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Dragon Age: Inquisition

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DA:O had a storage chest in DLC and DA2 had a storage chest from the get-go.


DA:I mixes what you like from DA:O with the streamlined combat from DA2. My biggest gripe with DA:I is that there are so many throwaway quests rather than involved and interested follower quests or meaty sidequests. I also never liked the very limited number of enemy types in the DA games since DA:O. It's such a shame; there should be a much, much, much wider variety of demon enemies, at the very least. Bosses and even mini bosses should be unique demons and should look unique and have unique attacks.

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^Isn't that usually just standard fare wRPG stuff? I think western rpgs were never really good with bosses. Even the Witcher 2, I think only had 1 unique boss, that huge octopus thing which is also the first boss.


I think that's why the end of ME2 felt really out of place. Suddenly you had this final boss. It was really weird.

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The story in dragon age Inquisition is pretty short....and kind of reminded me of dao in that it was pretty linear/straightforward.


But I had a blast with it.


Hopefully they balance it a bit more.


Keep the open world.


More main quest.


Less filler quests(LESS Bioware! That doesn't mean throw it away!)


Sharpen the tactical combat.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I'm about 15 hrs in and I'm happy to report that aside from the prologue I did bugger-all with the main story. And I'm ok with that - it plays out a lot like Skyrim. To me, best title in the series, at least so far.


Though I'm slowly starting to regret that I made a qunari character. Not only there's a big limitation on the types of armor he can equip, but also the race doesn't fit the Paragon Shepard playstyle that I'm used to. Picking noble responses makes him look like a total wuss compared to Sten or that other guy from DA2.

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  • 1 month later...

So while you're all off playing Pillars of Eternity I'm here playing Dragon Age Inquisition. Housemate has it on Xbox and really pushed my itch then it went on sale.


So far so good. It plays different to DA:O in a fair few ways n some I'm not keen on (e.g not having a single click auto-attack is kinda annoying, double so as I think my mouse is starting to give out). There's like a lot of the base lore I can get from playing DA:O, though missing out on DAII kinda means there's chunks cropping up (especially I'm to understand Varrick is in DAII cos Kirkwall gets mentioned in a lot of his dialogue with other party members). Party members I currently have the core alongside ...err Viviene the mage, Balckwall the Warden n err..Sera the ...whatever she is. A rogue in class but in everything else not sure apart from some low class sort of masons type order? I was a mage in Origins so a lot of new Mage type stuff in DA:I (as in lore wise, not mechanics) throws me off at times.


Inventory is painful to use (the complete lack of any filtering/ordering is a real PITA n means having to read each item when I'm trying to sort shit out to dump). I'm also suspecting things in my inventory that might not be expected to take up space are cos I'm almost completely full. But without randomly selling off stuff like recipes to test a theory (which might also mean not able to craft that item) I can't tell.


Other than that quite enjoying it, much larger than DA:O, especially considering I've so far only got Hinterlands, Val Royeaux and err the oasis place (which I think is called "The Oasis") visited so far (got the marsh unlocked but unvisited, I'm to understand that's where Ostagar is). Fast Travel is much better too. Though I do at times miss the buildings of DA:I to go around n explore (though with the camera I'm not sure it'd comfortably work. It's a bit clunky in some of the smaller caves/structures you visit). I might go through some of your lots posts now I guess I'll understand more stuff.

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For me the speed bonus never outweighed the annoyance of dealing with summoning a mount. And the quests associated with the mounts are boring to me. I ignored them on my second playthrough so far.



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