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After the Archer season premeire last night, they had on the new animated show on FX called Chozen.  It's about a gay, white rapper who is recently released from prison.  That is all I'm going to spoil for you.


The show fell flat, though.  The main character isn't really likeable or funny and there is no person who you really like in the bunch.  There was only one time when I laughed/found something funny during the show.  It bored me enough to pay attention to the clock to see when the show was going to wrap up so I can move onto other fun things like laundry and using the lint roller on the drapes.  So, I'm going to give this one a thumbs down.

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It was better than I thought it was going to be, mainly the main character not being a complete putz as I anticipated. No one is likeable, but I thought it definitely had funny moments. Not sure I'd like most of the songs in the show, but that "murder, murder, sex" song was catchy. Probably not the best song to catch yourself singing at work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been working my way through Justified since they've got S4 up on UK Netflix now.


This is from the start of the third season, but the whole build-up (along with the stuff established earlier in the episode) is an example of why it's one of my favourite shows.

(Though, I can't help feeling Raylan shouldn't have tipped his hand when it came to knowing who the guy was. Makes him look a little stupid for trying the same trick).


Anyway, there are some great badass moments that still feel grounded. S4 had that funny, "You're not gonna shoot me" thing with the airbag. Plus, some of the dialogue is sublime. I think that and Firefly really have that Southern poetic vibe down. Sort of Cormac McCarthy-esque.

Edited by Hot Heart
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Truthfully, I'm worried for this season of Archer. There just doesn't feel like there's any spark to it.


I guess you could consider me fortunate that Rick and Morty comes on right after Archer, and while I gave Chozen a chance, the second episode was extremely mediocre. So I get a solid hour of my current favorite comedies. Thing is, Archer's current season is only... alright. Second episode was great, but the last one didn't do much for me. No doubt it had its moments, but we dicked around the mansion again, and it looks like we will again next episode dicking with Pam's coke problem. Speaking of, her coke addiction is getting old.

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Speaking of Rick and Morty, anyone with even a passing interest in the show should watch this week's episode before Adult Swim removes it from youtube at the end of the week.   I think that a good while from now this is going to be one people still remember and discuss, much like certain Futurama episodes.



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This season of Community is really, really good. I was worried about it without Troy and Pierce, but Dan Harmon has hit the ground running. That episode last night had me laughing more than any episode of TV has in a long time (probably since Community season 3).

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, so I'm pretty much caught up on Justified, barring whatever's been aired of S5. I definitely feel that S3 and 4 put too much emphasis on the long-running arcs over the quirkier stuff. As in, it starts off strong with odd diversions and then it just goes full steam for the big seasonal focus without room for anything else. And though Walton Goggins is great, and I can see what they were getting at, the whole Detroit mafia thing and the Ava stuff just felt a little 'off'.

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I initially was going to bring it up in a status, but I didn't want anyone to catch any collateral spoiler damage.


House of Cards; Season 2 is off to an amazing start. I think they may have actually set the bar for the season a bit high with it. I'm confident the people writing over there are up for the challenge.


Then again, I heard that this is also an adapted show, and I wonder how much of it is completely unique. Has anyone seen the original? I'm afraid to watch now it and then spoil the US version for myself.

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Well the original is set in the UK and was made in the early 90's so I imagine quite a lot is different given the differences between UK and US political structure, as well as the 20+ years that have passed and changes political landscapes (and technology too, from what bits I've seen he uses Twitter and such a fair bit). I think it's mostly a case of using the main themes and overall plot than taking it page by page. Series 2 of UK House of Cards is "To Play The King", so I imagine at this point the US version is either largely unique or going to get very interesting with the introduction of a US monarch.


I imagine it's a decent watch, and given the time span unlikely to be an almost carbon copy like early Office and IT Crowd. It's also on Netflix (at least here in the UK)

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  On 2/16/2014 at 1:59 PM, Deanb said:

I think it's mostly a case of using the main themes and overall plot than taking it page by page. Series 2 of UK House of Cards is "To Play The King", so I imagine at this point the US version is either largely unique or going to get very interesting with the introduction of a US monarch.


That's exactly what I'm afraid of. And it seems like my fear is justified, given this quote I just saw from a Guardian commenter:


"spoiler alert: Season 2 Episode 1 ends with a 'twist' which will only come as a surprise if you've not seen the BBC original"
I'm definitely glad I didn't watch the original now, as the twist is pretty gigantic. Maybe I'll take in the first season after I complete the second one of the US show. I should be ok as long as I stay far enough behind.
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Yeah, just watched the first episode of Season 2 and let me say: Holy shit!


I also really liked the very end of the episode (really really minor spoiler):

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Definitely off to a very strong start.  I can't wait to watch the rest.

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I've watched 3 episodes of House of Cards now, and I can't say I'm particularly taken with it. I know one of my favourite shows of all time, The Wire, was slow to start (and episodes were more like 'chapters') but that had an interesting, diverse bunch of human characters. I don't particularly care for anyone or anything happening in HoC. Though, I found episode 3, with the Peachoid more entertaining than the others.


Given the amount of hype and praise though, I am expecting some sort of radical game-changing thing at some point (kinda like S1 of The Wire), so I'll continue watching.

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  On 2/18/2014 at 6:53 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

...and let me say: Holy shit!


That was the title of an email I fired off to a buddy as soon as it was over haha. Any person who likes to sit around trying to predict what's going to happen next and way down the line just had all their notes ripped to shreds and set on fire.


Regarding the spoiler:


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I personally was pretty well into it from the first episode, but I did feel like maybe some of the hype was a bit unjustified at first. By the 5th episode or so though, I was completely sold. I agree with your decision to give it a few more. Let us know how you end up liking it!


side note:

Whoever did the casting for that show deserves a medal. Stamper, Russo, Claire Underwood, Skorsky (and everyone at that paper), Linda... These people are seriously strong in those roles. Fantastic choices. Zoe leaves me wondering here and there, but she has her moments too.

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Watched the entire second season of House of Cars over the weekend with my girlfriend. I found it was a little slower, and a little more political wonk-y (despite being set in a bizarre altnera-DC devoid of anything by cryptlike government buildings and a single ghetto) than the first season. I really liked it, but not as a brilliant show in and of itself, but as this pastiche of political thriller tropes and for the amazingly campy performances by Robin Wright and Kevin Spacey. It's pure drama, and although the machinations are complex, the characters aren't. 


For a truly unsettling and thoughtful thriller with great characters, I turn to the sublime True Detective. Boy, is that show far, far, far better than I expected, and I expected something pretty darn good. It's Southern-fried noir with ruminations on the nature of despair, the search for, and denial of, meaning, and free will. Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey act their parts perfectly.

Edited by Mr. GOH!
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Nearing the end of S1 of House of Cards. I've been vacillating on it, but it has been getting better towards the end of the season. I actually started to give a crap about characters. And I can definitely see its strength as a Netflix title; it would be an unsatisfying weekly watch.


Also, funny to see the talk about awards for casting. Not that any of the actors are bad (sometimes Kristen Connolly's acting, as pretty as she is, looks a bit suspect) but they do have a woman of Indian heritage playing a latina. :P

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