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@metalcaveman and atomsk88: I forgot to tell you that earlier, after we finished that strike, I didn't quit or anything, the game threw an error and kicked me back out to the start screen. Don't know what it said on you guys' end.

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Player Left the Fireteam. :P




Edit: I thought I would need a ton of Vanguard Marks for all the Vanguard stuff, turns out you can also get it (armour at least, don't know about weapons) from legendary engrams. :P

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Yeah, I had wanted to keep playing together.  :(


Re equipment:  I've only bought one piece of Vanguard armor, and I'll be able to buy one more as soon as Tuesday rolls around and I can start earning marks again, but once I do I'll have a full set of legendary/exotic armor (still going to work on guns though).


Basically my plan is to do the strike playlists and stuff that earns you marks, probably also picking up random equipment along the way, and then just buy the stuff I don't get in random drops.


What I really need now is ascendant shards to upgrade the armor I already have, which means I need people to start doing the dailies/weeklies with me.

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Well, if you're on, feel free to invite me. I got an Exotic Bounty where if I kill 500 Hive, I get this Exotic Handcannon.


Right now I'm going to upload a video clip of an exploit I found in one of the raids. I don't know if anyone else discovered it as I don't keep up with Destiny boards or what have you.

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You're not quite there yet with the hand cannon. Killing 500 hive is only one of the phases.


Anyways, go to the moon mission the dark beyond, kill the hive when they come out the big door without killing the knights, let them kill you, and repeat til 500. It should take 15 minutes tops.

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New missions and the back area of The Tower opened up for the Queen's Emissary event (apparently.) Might not be on right now but I think it is as the blog post I saw about it was from a random layman blogger (not someone with exclusive access).


New level 24 missions which will bag you Awoken Queen-specific gear. And some new bounties.


Not bad! I still want more combat areas, but this is great.


Edit: Kotaku's review of Destiny totally killed it and I still love Kirk Hamilton. Such a good writer.

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Queen's Wrath September 23 - October 6


There's still time. :P


Got some mission orders after completing a couple of bounties, it's a level 24 mission with the epic modifier, doesn't say what to do or where it is, just says something about killing the enemies of the Queen.:P

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I ended up playing later in the evening and I was actually right at the Bounty bot-dude a few seconds before he updated with the Queen Bounties. I'm going to start them right now, but the main deal is that no one will be able to get any of the vendor stuff on the first day. It's like the cap on Crucible and Vanguard currency. You'll still get the chance at Queen gear in the missions you can participate in after completing a bounty.

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Absolutely devastating. I saw a guy on Kotaku (that DocZeuss hipster) saying that Destiny isn't broken at all, and that we're all playing it wrong.


His argument was that you're meant to do strikes and shit mainly for Vanguard points which you then use to buy THE BEST gear, rather than killing loads of enemies in the hope they'll drop okay gear.


Basically we're meant to buy gear, not loot it.


Not sure I believe him. Thoughts?

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I can see a bit of both sides, really.


Strikes are what give you the marks for buying the really good stuff... but you'd probably do well exploiting first to get the better gear in order to participate in the higher difficulty stuff. I mean, I'm still 21 and I want to get 22 for the more challenging strike stuff but really want to be 24 for the real deal.


I'm determined to level without loot caving. Got my first legendary engram yesterday... which became blue gloves.

Edited by Hot Heart
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