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On the possibility of a PC version, Parsons said: "We would absolutely love to be on the PC. If you talk to the people upstairs, we play it on all platforms. So, stay tuned." No mention was made of a Wii U version.


That's Bungie COO Pete Parsons.


Methinks that quote on RPS was taken out of context, and when Jones said no one plays them like that anymore he was talking about the limited weapons, regenerating health, etc, not PC as a platform.


Well to be fair, RPS did post the quote in its entirety and he didn't say exactly that. But it still seems like a pretty damn stupid and kind of arrogant thing to say. Halo did change FPS conventions in a big way but hardly all of it was good. For example, regenerating health and limiting the amount of guns you can carry both come to mind as things people generally tend to dislike. 

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I think a lot of people dislike them, but I'd disagree with "generally".  I think most people prefer regenerating health, I know I do, they're just not as vocal about it as the people who dislike it.


As for multiple weapons, I'd guess that most people who feel anything at all about it would agree it's better to have more, but that most people overall just don't care.  I know that even in games that let you have a bunch of weapons at once I always end up using one or two anyway.

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It depends on what the game is built for. Some games, Dead Space 3 for example, benefit from the health pack system, it adds to the sense of being underpowered when you can run out of health, which is what the game relies on for tension. On the other hand, games like Halo are power fantasies, where you are some sort of unstoppable bad-ass. That lends itself more to regenerating health. You charge in, kick some butt, catch your breath and charge in again.


Same goes for weapon choice to an extent. If your game is essentially gun porn, or, there are a variety of enemies with certain strengths / weaknesses, then you ought to allow the player to go armed to the teeth. On the other hand, if you're more about creating a "realistic" game, then you have to have certain limits to the amount a player can carry.


Neither design is inherently bad (or good). It's all in the implementation.


In other news, I only just today realised this is a multiplatform title. Cool.

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Handy little catch-up video for people like me who haven't really been paying close attention.


Decent amount of enemy variety, and I do love me some co-op shootytimes, especially when it comes to Bungie games. Plus, even if it doesn't come to PC, Microsoft have made it a lot easier for me to decide which next-gen console I would buy otherwise. :P

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I was interested before but now I'm hyped as well. I was dreading the thought that I wouldn't get to enjoy the game with my friends since they were most likely to get it for the PS4 and I'm not planning to get it till early 2014 at the earliest, but then I remembered the game isn't scheduled to come out till 2014 and I sighed in relief. This means I can play it with them. These past few years I've been ignoring multiplayer games a large part due to them playing on their PS3 while I'm the only one on 360.

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Opposite problem for me: Most had 360s, a few on PC, and I was on PS3. Borderlands 2 could have been even better if I had a friend play co-op.


I've become very excited for Destiny, though maybe not hyped since there's not quite enough known yet. E3 should change that, but for now I'm thinking if I get this on PS4, I'll have a lot more friends there than on Xbox One.


(Or they might stay on 360...)

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