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So I'm gonna see about adding a few extra skins to this place. Especially since each new semi-major version tends to tweak the skins files. Already had to apply a few fixes to the current skin. So may as well just make a fresh one and make a few while I'm at it. Currently made "PXOD V2" (you can have a look at it by clicking "Change theme" at the bottom of the page.), which may be replacing the default theme. Or I could recreate the current look, though for the most part it was a bit of a rush job and there's a fair bit that's inconsistent since it's half-way between the default style and the style of PXOD. I'm gonna see about a PXOD V3 later today that'll be even more in line with the main blog, though I've a feeling it might not look so good in a forum.



Is there any particular styles or colours you'd like? The forum has come with this since the last major update so making new skins doesn't take too long. Main pain is converting it to a manual theme and applying some of the tweaks (mainly making the sidebar wider n adding the blog link up top), also means once I've converted it, can't go back to using the nice colour picker tool. I can also grab skins from here (As long as it's 1.3.3), though if not the right version you can maybe link ones you like the look of and I can see about emulating it.


So yeah, make some suggestions. Both for tweaking current skins and any future skins you'd like.

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Do people change themes? When I get to a new site I associate the default scheme with that site and if I ever change it it never feels right. Having said that I did just change to PXOD V2 and it looks good so could get used to a functioning version of that.

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The Graphite and Deviant 2 skins look nice... Basically, I sit very close to a big screen at night, so I like dark backgrounds.

I've customized other sites before with a dark blue background, yellow text and red links, but whether or not that looks good kind of comes down to its implementation on a given layout.

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