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The Legend of Zelda Thread


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The internet sure does seem to like that new Zelda game.  I haven't seen an up front critical reception this enthusiastic since... I think The Last of Us was the last game to come out and be immediately anointed like this.  There are certainly other game that have been modern classics (Witcher 3, Bloodborne spring to mind) but nothing since TLoU has played this well in the media on release.


I guess that's a good thing?  I'm still personally still not convinced that "open world fantasy RPG" was a niche that needed filling, nor that it is one well suited to what makes Zelda special.

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Zelda is probably a series (most Nintendo series in fact) that I would really look for opinions after the honeymoon period is over. Not to say the reviews are false but they may be tinged by even a small secret love for Nintendo. It's something beyond wanting all games we try to be good.

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Yeah, the Switch probably isn't worth it, but ironically, I think with this, the other HD Zelda games, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, Xenoblade, Super Mario 3D World, etc plus things like NES Remix and the Virtual Console, I'd probably finally recommend a Wii U to someone now. Too bad Nintendo pulled the chord at their first opportunity. 

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Two things:


1. The original Legend of Zelda could be considered an excellent example of 8-bit open world gameplay. While there was a recommend order of dungeons, nothing told you where to go and what to get. It was yourself and a paper map in the land of Hyrule. With the Internet we can easily find the dungeons, but back then it was truly an adventure one undertook to complete The Legend of Zelda.


2. I've always considered ProJared to be the more unbiased and critical reviewer out there on YouTube. He even addresses how Zelda games can sometimes get a pass just for being Zelda. His review touches upon all the concerns and he prefaces his score with a calm and level statement of its review.



Other sources/outlets I follow are strongly cautioning gamers to try their best to avoid spoilers. Not for plot reasons, but just the gameplay itself will be the more gratifying when you discover it yourself. What enemies you'll face, what weapons you'll discover, and the environments you'll be exploring at your own will.


I think I may have my new favorite game of all time...



Edited by Atomsk88
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Yeah, the Switch probably isn't worth it, but ironically, I think with this, the other HD Zelda games, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, Xenoblade, Super Mario 3D World, etc plus things like NES Remix and the Virtual Console, I'd probably finally recommend a Wii U to someone now. Too bad Nintendo pulled the chord at their first opportunity.

Seriously, it took this long for the Wii U to build up a respectable library. Why would I want to ditch it now and start all over again?


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You know, I never played Zelda 1. Even though I had a NES, I was born too late for that to be one of my formative games. That title goes to LttP (along with FF IV, Street Fighter II and Super Ghoul n Ghosts*) which was kind of free-form but guided. All I know is that you can bomb random looking cliffs or burn bushes to reveal caves and that you should probably go back into the cave you came out from at the start to get a sword or something like that.


*I remember the day my dad brought that home. Unknowingly very cruel on my dad's part since the game has vexed me ever since. I think I only seen the last level in person once. Never seen it beat personally.


Edit: Also it is unfortunate that BotW suffers from frame rate issues but hey, Nintendo rolled their die on the hardware and what they want to do with it. And it's not a deal breaker.

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Yeah, as evidenced in this thread I've been very nervous about framerate issues, especially on Wii U, but after everything I've looked at I'm confident that while performance isn't as good as I'd hope it's not bad enough to really impact the experience.


*Edit - omg, just watched that review and toward the end where he said it's clear the "Breath" in Breath of the Wild doesn't refer to our breath but refers to the sheer size and scope of the world I wanted to facepalm so hard.  The word you're thinking of is "breadth", dude!  It's a completely different word!

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I got BotW and my Switch a day early thanks to cheeky independent stores.


I've got about 7-10 hours in Zelda.



It's phenomenal.



And in those hours I've probably had about 10 seconds of frame rate issues. It's generally really smooth, and apparently only gets smoother as you keep playing.


And yes, discovering even tiny things on your own is immensely rewarding and fun. They've taken a lot of leaves from the Souls book in terms of encouraging the player to piece rules and systems together without guidance. So many 'aha!' moments. So many smiles when you notice another cool detail/system.

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You know this isn't just a BotW thread...


I started to play Zelda 1 because I too can enjoy Zelda damn it! Not having diagonal movement is a pain but yes, you are dropped into the world and get told to explore. I may or may not have died too many times to get my bearing (and getting stuck moving in such an old school manner) and making a map. And the game doesn't play around with upgraded enemies right off the bat.

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I've tried original Zelda a few times and die before I find anywhere interesting then you just get dumped back at the start to try/fail again. Too frustrating for me. I need to have another go at it with a guide by my side.

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Wow, the two versions are even more identical than I thought they were.  I would have thought the 900p/720p discrepancy would make more of a difference.


Re older Zeldas:  I've tried ALttP a couple of times in the last few years (I never had an SNES) and I just cannot get into it.  I can see how it would have been amazing at the time, but goddamn.

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I can see it, the Wii U version has worse jaggies and blurrier textures (you can especially see it at 0:36 when it's zooming out from the pool, the Wii U version has tons of jaggies at the bottom) but it's not as big a difference as I was expecting.

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The shading style helps for a lot. The Wii U has loads of aliasing, especially around smaller objects. Seems they've focused a chunk on making sure Link himself looks great in both versions, which I think is fine way to do it.


(though it maybe says less about the Wii U "holding up" than it does about the Switch being not much better)

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Digital Foundry has an article up now comparing the Switch version in docked vs. undocked modes.  It doesn't have the Wii U version, but the Switch in undocked mode runs at 720p just like Wii U so the screenshots can at least show the difference in detail the resolution makes:







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