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Im Warlock.


It's toootallyyy siiiick


When does your PS4 arrive man?


  On 9/16/2014 at 1:13 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

It saves your progress, but every Tuesday the saves are wiped, so you only have a week.

Wait so is the raid around forever now? It just resets every tuesday? If so thats significantly better than the impression i was getting.

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I just reached Cryptarch rank 3 today, got 2 decoherent engrams, both primary weapons, one decrypted to a pulse rifle, which I don't use, and the other was a strange coin.  :/


*Edit* - Also:




Fuckin seriously?!  I just upgraded my boots, which I thought would push me up to level 22, but noooo, it had to leave like 2 pixels of the bar empty.


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Wish I knew about Cryptarch rank sooner. Thanks for the info guys.


I'd been hoarding encrypted items for ages, cos they scale to your level. After finding out about cryptarch rankI was like "screw it" and just decrypted everything. About to break Level 2 cryptarch.

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Oh, well, this is agonising. My copy of Destiny arrived super fast but I have no PS4. :P


I got totally psyched after watching this video of the Venus Strike on hard. It actually reminded me of when you got to the high-level stuff in Resistance 2 co-op, which I loved. Except this time there are fewer people so it's not quite as chaotic, plus, you know... powers!


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I just got my second piece of blue Warlock armor, which I can't wear because I'm a Hunter.  Apparently the game thinks I should change classes.  Oh well, when I make my Warlock I'll be well kitted out real quick.

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A friend of mine got a purple engram that decrypted into a green gun.  That's total bullshit if you ask me.  Getting a purple drop in the first place is hard enough.  I went through the entire campaign without ever getting a single purple engram, but even if I did find one I would have to pass a dice roll in order to get an actual purple item?  Are you kidding?  He's pretty pissed about it, to the point where he's thinking about trading in the game out of sheer frustration.

Edited by Mister Jack
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God, this game is way too stingy with its drops.  I just spent several hours doing strikes and dailies and I have literally nothing to show for it, not one piece of equipment I could use.  Once you hit level 20, you shouldn't be getting level 17 or 18 drops at all, considering that the ONLY way to raise yourself any higher is to get level 20 equipment with light stats.

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I should get a PS4 but in the meantime... it's not bad. The Warlock is a total badass with its force melee. Add in the fact that its secondary is a shotgun makes me jelly. When presented with a choice of weapons to purchase, of course I go with the handcannon. Fuck spraying bullets. I'm walking up to a group of enemies with my six shooters and trusty shotgun.


Now for the AI... it could be better I think. Chase me or flank me, damn it. Don't allow me to go behind a corridor where you guys won't go while I slowly load my handcannon and shotgun. At least I saw them retreat to a better position, I guess?

Also what is up with the social hub being 3rd person? There's no weight or anything to the animations. It's borderline acceptable in this day and age but I suppose it could be a lastgen problem?


Anyways, it seems like I could have multiple characters. I need someone that will be good with a LMG of sorts then I'll be golden.

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Was checking through my LE contents last night and it seems there are a few redeemable codes hidden in things like the Arms and Armament Field Guide as well. They might already have been part of that massive code dump earlier in this thread, but it's a nice little touch.

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  On 9/18/2014 at 3:21 AM, Mister Jack said:

Getting a purple drop in the first place is hard enough.  I went through the entire campaign without ever getting a single purple engram...

The drops get better as you get higher level, that's why you never saw a purple drop. You go from getting all whites, to getting whites with a few greens, to getting all greens, to getting greens with a few blues, etc.

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3/5 for the first (?) PvP bounty. I got better with each match where I find spray and pray weapons aren't doing me any favors. Thus I have a handcannon. I think I only seen myself running around with it which makes sense... it's an unforgiving weapon class. Low ammo per cylinder and its pretty short ranged. Makes for a fun time though when deaths really don't matter as much than captures and holds.


My impressions so far of the PvP is positive. I personally got to learn how to double jump better then I think I can be more consistent in moving around. The levels are designed in such a way that it offers quite a bit of creativity in going at it. The cluster grenade in tight hallways is a favorite of mine, especially when I toss it behind the enemies to force them to think fast. It either to come out or stay put. They usually stay put or even backpedal. Running into a group of people with a super is nice too. Maybe I like it because I haven't played competitive multiplayer games in a while.


Lastly... I guess there is a sword in this game. Dagger really but I'm quite sure there is a super powerful gun that more or less 1 hit KO people. I wonder what that is.


Good purchase. No regrets so far.

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Yeah, the PvP is really good. I prefer it over Halo's because it feels quicker, more balanced. In Halo when someone would overpower you with a good weapon combo, it always felt unfair. But in Destiny it never really feels unfair. It just feels like you haven't quite nailed it yet. I much prefer the game modes as well, and the maps are a nice middle size.

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  On 9/19/2014 at 8:44 AM, MaliciousH said:



Lastly... I guess there is a sword in this game. Dagger really but I'm quite sure there is a super powerful gun that more or less 1 hit KO people. I wonder what that is.


Good purchase. No regrets so far.


The dagger is used for a super move called blade dancer. It lst a few seconds and basically kills anyone in one hit. 

The one hit gun is the golden gun, which is also a super move. Same as blade dancer really, except with a gun.

Not to mention that shotguns, fusion rifles and sniper rifles all kill in one hit as well. Done correctly anyways.

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Ive been wanting these gauntlets since last week, but by the time I had enough strange coins to get them Xur was gone.

The messed up part is that I had enough strange coins to buy 2 items and enough motes to buy 2 exotic engrams. I bought one of each and Im saving the rest til next week.

Though I saw a huge problem....

Zur sells mostly exotic gear.

I got my gauntlets and then used my motes for the engram and got an exotic chest armor....but I cant wear both. You can only have one piece of exotic armor and one exotic weapon equipped.



And just a warning, but the exotic engram you get from Xur is guaranteed exotic gear, but its not guaranteed for your class. You could end up getting gear for a class you dont have. I got lucky this time.

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  On 9/19/2014 at 2:12 PM, Strangelove said:
And just a warning, but the exotic engram you get from Xur is guaranteed exotic gear, but its not guaranteed for your class. You could end up getting gear for a class you dont have. I got lucky this time.

I really like Destiny, but the amount of little things like this which are so backwards can be really, really irritating.


I saw a guy on Destructoid put it really well. He said something like 'Destiny seems incapable of having any really great aspects that don't have "but"s.'

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