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Tribes Ascend


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I've been in Tribes since closed beta, anyone else playing or want to play?


My username is sixrocket if anyone wants to play.


For anyone not in it yet but interested: I beg you to use my referral link: https://account.hirezstudios.com/tribesascend/?referral=694993&utm_campaign=email


Whats everyone's opinion on this game? I'm currently working towards the 100k exp mark so that I can get another good primary weapon for my classes, and strangely enough it doesn't feel like a grind even at around 1 - 2k a game. I don't think i've had this much fun in a shooter since Halo 3.


My only fear is that the devs will get greedy and break it with micro transaction only weapons, its currently on a system where they can all be earned via exp or bought.

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One of my best friends (who incidentally just became a girl) is in a clan which is in the top 5 teams in the world.


Name's probably Nilocy if you ever encounter... Her. Good character. And evidently good at the game. If I ever get a good enough machine, I'll be on there.

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Just an interesting factoid. Very interesting. And surreal if it's someone you've known since you were both five years old.


But really pretty on-topic; I think she plays it to a ridiculous extent, so chances are if you guys play much you'll slip onto a server she's on at some point.

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http://puu.sh/w7SC Useful information for anyone who's semi new to tribes ascend.


As for the canceling of the demos, that really does stunt the growth of the T:A competitive scene, and I highly doubt that people will pick up Tribes as an E-Sport if they did really can demos. Hi-rez has been promising it since the beta, and not delivering it hurts the dev-consumer relationship.

Edited by Harri
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http://puu.sh/w7SC Useful information for anyone who's semi new to tribes ascend.


As for the canceling of the demos, that really does stunt the growth of the T:A competitive scene, and I highly doubt that people will pick up Tribes as an E-Sport if they did really can demos. Hi-rez has been promising it since the beta, and not delivering it hurts the dev-consumer relationship.


I think VG made that little gem, I remember it.

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