be very interesting. The situation at that period was more that specific tribes (the Iroquois were bad for this IIRC) would be like mercenaries, fighting with whichever side (French of American, Canadian or American) that gave them weapons, more land, and usually had the upper hand. They'd add numbers to the Colonists armies, and their skills in forests etc, and weren't tied to any specific side.


Oooh, forests!


There's a lot of interesting stuff they could do with this.

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There's one thing that's starting to irk me and that's the fact that they should probably change the design of the assassin a bit more. I know, I know suspension of disbelief and all but to be honest it was fine in the Altair era, in the Ezio era it was like eh maybe but between then till the early 90s it's going to be really hard to follow. Of course in the modern era all you need is a hoodie so that's fine I suppose.

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