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Been watching a few new shows besides the usual (Game of Thrones).




Really liked that first episode. The doctor bit was hilarious, just the whole thing. His nonchalant attitude, his condescending, uncaring explanation. And the garbage men thing was a funny little scene. And the second episode featured the lovely Yvonne Strahovski :bun-amore:  so that was always going to be a winner.

And then there was the episode with the fat girl. Whoa. Now that was brilliant stuff. Such a great performance, and a really lovely little story.


24: Live Another Day


Decided to watch for two reasons

1. The aforementioned Yvonne Strahovski

2. It's in London, so I can see all the silliness (ridiculous travel times, heh)


It's been okay. Never actually bothered with 24 after seeing a couple of episodes many years ago. It's so absurd but played so adorably straight, that you have to love it. Jack getting into a situation where he has to press the Enter key on a laptop across the room during a massive firefight or in a car being chased by a drone launching missiles.


But really, the standout has been the Kate Morgan character. She is probably the most interesting character in the show, and is sort of developing into a female Bauer. Also you get a vengeful Cateyln Stark as the baddie (wih red-haired daughter, too). :P

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Gerbs, one show you should check out for the lulz is The People's Couch.  It's on Bravo.  Basically, a show where they make fun of reality shows. 


I'm not sure if anyone is really watching this show, but it did allow me to see more reality shows than I was aware of.  It's a fun to watch with friends, too.

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We have a British equivalent of that called Gogglebox and it is absolutely brilliant.


edit: Actually just reading up about it seems People's couch was franchised from gogglebox so definitely similar though the US version looks a bit less down to earth. I love all the people on it except the Tapper family who are very loud.


Look at the gay dude on the lefts face when his boyfriend says "we all like a bad boy".  It's 12 seconds in. Classic.


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Just watching the last episodes of Revolution.


Man, it sure sucks to be Charlie, or the actress who plays her for that matter. She was the lead. Then she got major hate in early season 1, toned down in the latter half, and now she's demoted to being the chick who gets to roll her eyes and judge people. Every damn episode.

EDIT: Well that's that. I was hoping they were going to do something with the nano. But I guess they didn't have time to rewrite/re-shoot the final episodes. Oh well.

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Orange is the New Black. Season 2.


I finished watching the whole season a few days ago, just forgot to post some thoughts.


I rarely, if at all, read interviews and articles talking about TV shows. If I do, it's when I'm specifically looking for something. Anyway, it was mentioned last year that OITNB would focus less on Piper, instead the attention would be divided among the rest of the ensemble cast. After the first episode, which is still Piper-centric, I kinda felt sad, because I do like watching Pipers... activities... in the prison. Turns out, those other women are interesting too.


Especially Lorna (the italian driver, with the lipstick). That is such a fun episode. She seems like a nice girl, why would she be in prison? :)


What else... hmm... It turned out the later Piper plot/story were BORING AS HELL. I hate Alex Vause. She is boring. Piper is boring when they're together. I wanted to fast forward with this shit.


Oh, and boobs. There must be some kind of rule in that everyone should show boobs. Seriously, you think she won't show her boobs? She fucking will! Goddamn. I'm not a boob person, but I never thought I would react badly to seeing boobs.

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  On 6/11/2014 at 10:51 PM, TheRevanchist said:


Do you notice how clean the homes of these people tend to be?

I think if you had a camera above your TV and you know some few million people were going to be watching your living room for half an hour each week, you'd keep the place pretty neat :P i don't think it's a reflection of what their homes are actually like.


Gogglebox is brilliant.


I also have a sweet spot for Made In Chelsea. It's obviously 98% facade, but it's so worth it for whenever people are absolute c***s to each other. Especially Spencer.


Good god, I genuinely think Spencer is the most compelling TV villain of all time. No matter the show. I'd happily argue the point.


Ive tried to convince my partner to watch it, but every episode she's seen has been super dull with no arguments/ confrontations. It'll happen sometime...

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I watched the first season, I'm curious and I'll eventually watch the rest of it but I didn't really think it was as good as I've read it was.


