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Day Z


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This is an Arma II mod.


It requires Arma II:CO which is costs 30 USD. You can get it on steam here http://store.steampo...d.com/sub/4638/

This has to be one of the most awesome mods for a game. So the whole premise is that you're Soviet wasteland after a zombie virus kills most of the world and your only goal is survival.

If you want a some comedy and some gamplay this series is pretty good to get a look at it.

Be pretty sweet if we could start up a server of this if a significant amount of people want to play and have Arma II.

Edited by Hakidia
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  • 3 weeks later...
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  On 5/18/2012 at 2:47 AM, Yantelope V2 said:

Amazon has Arma 2 for cheap right now.






I got it for free from GMG during their crazy event. Maybe I need to try this mod out.


You need Operation Arrowhead, the expansion, as well. And be wary, ARMA 2 takes some good hardware to run, if that's a problem.

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I've been playing this pretty endlessly for the past few days. I've been murdered twice and have fallen from a lighthouse breaking my legs leaving me crippled and stranded on a remote island. All in all, a good few day's work.


My latest character has been my most interesting so far though. I started out in Kamenka, which was brimming with Zombies, so I headed North to the smaller town of Pavlovo. I was hoping it'd be quieter, but by the time I reached the outskirts the zombies were building up and I heard gunfire from within so I hoofed it back into the woods. I stumbled across a deer stand, and was hoping for some major loot, but the only redeeming item was an extra water bottle and a map. I moved back toward the coast, this time hoping Komarovo would offer me some respite from the harsh lootless life I had been experiencing so far. I made it into the town unseen, but accidently dropped by backpack, it bugged out and I couldn't pick it up again. Eventually, with zombies encroaching, I opted to abandon the backpack and headed toward the sea as an easy way out of the town.


I was seen by a walker, and chased out of town for a solid few miles. I saw another survivor's corpse on the beach while I was fleeing, but didn't have an opportunity to go back and check it out.


I looped around and headed back toward Pavlovo, hoping the deer stand might have spawned some new better loot. It had, an M1014 shotgun, and a few slug rounds. I should mention, this was at the cost of a few Makarov rounds, as a zombie caught me climbing back down from the deer stand. After dispatching those 2, I decided I'd get my bearings now that I could (I'd forgotten I had the map) and opted to head to the even smaller town of Bor. Bor is set into a small valley, so it's quite well hidden from those that don't have have the means of working out where they are, so I felt pretty safe moving in there. I looted the first building I cam across, but the zombie count was increasing near to 1000 so I decided I wouldn't be staying long. I found some extra flares and Mak ammo and moved off North again in search of more valuable booty.


Through a hilly woodland I crested to see Drozhino and in the far flung distance, the radio tower on Green Mountain. Drozhino happens to have a supermarket and inside, boy did I find a treasure trove. 3 Czech backpacks filled with food, ammo and other provisions, not to mention more strewn around the floor. A pair of binoculars, 2 M1911 pistols, 2 Winchester rifles, and ample ammo for said rifles. I picked it all up, filled by newly acquired Czech Backpack and headed out of Drozhino, I knew I wouldn't be back any time soon, my firing in the area no doubt attracted more than a few bandits or less than friendly survivors.


Once in the plains surrounding Drozhino, I took a quick moment to get a good look at the radio tower with my Binos, it looked clear enough. I moved forward into the woodland ahead, stopped short of a large break in the forest between me and the radio tower.


I left the game then. Figured I wouldn't push my luck any further...until tomorrow.


So, as far as discussions go, Day Z is probably the best thing to happen to Arma 2 since Arma 2.


To add to the length of this already lengthy comment, let me add the story that so far has proven the major "I'm getting the shit outta this mod." factor for people I tell about the game.


I was in a regular Day Z server a couple characters ago. This wasn't a roleplay server, so no over dramatic acting here. I'm overlooking Chernogorsk, wondering what to do now that a group I'd been trailing refused to let me join them. One city over, in Elektro, a fellow is explaining how he's been shot by bandits. He had been bleeding out, but stopped the blood loss just in time with a bandage, however, his blood level was so low now that he couldn't walk for more than a few minutes without passing out. He'd spent the last 15 minutes asking for help from someone, anyone, and luckily for him a friendly survivor offered to run into one of the deadliest cities in the game to rescue this guy.


So his rescuer moves into the city, and get within a few feet of his new injured comrade...only to be suddenly overwhelmed by zombies. Our hero being eaten alive, the injured fellow has seen this as a chance to make a break for it, and uses a gap in his passing out to run from the city, all the while screaming "I'M SORRY MAN, I'M SO SORRY!" to his would be rescuer, now but a mangled corpse in the center of Elektro.


