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I just finished watching Continuum... and boy I do hope they don't cancel this show. :(

If they do, I hope they continue it on some other form... like a comic book series. Which reminds me, I have to go and rewatch Jericho and get on the comics.


But I really do hope they make a season 2... :(


I recommend you guys watch it. It's really entertaining. It's only 10 episodes so you won't waste much of your time if you find you don't like it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since a lot of my favorite shows either finished their seasons or are soon finishing their seasons, I started watching Gravity Falls on a whim simply because I've heard that it has kind of a cult following. I actually like it quite a bit, which surprised me since the Disney Channel usually puts out the worst kind of pandering crap you can find outside of reality tv.




And I friggin adore Mabel. That kid is just too damn cute.

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So, I've started watching this 'Battlestar Galactica' show that everyone's talking about...eight years ago.


I can see why it's interesting and all, but I really dislike some of the decompressed storytelling aspects or the cheap plot device stuff. Not to say it's bad. I just wish it would get on with it, sometimes.

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Seriously Mister Jack, I started out the same and have been watching Gravity Falls for a few months. It's the only thing I'll watch on Disney, much like Korra is the only thing I'll watch on Nick. Every time it goes to commercial, I mute the TV and wait till the show is back on. The pain one must go through to watch this amazing show.


Also, Mabel is the #1 reason I watch the show. I mean, there's other great stuff about it too, but her character is the icing on the cake. Seriously, if I ever become an uncle, I hope to have a niece like her.

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  On 9/24/2012 at 4:51 AM, Atomsk88 said:

Also, Mabel is the #1 reason I watch the show. I mean, there's other great stuff about it too, but her character is the icing on the cake. Seriously, if I ever become an uncle, I hope to have a niece like her.


I thought the same damn thing.

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Are you addressing me? I'm not the one who said I'd never watch anything on Disney. Atomsk said that. I said that Disney puts out pandering crap, which is true. I've watched an episode or two of a lot of their shows and none of them within the last several years ever did anything for me until this one.

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Eh. Phineas and Ferb didn't really do it for me. I will say, though, that it isn't nearly as bad as some of the other shows on that channel. I might even say it's not a bad show at all. Just...not my thing, I guess. But I can understand why others would like it.

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I watched Phineas and Ferb too, but it became stagnant fast. Episodes could be clever, but nothing rarely happened in the end because it would have to be washed away for the running gag of Candace never "busting" her brothers. I know it's good to whatever extent others enjoy it, but it lost my attention after it's first six months.

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The Newsroom.


I got through the entire first season in just about 6 days this past week. I don't know how i feel about the show to be honest. I enjoyed aspects of it, such as the character interaction and the production of the 'show inside the show', however some parts really got up my nose.


I'll probably give it a second season, but i hope they tone down the America Ra-Ra aspect of the show. Maybe tone down Emily Mortimer's character as well. The actress is doing a great job but the character is flat-out annoying.

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There are a few things about The Newsroom that are annoying alright. I think it's just Aaron Sorkin. I felt the same way about The West Wing but still enjoyed it overall.


I just finished watching the third episode of the latest season of Sons of Anarchy. It's been a fantastic start. Hell on Wheels season 2 has been good so far as well and Revolution is looking interesting.


Also, I've been watching Castle season 5. Have they jumped the shark? I won't say why in case anyone wishes to watch it but those caught up with the last season should know what I'm talking about.

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  • 1 month later...

So, I finished Battlestar Galactica. What a load of crap. It's another one of those shows strung along by cheap plot devices where it's a combination of characters acting incredibly stupid or being plot monkeys. I can see why George R. R. Martin got so infuriated with it. I can't imagine being a viewer who was waiting between seasons (and even ad breaks) over all those years.


That's not to say it didn't have its moments, but those were long-gone by the final season. It's pretty telling that they were just picking and choosing who to make into Cylons, purely so the finale of season three could be a bit more interesting. And I can see that the Mass Effect series actually borrowed fairly heavily from the show right down to the awful parts that defined the third game.


In other news, the only other current show I have been watching is Dexter, having only seen season one before that (and thinking it was alright). Pretty funny to see how things have developed and how the story is ramping up in this penultimate season. The writing is fairly bad and soap opera-like in most places but is lifted by some great performances and inspired direction. I can't deny that it'll be interesting to see how this whole thing shakes out.


With BSG out of the way, I should really start on some of these other shows I have...

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3 was weak because the network made them make it more episodic instead of arc-based.... pretty sure it was 3. Having trouble finding something about it online and it's been forever since I watched them. Anyway, I'm 90% sure it was season 3, and the network made them make it more episode-based to try to be more appealing to new viewers, but that failed and they ended up just losing a significant portion of the viewerbase they already had.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was wondering what you guys were talking about, and scrolled back to find it was BSG!

They lost me at Season 3, too. And I couldn't get interested enough to finish it.


EDIT: Wow. This was old. Oh well...


Also getting ready to watch Boardwalk Empire Season 3. I hope it's a good season! I held out on watching this so I could do a marathon...

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