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The Legend of Zelda Thread


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(Preface: I'm bias as hell here. Only reason I rebelled against the Warriors type games, especially Dynasty Warriors was they changed the characters too much back with... DW6? Otherwise, nice mindless fun. I'll find out with DW8)


I share distaste with Team Ninja but lets remember that Omega Force folks are the true guys behind the Warriors games. Tecmo Koei should of keep it to Omega Force and left Team Ninja out of it. It's up in the air on how Team Ninja will influence things but what you've said shouldn't be far off if true... personally I'm leaning towards more Omega Force influence since the Warriors franchise is their turf. Team Ninja can stay with Dead or Alive.


And bad music? It might not be your cup of tea but it works (for me). I'm currently going through Dynasty Warriors 8 OST and they still have it. It is odd, judging from the early trailer, to hear Zelda music in that style though... it'll be interesting to see how it pans out.


To show my bias even more, I adore Nihon-Falcom. Their music team does stuff similar to how the Omega Force guys does it. Their gameplay mechanics may not be deep but they work. If I were to recommend a Japanese dev to license out Zelda for a spinoff, it would be Nihon-Falcom. Hell, Ys was originally, I think, something to somewhat compete against Zelda back in Japan. To this day, Ys still has a great following.


Overall though... yes, Hyrule Warriors is no Zelda game. You'd expect better from Nintendo. (Then again WTF is Smash Bros... it still boggles my mind that it happened)

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I've seen people discussing other characters, especially Midna in her original form, but there's a difference in that most of the characters either had subtle nudity or had a sensible sexuality to them. Keep in mind characters like Veran and Twinrova were 99.99% seen in-game much differently than their illustrated counterpart. Twinrova would definitely be the closest evidence, but then you have to acknowledge all the Gerudo who wear similar outfits due to their desert homeland.


I'm not disgusted, offended, or any other negative attribute, just a bit surprised at the amount of boobage one of the antagonists displays on a battlefield. Team Ninja is involved however, so it comes with the territory, and Shia's motive seems rather tame compared to pretty much every villain in the Zelda franchise. For those who don't know, Shia is suppose to have been a guardian of the Triforce, but fell to darkness because of her jealousy of Zelda. Was it Zelda's power, authority, or beauty? Nah, Shia wants Link to be her's and doesn't like Zelda having Link be her boy toy hero.

Edited by Atomsk88
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The issue isn't sexism - scantily clad ladies are like half of what the Japanese game industry makes these days.  It's mixing that with the Legend of Zelda brand that's drawing attention.


It's like... nobody cares about Wolfenstein being a super violent first person shooter shooting Nazis and giant robots.  Because we're used to that.  But if it was a super violent first person shooter about shooting, say, French people then it would be a bigger deal.  Context and familiarity are important.


So 1.  People aren't used to seeing typical Japanese game dev bewbs in Zelda.


2.  There may well be people who follow Zelda but don't follow other Japanese games so this is a little more of a surprise to them.


This is funny just because Nintendo makes games in their happy Nintendo bubble and never gives a shit about what anyone else is doing.  So now that their Zelda brand is doing things that every other game does it's weird and different and some people don't like that.  Heck, I don't like that.

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I wanted to take a link between worlds on holiday with me tomorrow, but I haven't finished a link to the past yet (I just cant seem to get on with it for some reason, I've tried several times).


Has anyone played both games? I'm guessing there are going to be many references to the past game, but as long as they make sense on their own terms so it's not obvious I'm missing the point, it should be all right?


Urgh. I should probably just take a different game, but I feel like playing Zelda. I need to just plough through LttP first... Dammit, no Zelda for me :(

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I've never played a Dynasty Warriors game. They seem to get very mixed reviews/have inconsistent quality. Hopefully with Nintendo involved they will make sure the rough edges are polished off. How similar is this to the standard games? I only ever seem to see people killing hordes of enemies in an arena. How does the game progress? Are they levels you're plonked, kill everyone and you're taken back to the menu screen or do you explore a large overworld (with other things to do) and happen upon these areas.


I have to admit I like the low skill combat of things like zelda and assassin's creed, so the idea of cutting a swathe through ranks of minions appeals to me. 

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She doesn't look very Zelda-y to me. I love that she's happily facing down a load of monsters but Cuccos strike genuine fear.


IIRC they're independent levels, almost like a strategy game where each level is one battle.


That makes me a bit less excited. I just had a look and there is a plot at least to tie things together. I can't decide if I'm excited or not.

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Man we used to have a Dynasty Warriors demo for PS2 ages ago. Was pretty great, essentially the full level just with a strict time limit to play it in. Used to love having elephant battles with my sister. Never did find any actual copies in stores though.


Basically you play a general in a battle, there's stages and events to it (at least what we played, you go to certain areas and you get mini-cinematic as the elephants or archers n what not come out to play), and you try and take the map and defeat the other generals. Actual fighting is your usual combos and special attacks type affair, have a sort of meter that fills as you defeat enemies which you can unleash to basically take on small towns worth of people.


This'll be old, but it's a PC demo you could try out http://www.fileplanet.com/192484/190000/fileinfo/Dynasty-Warriors-6-Demo. There's probably others on 7th gen consoles.

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