It was both hilarious, sad, and exciting all at the same time.


EDIT: Here's one of the maps I use for navigation, and for anyone to look at if they'd like to plot out my route from the story. Kamenka is in the bottom left of the map, and all the towns I mention spread out toward the North East from there.

Edited by OkayOctane
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So I manage to finally get the mod running. Since this mod run on a 24 hour cycle, I started in the dark. Needless to say that I died a horrible death. Its just so hilarious on HOW it started.


I was running around with a flare on so I can see where I was going. I more or less cleared a town, with no zombies in sight so I figured I was safe until that single flare I was using ran out. No problem I thought, I'll just light another. Straight out from a horror flick, as I lit the new flare I see two zeds 25 meters ahead of me. No problem, I'll just turn arou- three more on the other side of the fence that I JUST came from. I had the reaction to take a step back, they growled and I ran. I had a mob of at least 5 chasing after me as I ran straight out of town, undoubtedly attracting more. I threw a flare or two so I could engage, which allowed me to eventually take out 8 out of geez, 30, as I ran back to town for a final stand. I ran into a house that I knew had some more weapons and I barred the door and I waited as I was bleeding out...


I say, this is a fine introduction to ARMA 2 and Day Z.



Note. If you get the game from Amazon install in the following order:

  1. Arma 2
  2. Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead
  3. Version 1.60 (http://www.arma2.com/supply/game-updates)
  4. Install mod with Day Z Updater (http://www.worrom.com/) [You can do it however you like though]

When you first run the Arma 2, you must go to the expansions tab to select Day Z once or two then you're pretty much good to go. If you get the Steam version, it should be easier since it seems the updater auto patch the Steam launcher.

Edited by MaliciousH
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They're also bright as hell so if you carry them on you, you're more or less blind in first person mode. Its tough at night for sure. On my second go, I spawned by a squad who got wiped out* since I saw a few bodies which means with my flare on, I attracted pretty much every zed head that killed that group to me when I had to defend myself. While running around to stay alive, I was shot at while a horde was chasing after me. I suppose someone from that group survived and now want to kill me for amassing the horde. I eventually gave up after much blood lost so I just walked into a dining room and waited as they walked into the doors. At least I died from blood lost instead of zed getting me personally.


*Visual representation of what I walked into


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Did anyone play Volcano on Operation Flashpoint? The original war sim zombie mod. Day Z is basically Volcano but obviously updated and better.


Do you get vehicles in Day Z? One of my best experiences in Volcano was me and four friends getting a convoy going; two people in a jeep in front, one person in a 10-ton truck (to carry supplies) and two more person in the back in a spare 10-ton truck (one driver and one passenger to sit in the back and watch for Z's following us).


The issue was fuel. We could make it halfway across the island before running out, so we often had to go out the way to siphon fuel from gas stations. One time a member of our crew wandered away to look at a checkpoint station while we were filling up on gas... The Z's got him. Then we had a stand-off at the pumps, which only two of us survived. Someone threw a grenade at a truck with 5 Z's around it and it took him out. The remaining two of us made a getaway in the jeep, before it ran out of fuel on a motorway, and the Z's closed in.


So amazing. And this was back in the mid-00s.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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It's on a 24 hour cycle? Crikey, that must be horrifying to start in the darkness.

The in-game time is 1:1 with local server time, so 2pm in the real world on an EU server will be 2pm in-game. It's a little irritating at times, as the players seem to shift from dark servers to light; pretty much no one enjoys night time games especially alone. You end up with a few daytime servers absolutely swamped while the night time ones are empty or slow to fill.

They definitely need to start players out with something more considerable than the flares. A kinetic torch would be cool, like Metro 2033, but you have to stop and be vulnerable while you wind it up for a few minutes of charge.


Do you get vehicles in Day Z?

You can find everything from cars to jeeps to choppers. All of them need to be repaired and often need parts replaced, which you'll find while looting Edited by AdventureRidge
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See I'd have thought a 4X speed server would work better. Still enough to time to really get the most out of the day n night (unlike the 10/20 minutes cycle in Minecraft) but fast enough that it doesn't lean to everyone leaving to other servers to avoid the night time. Especially given jumping across the ocean will lead to increased ping which isn't best for everyone.

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I'm all for playing it as vanilla as possible but how dark it is is just too much. I like the idea of 24 hours days but if that is the case, the nights should be brighter. Like full moon bright. You should be impaired but not completely blinded. Well, time to turn up the gamma.




  • It seems zombies only spawn around loot or places that can have loot. Use this to travel safely in the dark.
  • No compass? Find the north star. Seriously. I haven't tried it but it seems to be built into Arma 2


WINCHESTER, FUCK YEAR! They're not kidding when they said it can decimate a horde. It takes out people really quick too. FYI, if we're not running for our lives, I will shoot bandits if given a good enough chance.