I think it's the lead's attitude that throws me off. She's a druggie (or former) with a daughter, and she never seemed to do anything right (before the show, that is). Thankfully, the situation she's in is really, really interesting.

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True Detective. This is a good show. Started of kinda boring, at least for me, but it does pick up on the 2nd and 3rd episodes. They had to set things up and that's not always exciting.


The show gives me a "Twin Peaks" feel. They're both murder mysteries, people move hella slow, the score is creepy, and honestly the whole thing they're dealing with is fucking creepy. I'm typing this at night and I'm creeped out I need to turn the lights on. Anyway yeah, it has that twin peaks creepy feeling but then it hooks you at the end of each episode and you just want more of it.


Haven't watched the finale yet, but yeah if you haven't watched it yet, well, i suggest you give it a go.


Edit: Oh, and also, Alexandra Daddario... Wow...

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I wonder how that would work out... I assume they would date at home. Maybe they should order take-out and surprise the delivery guy.


There's an existing show where to people who don't know each other meet on an island, naked, and they attempt to survive for a month (i think).


I watched 1 episode and man, the dude was almost dead in like 3 days, due to extreme sunburn and the lady was doing all the things and being resentful for it. I'm too lazy to look up the show.

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Probably mild spoilers, nothing vital. Just don't think about it too much (oh but since I said it, now you're going to. You can't help it. I'm not sorry).


Finally watched Season 2 of Orphan Black. Though I don't like really like the lead (Sarah, and she is so boring this entire season, with only one thing on her mind), one thing I can say is she is great at performing all those different parts. They all had different mannerisms and attitudes and she pulls them off perfectly.


However, that dance party was idiotic. It feels really... off.. detached from the rest of the episode. It felt forced. It's like they're saying "Hey we can put this all in one scene! Amazing eh?". I did not like that one bit. Some people apparently like it. Fuck em.


Now this part is really spoilers, no joke. You really don't want to read this I'm serious. It's a real plot twist you definitely don't want to know if you haven't watched the show (even if you think there's only a slight chance you may want to watch it so you think it may be ok to peek, don't). Please don't read it. Seriously. Spoilers from the first word.



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Holy shit, "Lucky Louie" loves using "fag" more than Scorsese loves using "fuck." That's a lot of fucking fag.

Its a little weird to see a show by Louis CK be so politically incorrect. There's even a whole skit about one of his friends acting like a retarded person so he can get free pizza. I dont feel like you can make fun of that stuff anymore nowadays.

The show is also very by the numbers plotwise. Its like any other sitcom, but with hilarious dirty jokes. If you like CK, its totally worth watching.

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The Blacklist.


I like it. James Spader is smug as shit. It's pretty good, it's definitely worth watching between seasons of <insert what you think is the most exciting TV in the past few years is> and <insert what you think is the best written show you've ever seen>. Concept is interesting, it's executed fairly well, but the cast though, I'm not sure. I like Reddington (Spader), and the other lead, Lizzy. But the rest of them are pretty much filler. Catch up to it before fall comes and the series you're watching comes back.


I could see another season of this show being good. I just hope they don't stretch out the underlying plot they have now into a third season (and a season is 22 episodes long!).

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So I just heard it today...


Heroes is coming back! As Heroes Reborn in 2015.


They said it'll have a new cast, but Claire's dad will be returning. I wonder if he'll be the focus of the show? Anyhoo... Season 1 was awesome, but it all went downhill, until Season 4. I thought it started to be good again, with Season 3's ending kinda being a semi-reboot (long standing plots closed).


I hope badass future Peter Petrelli makes a cameo (or a cast member as a villain), and not that sissy we got in seasons 2, 3 and 4.


I'm gonna go and rewatch Season 1 now...

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I did like S1 of Heroes for the most part. I really liked the Peter/Nathan/Syler stuff. I suppose Hiro was amusing, but I hate all that prophetic bollocks that a lot of shows do (except Game of Thrones, where it's somewhat in the background of actual dramatic machinations), and the Nikki/Micah stuff was p dumb. Anyway, Peter made a good hero, Nathan was a good 'reluctant' hero, and Syler was a decent villain.

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