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Dragon Age: Inquisition

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As long as they dont have another "Fade" section, itll be ok. That was one of the worst parts of any game ive ever played. Ever.


But im a strong DA2 supporter and I dont think Origins is perfect. And youre all pc game nerds. Im probably not going to post in this thread often. I think its for the best.

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Ok Bioware, here's some tips to do Dragon Age 3 right.

1) The gameplay of Dragon Age 2, no matter what some computer-RPG elitists fans might say, was much, much better than Dragon Age: Origins. Learning from games where you got gameplay right (Mass Effect) was the right decision.

2) Enviroments. RPG's... especially fantasy RPG's, live and die by the world you create. You did a decent job of this with Dragon Age Origins, but failed miserably with Dragon Age 2.

3) Don't be boring. Both games bordered on dull.

Edited by TheCowboyPoet
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  On 4/11/2012 at 4:16 PM, TheCowboyPoet said:
1) The gameplay of Dragon Age 2, no matter what some computer-RPG elitists might say, was much, much better than Dragon Age: Origins. Learning from games where you got gameplay right (Mass Effect) was the right decision.




Honestly, I don't even think I'm a "computer elitist" in this sense. I played DA:O on 360 and loved it cause it played like KotOR which I played on Xbox. In fact the only RPGs I can think of playing on PC are Oblivion, Skyrim, F:NV (all three of which I quite liked) and Diablo if that counts (which I didn't really like). So I don't think it's a PC-elitist thing, I just like the more methodical combat of DA:O. As I said above, I don't think every game should be that way, but I still enjoy it.

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DON'T BAN ME! I've got nowhere else to go :'(


Maybe the elitists was a bit much, sorry about that (I fixed it!). I just hated the gameplay/combat system in DA:O. It wasn't accessible and it wasn't fun. Changing the gameplay to something more akin to Mass Effect, was the right call IMO.

Edited by TheCowboyPoet
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I also always assumed only pc people loved DAO's gameplay. It was a hassle with a controller. It had too many menus to navigate and you had to constantly switch around to different characters during fights. I wasnt able to keep up, so I switched it to easy, which made it more like Mass Effect 2. I dont know how people played ME2, but I hardly ever used my other 2 party members. I only switched to them when I absolutely positively needed them to perform a certain action. Otherwise they were just there as support for my Shepard.

In a way, i prefer something like Persona 3. Your noncontrollable party members could handle themselves well in that game.



And I seriously did like DAO. I talk a lot of shit about it, but it was a really good game. But I cant say the gameplay was "fun." I guess we all have definitions as to what fun is though.

Edited by Strangelove
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Sorry, it wasn't the elitist bit I took issue with, it was the PC bit. I don't even take issue with you thinking the combat is boring, really my thing is that there are tons of action RPGs out there, but far fewer with the more methodical, team-based combat, and the ones that do have something resembling that tend to be JRPGs and I can't stand those because of their structure. I tried playing Persona 3 FES recently and by the time I got to the first battle I was already bored to tears by the game and quit, and that's kind of been my experience with JRPGs as a whole. That's why I'll so vehemently defend DA:O's combat: I want that kind of gameplay, and I don't really have anywhere else to get it.

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If Bioware wants to do DA3 right, let somebody else handle it.


Nah just kidding [such a silly goose] I'll play it. But DA2 was basically a set-up for DA3 so I expect a full map of Orlais in DA3.


I didn't read the article, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume it'll take place in Orlais since they've mentioned it for so long and the recurring characters of the game [ENCHANTMENT] said they'll be going to Orlais in DA2 soooooo...

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  • 5 months later...

Honestly, I thought DA:O's combat was capital B boring because it was pretty much D&D combat in video game form.


D&D combat is very slow and very boring


DA2's combat was definitely not very good in terms of action-RPGs, so I hope they don't bring it OR DA:O's combat back. If Bioware wants to do an action-RPG, I'd be content with them copying Dragon's Dogma wholesale. Or Darksiders. Or something (except Demon's/Dark Souls because I would actually want to enjoy it).

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Man, see. Man. I just like semi-turn-based isometric romps. If I wanted to play Dynasty Warriors or Kingdom Hearts I'd—okay, I'd never want to play Kingdom Hearts. But there aren't many present-day RPGs servicing the combat territory that Dragon Age: Origins did. I thought of saying "combat niche", but that'd be wrong. And if there's something I'm never mostly JUST LISTEN, OKAY?!


I mean, how many games discard the DA:O approach for something more action fight baby slap? I don't think it's a crime that one high profile game wanted to follow in its predecessors' footsteps (since it was marketed as the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate 2 for so long). There is an abundance of high profile role-playing games out there for you action-y folk.


That said, I really doubt Bioware will go back to the Origins system.