Edited by MaliciousH
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  • 2 weeks later...

The honeymoon is over so time for some real impressions...


Gaming and core human nature just have a hard time mixing. Most people will shoot on sight because there is little reason not to. Not one is really dying or getting killed so we might as well do what is best for us which in most cases is to kill for loot even if the other person doesn't even have anything better than you. Main reason is because if the person with the better loot get spotted, he got a better chance at getting shot by the person with the lesser gear. It is a really vicious cycle that is only broken by pre-game grouping and planning. I seriously believe this game could be a really good case study on how people react when there is nothing to lose to do a bad thing.


With that said, it can get really tense at times because if you are alone, you want to remain alone. You don't want to attract anybody to yourself. So you think twice about shooting ANYTHING if you don't have a silent weapon. Now with the reverse of detecting other players, you will always be on a lookout since they can be anywhere and a surprise attack can end you in less than a second.


Unless you are really screwing around, this would not be a game to play to relax but it is a great game even with the bugs. Also if you have noticed, I barely mention the zombies. While they are deadly, they can be dealt with easily enough. Rocket may have said that zombies should not be the main focus but I think it may have been taken way too far. They should be dangerous enough that you really think twice about engaging them or even catching their attention. This would make the game more emergent since now players should be joining up more often than shooting at each other in game. Main reason I am saying this is that grouping up outside the game kind of break immersion and it really leave solo players in a rut. This mod is more interesting with other people but currently solo players who don't have outside connections are getting shafted. A post infection world should have the agressive last man on earth folks to friendly folks to those two in groups.


Hopefully AI fixes and improvements will iron out my issue above since I believe no play style should get shafted. Solo play should be possible but the world should encourage more group play.


Heh, mini review and critique from my phone...

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  • 4 weeks later...


I spawned invisible while trying to play to die so I could start out fresh. Plans changed to documenting the server while invisible. Nobody can see or hear me besides a bullet to the face since animals and infected dies when I shoot them and players react to close by gunshots.

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That is pretty weird. Even stranger, your first few screenshots look like you spawned in the debug forest rather than on the coast like usual. Could the invisibility be because of some update you missed or do you just think it's a bum server?


Could always post it to r/dayz too, see if they have any ideas as to what the cause may be.

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Nah, I connected where I left off from about a week or two ago, somewhere north of Pusta. I updated my ARMA 2 beta version and unloaded all other mods like ACE and ACRE. I'm going to freshly spawn when I get home to see if I still have the problem. I want to start roaming around with cans, damnit.


Also I wasn't the only one who was invisible on that server. Someone was killing people in the NW airfield according to someone on the Day Z forums. Fearing banning was the whole reason I documented my time invisible, unkillable and all that good stuff. It was odd to say the least.

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So, I just got DayZ two days ago and I have to say that I like the 24 hour night cycle. I love how tense it gets at night because I literally have to listen to the game. I usually pop a chemlight and hold that in my hand while I crouch around and gaze intently at the treeline to see if I can find buildings. A buddy and I have been playing together and I find it fascinating how both our voices (despite the fact that we're in a steam chat and nobody in-game can hear us) grow very hushed the moment we hear anything.


The game's emphasis on stealth is also very intriguing to me. Most zombie games (Left 4 Dead is a good example) emphasize run-and-gun tactics and very brash actions but with this one I feel like if I even stand up and walk I'm practically painting a target on my head for some bandit to shoot me.


One of my favorite things I've experienced in DayZ was when my friend and I were sitting on a hill overlooking a town that we wanted to go scavenge in. My buddy was laying next to me just looking down at the town so I pulled out my binoculars so I could communicate what I was seeing to him. The town was about 1 mile away, so he couldn't see it as well as I could. That was when we spotted him. Another player had just walked out of a building and started crawling on the ground to sneak away from the zombies outside. It looked like we weren't going to be scavenging in that town after all: it had been claimed.


The guy made it about 100 feet from the door of the building he exited and then got spotted by a zombie. It roared (Or I presume it did since every other zombie in the area started chasing him) and the chase began. Every zombie in the town poured out of buildings and began to sprint after him. My friend and I watched, laughing as he flew past the barbed wire on the outskirts of the town and ran past a thick line of bushes. The instant he passed them he dropped prone and crawled behind one, losing the zombies and slowly moving away from the town. I pulled out my enfield, spotting a zombie near him but the moment I looked down the sights to take my shot my buddy told me to hold my fire. The zombie hadn't spotted our 'friend'.


We logged out shortly after, but it was an amazing feeling watching someone else outfox the zombies.

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