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Even before Xur came last night, I was given a reason to keep playing Destiny. I rolled the ideal roll for The Fulcrum! I was down to the last of my glimmer and resources, and if it didn't happen, which I was sure of, I would put Destiny down until The Taken King.


If you don't know what the ideal roll is, Mr. Fruit has you covered.



For me, I had Smallbore instead of Braced Frame, but I prefer that as I get a little bit of range and stability rather than a good chunk of just stability.

Edited by Atomsk88
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Unless you're some final round sniper dude (i.e. jerk), I never find the perk all that useful, because a) naturally, I never let a mag run empty (especially in crucible); it's just habit and b) using that final shot and having to reload can leave you pretty vulnerable anyway. From a quick look at that video, he doesn't make use of the final round perk. Maybe he does later in the video, but I couldn't stand his voice. :P


Granted, with a bit of practice that's probably a pretty decent setup, but not one I'd really go for. And right now I can't really think of much of a reason not to use an exotic primary in crucible.

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Unless you're some final round sniper dude (i.e. jerk), I never find the perk all that useful, because a) naturally, I never let a mag run empty (especially in crucible); it's just habit and b) using that final shot and having to reload can leave you pretty vulnerable anyway. From a quick look at that video, he doesn't make use of the final round perk. Maybe he does later in the video, but I couldn't stand his voice. :P


Granted, with a bit of practice that's probably a pretty decent setup, but not one I'd really go for. And right now I can't really think of much of a reason not to use an exotic primary in crucible.


I'm trying to not rely on the Exotic Handcannons so much and to be able to use Exotic Secondaries and Exotic Heavies. I don't have Fatebringer, so I'm trying to find a good Legendary Handcannon. I have Red Hand IX, but I don't like the perks I roll with it all the time. Right now I had every perk on it that I wanted, but had to accept Triple Tap as the first node. Triple Tap is so finicky and even when it works, it's rather useless compared to so many other perks.


I agree on Final Round and I'm always reloading before even reaching 0, but if you have great reload and a Secondary to compensate for those times an enemy is still alive, it works wonderfully. The point is that you have a Handcannon with an incredible TTK because 33% of your bullets are incredibly powerful. Of course, your second extra damage bullet will always be the last one, so there's that to consider.

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I'm trying to not rely on the Exotic Handcannons so much and to be able to use Exotic Secondaries and Exotic Heavies.


That's it though, I find that there aren't really any exotic secondaries or primaries worth using, provided you have some of the older weapons (high impact, steady HMGs like The Swarm that faded away, for example). Plan C used to be pretty handy but I suspect the fusion rifle nerf hit them hard and a shotgun's more reliable.


Found Verdict is my go-to secondary because it's a good-range shotgun whereas my primary will shift between Thorn or The Last Word. I used to wreck with a Shadow Price (that I still have) with glass half full and the ADS buff (like a SUROS-lite... before I got SUROS) and even did pretty well using Atheon's Epilogue (when I was doing the Thorn bounty). I don't think Fatebringer is very good for Crucible; the main bonus is arc damage and the firefly perk (taking on groups of thralls in the hive/arc burn rounds in PoE is fuuuun). Definitely more PvE-oriented.


Speaking of which, I have one of the old Red Hands and it has these hilarious perks, especially if you're a gunslinger using it on mobs. It has increased reload when mag is empty and kills increase reload speed, combine that with chain of woes and you can unload the whole 10 bullets superfast and then it reloads in about a second. :lol: Still worth trying it in Crucible, I reckon, because it has mad fire rate and almost zero recoil. I should make a video of it in action.

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Plan C is what I use for if I need a PVP Exotic Secondary. I know that people will use an Exotic Primary, and when Heavy Ammo drops, they'll take the time to switch to an Exotic Heavy. Thing is, that's not always viable and even on PS4, when compared to last-gen consoles, it still takes a few seconds to get in and get out of the menu.


Of course, I've got some killer Heavies, especially two lethal team killing Machine Guns with high stability and Crowd Control. There's one in particular I have that has increased Ammo.  :D

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Meant to post about this earlier today. The video I watched below:



I'm excited for The Taken King now. The new components and stats actually give off the impression you're customizing your character rather than picking from a select list of armor. I also like the pledge system for Factions as I didn't want to have to always wear the respective class item while ranking up.


And yes, I want a sword! I NEED a sword. I can not be a true Bladedancer until one is in my possession!

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So apparently Gjallarhorn is not among the exotics that you will be able to upgrade beyond 365.  That's fine, whatever, but it does raise the question of why are they bothering nerfing it if it's going to be obsolete anyway?

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I dunno, we'll have to see how it performs come The Taken King. One thing I do know is that it is hands down the most powerful weapon I've ever wielded in this game, and this is a vanilla game weapon! If it was just the damage staying the same I would argue that you could probably still use it because of the Wolf Packs adding on additional damage. However, as I remember it, those are going to be part of the nerfing process.

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The Destiny Instagram has been revealing new Exotic armor and weapons. I first saw the new Titan helmet, but there has been a lot more revealed over time.


For convenience, Destiny subreddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3ict3w/destiny_new_exotic_reveal_megathread/


As a Bladedancer, I'm excited for those Sealed Ahamkara Grips. Second Melee charge and chance to reload Primary weapon (Graverobber perk)? Prepare to be even more hated in PvP!  :D

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If you want, I can dig up the tabs I've had for a while. I held off because when I got them first, there was an issue going around about codes not being redeemed, so I forgot until you just mentioned it.


I also watched the Twitch stream today, mainly because I'm a Mr. Fruit fan and was hoping for some details on new weapons. I wasn't really impressed, but honestly it's one of those things where you probably have to play the Strike to actually get it. Didn't get to see much of the new Sword weapon type, but if Mr. Fruit wasn't there, it would have been bland. Too many "Hardcore MLG" fans out there to realize you need to have some fun, also too many who can't understand sarcasm.


Supposedly there will be Strike-specific rewards, so hopefully those will be worth our time. If I'm going to bother playing as a Titan, the new subclass looks killer. Also, Stroke the Forge. Felt bad for the Hunter because the Super is definitely a support type and the other two weren't working off it. Warlock still maintaining the unwritten favored with how insane the mobility is on that Super. I still firmly believe come launch, people will be throwing a fit against that Arc Super in PvP.

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I watched it too, although I had no idea who Mr. Fruit was (nor do I care to now :P). I quite liked the look of it. Keeps the pace up and has some interesting boss stuff going on. I dread to think of what it'd be like as a solar burn nightfall... Then again, I guess now there will be gear to work against that as well as with burns. Loving the new subclasses and the potential there (imagine everyone running void classes for a void burn!)


I'm guessing strike-specific rewards might be things like emblems or shaders, perhaps artifacts, with maybe a chance of something better.

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