Then again, I haven't really enjoyed a Bioware game since before Jade Empire (not including DA:O). And even if they were to somehow charge $49.99 for the PC version of the game and make PC lead platform again (because you develop down not up), I wouldn't be keen on purchasing a game for Origin. As much as I enjoyed the first game—too much given that it wasn't a god damned marvel or anything (own the novelizations, regular and collector's edition, expansion, t-shirt)—it's going to take a lot to sell me DAIII. A lot.


I didn't read the article' date=' but I'm gonna go ahead and assume it'll take place in Orlais since they've mentioned it for so long and the recurring characters of the game [ENCHANTMENT'] said they'll be going to Orlais in DA2 soooooo...


Orlais would be lovely. And Zevran fangirls would flip their shit.

Edited by Saturnine Tenshi
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I liked the Origins system and there's next to no other modern games with that style. Was kinda disappointing they bowed in to marketing pressure n went action-RPG-ey.If I want an Action RPG then I could buy;


  On 9/18/2012 at 1:27 PM, Alex Heat said:

Dragon's Dogma wholesale. Or Darksiders. Or something.

Whereas if you want something like DA:O you either buy DA:O or dive into GOGs catalogue.


Pretty much the only thing wrong with DA:O was the Fade.

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  On 4/11/2012 at 4:26 PM, TheMightyEthan said:
  On 4/11/2012 at 4:16 PM, TheCowboyPoet said:
1) The gameplay of Dragon Age 2, no matter what some computer-RPG elitists might say, was much, much better than Dragon Age: Origins. Learning from games where you got gameplay right (Mass Effect) was the right decision.




Honestly, I don't even think I'm a "computer elitist" in this sense. I played DA:O on 360 and loved it cause it played like KotOR which I played on Xbox. In fact the only RPGs I can think of playing on PC are Oblivion, Skyrim, F:NV (all three of which I quite liked) and Diablo if that counts (which I didn't really like). So I don't think it's a PC-elitist thing, I just like the more methodical combat of DA:O. As I said above, I don't think every game should be that way, but I still enjoy it.


I agree with every single thing Ethan just said and that has never happened. From banning cowboy to DA:O being amazing because it was like KotOR. Best post Ethan has ever made.

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  On 4/11/2012 at 4:16 PM, TheCowboyPoet said:

1) The gameplay of Dragon Age 2, no matter what some computer-RPG elitists fans might say, was much, much better than Dragon Age: Origins. Learning from games where you got gameplay right (Mass Effect) was the right decision.


I played KotOR and DA:O on consoles. I didn't have a PC that could run games not named Warcraft III or AoE2. The gameplay in Dragon Age II is like an off-set bastard child of Fable, World of Warcraft, and any game with infinite spawning mobs. Worst fucking gameplay. At least Fable has some decent animations to go with melee combat and doesn't look like absolute shit. At least Fable and WoW (to an extent in WoW) don't have infinite spawning enemies.


There's no excuse for that piss poor combat system. Skills were used in a terrible sense, upgrading your skill tree was absolutely awful. Everything about that game, except for the idea of having HD character models look good, was bad. The story was bad. The flow of the story was bad. Even the conversation system (I DIDN'T KNOW THAT "MAYBE WE CAN GET TOGETHER" WAS A ROMANCE OPTION. THANK YOU, GAME FOR HOLDING MY HAND) was awful. Just a piece of shit game and easily one of the top ten worst I've ever played in my life.


I can't let you know how much I hate Dragon Age II. I hate it more than I hate the Green Bay Packers, the Minnesota Vikings, the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Shitcouver Shitnucks, the Miami fucking Heat, the Detroit Red Wings, the St. Louis goddamn Cardinals, and haggis. I fucking hate haggis.

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  • 8 months later...
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So the impression seems to be that they're heading back to DA:O roots. Wouldn't surprise me if this was kind of the original intended sequel compared to the somewhat rushed and maligned DA2.

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DA3? I don't think so, or at least they're not marketing it as one. They've been saying it's more like DA:O than DA2. But who knows? Bioware has been known to lie.


Ethan: If you play DA3 on PC, and if the divergence between the console and PC versions is like that of DA:O, expect more deliberate and strategic battles with a lot of squad management. Bioware "tweaked" the combat on consoles in DA:O and made it more KOTOR-like, while the PC version had far more tactical options and felt like you were playing the whole squad during battles rather than driving four individual team mates. You *could* play it KOTOR-like, but you would have to either get real good with the scripting of companion behavior or turn down the difficulty to easy.


DA3 PAX demo:


part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IML4hhg8Yz0


part 2:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6rV1Y6Vcxg


part 3:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbGN7OBngCQ

Edited by Mr. GOH!
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