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I won't list them all (I'm sure you guys will of picked up on a few by the threads I make)

But I was talking with Ben earlier about Scrapheap Challenge. Used to be shown each Sunday on Channel 4.

Basically they have a scrapyard in which to faf about in. Each week two teams are challenged to make a device, boat, tank, catapult, rocket car etc. Each team is compassed of mates/workmates of various backgrounds. Policing, mechanics, taxi drivers etc. Each team is also given an expert in the field of the device they're making that day.

Then they put them through the paces in a series of challenges.

I dunno if you can watch this internationally but give this a shot:




Oh yeah the main host is the android from Red Dwarf.

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Scrapheap Challenge was all sorts of awesome. I always watched it on Discovery though, and never managed to catch it in order.


Major favourites of mine:


Two and a Half Men

How I Met Your Mother

Rules of Engagement


House MD


The Big Bang Theory





WWE SmackDown



Family Guy

Top Gear





Red Vs Blue - The Blood Gulch Chronicles






Black Books

Transformers (G1)

Viva La Bam

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Quite a few. Bolded ones are my top favorites.


Off the air:


24 (season 1 to 5 were pure awesome, beyond that only season 7 was really good)

Arrested Development

Battlestar Galactica (was a bit shit in its second half, but the first two seasons were amazing)







Still running:


30 Rock

American Dad (family guy has gone to hell and cleveland show is seriously retarded, but this one just keeps getting better and better)

Big Bang Theory

Breaking Bad (Best. Show. Ever. Period.)



Glee (SHUT UP!)

How I Met Your Mother

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

The Office (used to be great, merely good nowadays)

Parks And Recreation (season 2 was the funniest show on tv last year, in my opinion)

South Park



Stuff I used to watch but stopped for no good reason:


Burn Notice

Doctor Who (really need to catch up on this. last I watched I was about halfway through Tennant's last season :( )

Fringe (loved season 1 but for some reason haven't started season 2 yet)

House M.D.



Pretty sure I'm forgetting a bunch but this is all I can think of off the top of my head.

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  On 12/16/2010 at 12:29 AM, Bouchart said:

The Venture Bros.


I absolutely loved season 4.5. heart.gif


I know I might forget a few (Still on air):


Fringe (Fox is moving it to Friday nights...) bun-WTF.gif

American Dad

The Office


30 Rock


Running Wilde

Raising Hope

South Park



Not on Air:

Every Star Trek Series (Except for the cartoon and sometimes Enterprise)

In Living Color

Life on Mars



Arrested Development

Alfred Hitchcock Presents


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  On 12/16/2010 at 12:20 AM, FLD said:
American Dad (family guy has gone to hell and cleveland show is seriously retarded, but this one just keeps getting better and better)


You know, I was actually surprised by American Dad too. Family Guy has been pretty rubbish for ages, so I wasn't expecting much (completely avoiding the Cleveland Show because of it) but I caught a few episodes of American Dad and it was actually pretty good. It had some half-decent 'stories' and twists as well as the funny stuff. Even the 'parody' episode I saw was quite good (whereas FG's tended to be awful).

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  On 12/16/2010 at 12:20 PM, brida said:

So is Running Wilde any good?


Running Wilde is alright. It isn't the best show in the world, but the episode with Andy Richter was great. Some of the production people also worked on Arrested Development. It has the AD flavor, but it's no AD. I hope that it hits its groove next season.


I'm more than apprehensive about Fringe's move to Friday nights, but there's a part of me that wish they are the one's to buck the trend. They really hit their stride this season. bun-flower.gif

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Let's see what I can forget...


- Seinfeld, first and foremost

- Arrested Development

- The Simpsons (all seasons - DEAL WITH IT)

- Futurama

- Party Down (damn it for getting cancelled!)

- 24

- Dexter

- Breaking Bad

- Mythbusters

- House, MD


Shows I like but haven't completed/caught up on:


- Fringe

- Lost

- Mad Men

- Breaking Bad

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