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The Legend of Zelda Thread


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THIS FUCKING GAME. Jesus. I've put at least 12 hours into it, likely more. I haven't gamed this much in a 24 hour period in years, and I haven't even done the first dungeon yet!! Unless shit falls apart later on in the game (doubt it), then this very well might be the best game Nintendo has ever released. 

The hype....... is real.

As far as frame rate goes, it definitely sucked when you first started, and I noticed other dips when you go back to the opening area, but for the most part, on the Wii U, it's been decent. Either that or I just got used to it.

Edited by Cowboy Danger Poet
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Got some quality time with the game today. I don't really want to spoil anything for those who haven't played yet because even the small things in this game are amazing.



Had my first ninja battle with the Yiga Clan. I was already familiar with the clan's name from the Sheikah in Kakariko Village, but sometimes it's best to act oblivious to get more info from characters. Dude straight up gives me an evil smile and says they've been waiting to defeat a long-lost legendary hero. Guy disappears, I get off my magnificent steed, and it's down!


Had some trouble landing hits, but took him down easy enough. Dude never stood a chance!


Edited by Atomsk88
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Okay, just beat my first boss. If you haven't done Zora's Domain yet...



So I regrettably had to look up a few things for this. I completely forgot you could lift gates with the ice ability. I went half way through without the map and if you don't get the map you can't control the trunk of Vah Ruta. So I looked that bit up and facepalmed. Granted I haven't had to do that trick in the last 12 hours.


I beat the boss, but unfortunately my Knight's Bow broke so I had to use a different one which made finishing him off a bit harder. It made countering the ice blocks a challenge too. Man, I wonder if there's a simpler way?


Oh, turns out you could break the ice blocks with your own ice ability. I mean yeah I guess it makes sense, but I didn't think I would have control over enemy attacks with it!


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I didn't even know you could shatter ice with arrows, this fucking game!!

While this is NIntendo's best game, I do have some nitpicks. 

-It rains way too often, which makes any climbing near impossible. This wouldn't be bad if you could just skip ahead but any camp fire you find will be out. If you make your own and skip to a point where it's still raining, you'll have to make another campfire to try again. 

-Switching between weapons, shields, bows, is easy and quick but switching between outfits is a pain, it'd be nice if you could set entire outfits to a hotkey. RIght now, you have to pause, go to the menu, scroll through 5+ pages of materials, and then look around the armour area for each piece of the outfit you want because you can't group them together in the menu. You could probably have both the plus and minus menus under the same, put horse calling on minus, and use down to change outfits. 

-Tilt controls at a few of the shrines is kind of sucky. 


With the success of this game, and the fact that Zelda games are currently stuck being released at the end of Nintendo console life cycles, I hope Nintendo is working on a sequel using the same assets/systems for a quicker turnaround, think Ocarina -> Majora. Get this game released in 2019 or something. And if they are, I hope they just go full voice acting at this point. For the most part, besides the Zora girl and Zelda, the voice acting is pretty good and impactful when you get it, it's always a bummer to meet a new character, get a bit of voice acting, only to have to go back to reading after a few lines.

With the optional way most of the cut scenes work, I feel like Nintendo was a little afraid to go too far in with voice acting and cut scenes. This was a mistake, IMHO. At this point, I wouldn't even be opposed to Link speaking, if only a little bit. 

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You can sort your clothing inventory (I think Y does it).  I don't have enough clothes yet to fully understand what algorithm the sort uses, but that might sort them into outfits.  I do agree it would be nice to be able to change into preset outfits more quickly though.  Even if they didn't want to have a button dedicated to it you could maybe have outfit selection at the top of the clothing screen, and then only go down into the individual items if you wanted to mix and match.

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Sorting only puts all your helmets / shirts / pants together, so you still have to go through the hats to find the Hylian hood, the shirts to find the Champions tunic, etc. 


Check out what I just got via my 8-bit Link amiibo, I'll spoiler tag it for anyone who's really sensitive but I believe it's only something you can get via amiibo so not a story spoiler:



EDIT: Apparently it's also an award for completing all the shrines, so maybe look away if you want to do that. 

Edited by Cowboy Danger Poet
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 I agree with the rain, it can get frustrating.


Has anyone climbed the central tower yet? I kept getting blasted off and gave up.



Also round there my horse got killed by a guardian, was surprisingly moving seeing it lifeless on the floor.



Have to admit being a bit cheaty and quitting out of the game so I could pretend that didn't happen.

Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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Yeah the game is pretty good about saves, if you mess up it's easy enough to reload. Though I did have a 30 minute period where the game just decided not to autosave, which was weird.
I climbed the Central Tower, if that's the one nearish the castle. I believe I just jumped lots, and crouched while reviving stamina on the platforms. 

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I worked out what I was doing wrong on that tower. I came in through the ruins so had an extra couple of guardians firing at me. When I went back to it I came from the other side and it was just the two stuck in the ground so I got up without a hitch. Yay. I do think they can detect you from a bit too far away though. Several times I've thought I'd be well out of their range only to suddenly have a red laser trained on me.

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I guess I could see the problem with rain. It has gotten in the way some times, but I acknowledge it as a mechanic to challenge you in traversing differently than just straight climbing upwards. Granted when I need to collect a single "item" off the roof of a house, that's frustrating. Only other method would be to run up the cliff next to the village and gliding down. Not exactly a equal alternative.


The first frustration I've had with the game are the motion control of those tilting puzzles you mentioned, Cowboy. Another thing I learned is that apparently you could just flip the entire structure around and use the flat underside... Damn it/


On the spoiler:


That's not the same tunic as the 120 Shrine reward. It's similar as the tunic is based off the original Legend of Zelda tunic. It's called Tunic of the Wild if you want to look it up.


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