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Assassin's Creed 3

Yantelope V2

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I'm hoping Washington is the bad guy. I also agree to see the Americans as the good guys is a disappointment. We are playing as a Native American, so it wouldn't be a super far off idea to see the Americans as the villains. Good and bad is all a point of view, so to see the main character hate the Americans, making them the bad guys doesn't seem to be to far off of an idea.


We already know that Washington is involved, through previous games (the Eden ball thing). I would hope to see the main character find both sides have good and bad guys, meaning that he doesn't align with either side.


Also, it's important to know that the founding fathers of America were part of the Freemasons, which are a fraternal organization derived of the Knights Templar

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I'm hoping Washington is the bad guy. I also agree to see the Americans as the good guys is a disappointment. We are playing as a Native American, so it wouldn't be a super far off idea to see the Americans as the villains. Good and bad is all a point of view, so to see the main character hate the Americans, making them the bad guys doesn't seem to be to far off of an idea.


We already know that Washington is involved, through previous games (the Eden ball thing). I would hope to see the main character find both sides have good and bad guys, meaning that he doesn't align with either side.


Also, it's important to know that the founding fathers of America were part of the Freemasons, which are a fraternal organization derived of the Knights Templar



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It's still entirely possible that you aren't really on either side, and they're just playing up the American Revolution angle in the advertising. But I agree, it would be a lot more interesting to have you not really be on either side.




I mean, one preview even says:

  • The overall story is still centered around the Assassins versus the Templars and Connor’s journey.
  • Not all the Colonists will be cast as good people, and not all the British will be cast as evil oppressors. They’re trying to focus on how both the Assassins and Templars viewpoints exist in a gray morality as the Templars really believe they’re saving the world.

Edited by Hot Heart
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Such a stupid stance to take though. "US is big market, thus let's give them a reach around all the time. Fuck ever making them the bad guys". It's also extremely clichéd. Then again could go with the AC ending and dun-dun-dun turns out Washington is a bad guy n you've been killing British Assassins all along.


Could have been Japan. Could have had ninjas. Instead it became another America Fuck Yeah! game and it's a rather dull plotline for everyone else that isn't raised in a stars n stripes nappy*. Especially for a series that up until now had taken us to some somewhat under represented locales in gaming. Even with the cliché american setting could have gone for a straight up native, then you're on neither side and it makes for a much more flexible and interesting plotline.


Basically, the gamepaly better be fucking good.


@Cowboy Poet & Ethan: There is a Wii U thread....

edit: in fact....

Much like Dean, I'm not American, and I'm not much of a fan of America, and I was not raised in a stars n stripe nappy (what's a nappy??). I flew over the Grand Canyon on my way to Mexico, and that was about as much as I ever wanted out of America. If you read a few pages earlier, I explicitly mentioned that Canadian history, for me, is much more interesting, and Canada and it's people would make for a more interesting setting than 18th century eastern USA. However, this still looks awesome. It doesn't look "America FUCK YEAH" at all, they already mentioned you'll be killing both British and Americans.

Dull plotline? We don't know what the plotline is.

The setting is unique, probably more unique than pre-industrial Japan. We've been there, even in recent years, we've been there. Ninja's have been done. Colonial America? Not so much.

Edited by TheCowboyPoet
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Yeah the entire back story of Connor (native american and british heritage) really puts it at odds of been on the side of the colonials. Gonna have to do some story line magic there to put him on the opposite side. I wonder/hope if the trailer is a bit like how Mass Effect is marketed. i.e it's marketed as a shooter to appeal to a broader range than an RPG trailer would, and with AC3 it's marketed as a "you're a colonial, kill the red coats" style thing to appeal to the larger US market. I guess it's kinda hard to localise trailers given the global nature of these things these days.


The talk of RDR elements are really tickling my boredom bone. Especially the traversal elements. Nothing like being a stealthy assassin blending into the plains on your horse.


@WAS: It's nothing to do with any perceived hate of America. America is a cliched and over-used location/side, especially if the reasoning is because of it being 50% of the market. There's a reason for the whole "America Fuck Yeah!" thing getting a lot of use. I never said I wanted to go back to Europe, that arc is over. I said Japan. With the Ninjas. The assassin guys. That makes sense within the series. Working for Washington, a known Templa, does not.

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Honestly, I would love to see a game based off of the comic series in Russia. That would be great. A mongolian assassin in China, fighting during the construction of the great wall, that would be really cool. I also really liked the idea of Egypt. In fact America was the one I was least interested in, until I found out you would be playing as a Native American, then I was excited about the prospect of fighting the Americans.


I don't think Americans are evil, but I always see history from the American point of view, and we have not been innocent the entire 200 years. It would just be nice to see things from a different perspective.

