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I'm starting to. Just finished Episode 1. Too much

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Edited by Eleven
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I've been watching The 100. The first season. I feel like I've seen these things happen before. I guess there's really just a few ways things could go if you want to go in and inhabit a planet. This one's complete with mysterious inhabitants, plotting politicians, naive heroes and selfish human beings.


The difference here is, humans are trying to re-inhabit Earth, not trying to inhabit a different planet. But I'm sure someone has tried that one before.


That's not to say I'm not enjoying it. I like it. I think I remember this one being on the verge of cancellation, but as of January this year, it looks like it's been renewed up to a 3rd season.


Which reminds me of my other sci-fi favorite, Continuum, which has been cancelled, really, but has been given a shortened 6 episode season to conclude it's story. And with how the last last season ended, I think this season's story is going to be somewhat rushed.

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Lately, I've been speeding through the season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine available on Netflix (hopefully, S2 is up on the US one).


The initial trailer didn't look great, and it hasn't proven to be a total hit, but it is a good watch. The real reason I got into it, is that it doesn't really require a great deal of attention while ironing (a lot of the gags are somewhat obvious but delivered well). :P


Anyway, it's got a good cast with people like Terry Crews and Joe Lo Truglio in the more supporting roles, too. I think Melissa Fumero is great as well, and while I like Andy Samberg, I think that element could wear out its welcome in no time. That said, I'm pleased to see that it's not The Office format transposed into a police station (since it's by the same people), but there are familiar character touchpoints in parts. If you're a fan of that style of show, though, I think you'd enjoy it once it gets going.

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Im almost done watching Dragon Ball Z Kai. Its so damn good. As someone who grew up watching the original show, this is the way to watch it now. So much fluff cut out, makes the show so much better. 

The different music is also so much better. Its ridiculous. Its funny, but a lot of it sounds like western music, which makes a lot of sense.

Shortening out everything also really makes Krillin's dumbass stick out more than ever. He's such an idiot. Im glad he dies as many times as he does.


Though I must point out that by the time Im done I will have heard my life's fill of the word "bastard."




I also fucking HATE the theme song. Doesnt help that its long as fuck too.

Edited by Strangelove
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GT is totally non-canon anyway.  I don't think Toriyama was even involved in it, so it's safe to skip.  On another note, they're doing the Buu saga in Kai over in Japan right now, so I imagine it'll show up on our shores eventually.  So far it seems like the condensed Buu saga will still be longer than all the other Kai sagas combined, though, and I don't know if that's because they had less room to cut stuff down or because they wanted to stretch it out due to it being a whole different production.  Admittedly, the Buu saga is probably the weakest one besides the filler arcs, but it's still better than GT.

Edited by Mister Jack
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Ive beeen trying to watch GT for years, I just cant make it past a few episodes. Its so dull, but I still want to see SS4 and the dragon people they fight at the end and all that other stuff. It just sucks that theres stuff I dont know about in the world of DB.



And yeah, DBZ kind of peaks at either Frieza or Cell(Cell for me), but I dont think the Buu saga is bad. Im still a big fan of it and it has some really great moments in it too. Im looking forward to rewatching it.



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Trying to find the next show I can binge on. I've heard good things about Psych, so right now I'm trying to watch that. I like USA's shows, like Burn Notice, White Collar (which is probably my favorite among the USA shows), Suits, etc. Sometimes the stuff that happens are a bit ridiculous, but I think they're fun to watch.


It seems like Psych is about the same, although I can't help feeling a bit annoyed when the police chief believes the lead guy (a "psychic") and gets away with the stupid shit he pulls, and the veteran detective really feels like one of those cartoon cops who just serves as the main characters foil... which I guess is what he is... but he's so cartoony! And then there's that opening theme that looks like it came from the (i wanna say) 80s, with the happy music and people smiling and looking at the camera.


It puts me off, not so much as to stop watching the show, but I kinda end up rolling my eyes whenever those things happen and it takes me out of the... "zone". It's pretty popular though, I've only heard good things about it, and it ran for 8 seasons. I guess that's just how the show really is, and it's just not my type? I think I've seen about 5-6 episodes, usually a show already has me on board at this point but I'm gonna try to keep watching.

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I'm watching Community atm, about half way through the first series so far, and doing about 300-450kcal per viewing session (though I guess slightly negated by tea drank during it), which isn't too bad. It's about 2,000-2,500kcal per series, on top of all other stuff during the day. Also it can be quite a funny show.


A watercooler one at that too, just got to start on Got n Walking Dead and I'll totally be hip n stuff at work, rather than talking about animes n sci-fis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched the first season of Homeland. Really mixed feelings on it. It does some things really well... and then does stuff that makes me want to sigh. The episodes can be a bit all over the place in general.


Mandy Patinkin is great though, and I think Claire Danes does well with what she has. I've seen people take the piss out of her 'cry face' which, sure, looks silly but is usually related to a manic episode so deliberately over-the-top. Not sure if I'll jump into S2 right away, and I think I've seen enough that the board game doesn't have spoilers now. :P


Also cool to see Ray from Due South again. That guy's awesome, too. Reminds me that I should start The Shield, really.

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Homeland gets progressively more preposterous as the series goes on. I kind of wish I'd given season four a chance but I just deleted it from my DVR last week after I put the first episode on and after about 20 minutes realised I'd not actually paid any attention to it.


edit: Also, I find Damian Lewis really annoying (I used the actor name as it's him not the character I dislike). He's always really breathy, and in this his accent is really off-putting.

Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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Just watched latest episode of Flash and damn it's pretty sweet. It's a pretty dang cool show, some good cast and characters in it. Latest episode was a blast (lololol). Also I imagine the writers had a lot of fun.


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