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America is cliched and overused in military shooters where you have to defend a city. The reason the "America, Fuck Yeah" argument gets thrown a lot is not because America is always the setting, it is because people want to see titles such as Grand Theft Auto, which have predominantly always been in a fictionalized America, go somewhere else. I wouldn't be against that, and I am like MANY here that fucking hate the idea of playing in yet another video game new york. But just like America is an overused setting, I also think japanese culture is overused in loads of games. Europeans title tend to focus on Europe or fantasy as far as I know. American developers tend to focus on their hometurf. Take Call of Duty. Even if you play as Americans, the setting of WWII Europe is just as fucking overused in video games as New York. Not to mention a lot of military shooters nowadays take place everywhere else. They might have an american cast.


It also has to do with american movies tending to focus in America. Hollywood and the sort. That's what interests a big portion of the market, Guy Ritchie focuses on british culture 99% of the time. You focus on what you know and explore other areas. If other countries want a bigger focus on media that takes on other places, don't get mad when said media caters to their crowd. Japan isn't about to start making military shooters 24/7.


And I'm pretty sure that the whole Free Masons HAVING to be templars is not a certainty. I think I've read somewhere that someone said that the freemasons were only a name in spirit back then and that the whole joining up with the knights templar wasn't done till later when entrepeneurs such as Ford and Edison joined up.


Everything, even the ACWikia, seems to point out that George Washington was tied up with the Assassins and is a friend to Connor.


Do I want the colonists/revolutionaries to all be painted in a good light? Heavens no. Racism and white-power hate was predominant across every european and the americas. I WANT them to show asshole colonists. But to suggest an American revolutionary such as Washington or Frankin be portrayed in a completely negative light? That is stretching it.


Why do you kill-a the freaking pope with Ezio and fight religion? Because religion was largely fucking corrupt for a big portion of history. Fucking crusades, spanish inquisition, all that shit.

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ACII, the game, the canon, straight out says: Washington is a Templar and owns a piece of Eden. It's part of the Subject 16 stuff so I guess not everyone got that part of the game. That's why I'm suggesting he be a big bad Templar, because the game has already said he is.


It's not an American thing. It's that it's 1. boring as hell a setting in a game series I'd rather liked up to now for hitting up some rather unique and under used locations. New York is numereo uno over-used location. 2. Up to now a lot of the media and info release on this is suggesting a bit of a 180 on past story, something I'm not keen on. See the gay thing in ME3. He spends two games straight and turns gay when the reapers come knocking. Washington is declared a Templar in the second game of the series, come ACIII you, an assassin, are now working for him. Better have good reasoning.


It's kind of annoying that you're choosing to focus upon the american elements. It rather makes discussion a bit hostile from my view point, and I've a feeling if it was to go with a European setting again, maybe WWII as suggested above, and I was to complain of setting and perspective as been overused you wouldn't bat an eyelid.

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When was George Washington outright called a Templar? You're gonna need evidence because I haven't played the game in a while and nowhere on the web can I see anybody else making that claim. This is all I can find on the wikia, besides the info stating he's linked to assassins and a friend of connor:


Throughout human history, the Pieces of Eden had an extensive history of changing hands with historically notable figures, many of whom were either Templars or Assassins. Among these were Napoleon Bonaparte, George Washington, Mahatma Gandhi, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Tsar Nicholas II, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford and Adolf Hitler.[1]

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It's that it's 1. boring as hell a setting in a game series I'd rather liked up to now for hitting up some rather unique and under used locations. New York is numereo uno over-used location.


Yeah man, I've played New York so many times in the 1700s. Shit is getting way old and overused.

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Off topic slightly: I'm starting to get the impression that AC is going the drag it out and never actually end it route. By ACVI we're going to be saying "ENOUGH ALREDY!"


Despite the fact that they've stated they intend to end the story this year due to the whole 2012 thing?


I could see them exploring other timezones if they wanted though. Just because...

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As far as I'm concerned, it's going to be Assassins vs. Templars. No one side is going to be the embodiment of either faction, and truth be told there will (I can guarantee) be Templars who are promoting the Revolution from both sides. There's going to be hidden motives, conspiracy, and all that "everything's permitted" jazz.


It's going to be like the Pope from ACII who merely wanted that position to have access to the Rome vault.

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Such a stupid stance to take though. "US is big market, thus let's give them a reach around all the time.


It really is a common stance, though. I mean, look at Mass Effect. They went from advertising gallivanting around space for ME1 and 2 to this whole new "save earth" stance with 3. Perhaps that's just a pet peeve of mine and the most recent offender is ME3, but it's been shown and advertised in plenty of other games as well. Earth sells, America sells. Just look at Modern Warfare 3.


Don't mean to derail the thread, though.

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