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So, having watched all of the reveal/presentation/whatever, I like it.

Nothing exactly has me in awe but then I'm not sure what would. Clearly, Bungie listen to feedback and they always want to please people as best they can so there are lots of positive changes. I think the big one for people will be the in-game clan/LFG "Guided Games" system where clans can essentially create lobbies where they're looking for people to join for certain raids/raid sections or whatever and solo players get a sort of matchmade list which they can browse.

The new powers look cool but they feel like tweaks on old ones. I noticed the warlock has a rift option which can heal or "empower" so it's kind of like the options for a Titan bubble... without the protective bubble. I was hoping they'd go more "specialised" with the classes and really make them stand out from one another, which is probably the one thing that really would impress me, but it doesn't seem to be the case. I suppose you can't fault Bungie for prioritising the shootybangs.

Latter Destiny strikes went for the "raid-lite" approach, which was nice (although the blind, raging ogre one was shite), and that seems to have carried through here.

All crucible modes will be 4v4. I'm not sure how I feel about this. It is definitely better for some things, but I feel stuff like Control is better as a 6v6.

The big negative for me though is how the story feels. It's essentially "back to square one" because it's the jumping on point for new players. Oh, look, a new threat invading threat we have to kill plus we're "rebuilding" and getting stronger. I dunno, it feels a bit wrong to complain about that sort of thing in an RPG-ish game, but I was interested in all this Rasputin business, the Vex business, the Golden Age secrets and going outside of the solar system not fighting to survive again.

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So, this is old news but apparently Bungie's contract with Activision has this clause in it:


Valve, Epic, and Gearbox are strictly forbidden from developing any adaptations or conversions of any Destiny or Comet game.

which seems oddly specific to me. Like, why those three companies in particular? I guess Gearbox do work with random publishers sometimes but Epic hasn't done a whole lot other than UE development in recent years and Valve barely even makes games anymore. To me it kinda sounds like someone at Bungie has a beef with those specific companies, for some reason. Obviously I'm just speculating but that would be one hilariously stupid explanation for no Steam release. :lol:

That could also explain why the original installment in their FPSMMO series mysteriously skipped PC, now that I think about it...

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I think I'm going back, because of the guided games. Having a system purpose built for clans to guide other solo players seems like the solution to the LFG problem.

The other thing they figured out is hopefully to let players continue raids where they left off. It's in Destiny, you get to save your checkpoints, but maybe improve on it. I finally found an LFG group I could play with, and I had to do the taken king raid multiple times up to the boss with the pool, but never made it past that. I got tired of it quickly and stopped playing... I did really like Destiny a lot.

I wonder how grindy it will be... they seem to not want to make the game a chore, I wonder how they're gonna address that... It's an MMO after all...

Oh and I would probably do PS4... I have a feeling the community would be better there... :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

What's your vision, Ethan? The vast majority of people can't really tell the difference between a 4k and 1080p 55 inch TV beyond seven feet.


But if you just wanna rock that placebo effect, I understand. 

Edit: Also, if 4k is coupled with HDR, the image will be noticeably better from further away... but primarily because of the HDR, or so I'm told.

Edited by Mr. GOH!
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20/15 corrected, so slightly better than "normal".  My TV actually isn't HDR (I got it before that was much of a thing) so that's not a factor.  When I said the difference was comparable to the 720p/1080p difference from the same distance I meant that to downplay the difference: I can hardly tell a difference between those two resolutions from that distance either if I'm not specifically looking for it.

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So, there was this admission that came out recently: Bungie admits it didn't know what Destiny's Darkness was, and it won't be appearing in Destiny

Which is surprisingly candid and actually pretty disappointing. Even if they are going to explain whatever it is, it just undercuts the whole "ten year plan" and gives me a distinct Mass Effect/Dark Energy vibe. It just makes me feel like the game's story is going to be treading water for the third year now. "Another huge threat comes along and you have to stop it... but this time you lost your powers!" as if that's supposed to keep people interested. Don't get me wrong, it'll probably still be fun to play with friends, but it feels like so much squandered potential. When you look at the lore in the grimoire cards, it's extremely well-written and intriguing, but that barely carries over into the game. Maybe there'll be some interesting surprise but I'm not holding my breath. The more I learn about the game, the more disappointing it sounds.

Firstly, we see that it's just the Cabal's turn in the spotlight as the big threat. Then it turns out, we're just getting slightly redone classes, all of them now with similar "roaming" supers and even more restrictions on how you spec your character (although, the circle/B button skill is a nice addition).

At this point, I think I'll have to see how I feel after the beta.

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If you read the Grimoire, which is excellent and is the source of most Destiny lore, then...

Yes, people thought there was an overarching and encompassing story. Ergo, it's a big shock that things actually in the game are being left half-baked. The Darkness I can live with, but the Exo Stranger being "complete" is strangely stupid. There was quite a noticeable disturbance over it online when that tidbit dropped.

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You can say that there were development problems with D1, sure, but there was also a sign that they'd "righted the ship" given the time span between then and when they'd began working on D2 in earnest. Already, it seemed like they had some great writers on-board once you took a look at "The Book of Sorrows" from The Taken King. Given that it was mostly a separate "live" team (plus, some other new studio, if I recall) watching over D1 with a larger team already working on D2, I was hoping that they'd be doing more to address long-term fan's concerns.

It might not look like it from the outside, but Bungie are usually pretty receptive to community feedback and seem like they want to learn from it as much as possible.

But, yeah, I hope that it's more a case of wanting an "accessible" story for newcomers before they take them on a ride involving the various mysteries of Toland, Osiris, the Vex, the Awoken, Rasputin, the Nine etc. There really is so much potential for interesting stuff there.

That said, I also learned that the third subclasses, introduced in TTK, won't be in D2 at launch. Each new piece of news dampens my enthusiasm...

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  • 2 weeks later...

In "The More I Hear About It, The Less I Like The Sound Of It" News: weapons won't have randomised perks, i.e. everything will have a fixed set like raid and exotic weapons.

I think Luke has said they want to do something to make guns feel more personal, but it is just a change made for easier rebalancing. I mean, sure, that's probably a good thing overall, but I loved the bizarre or cool combinations that random rolls could throw up and how you could experiment. It feels like lots of stuff getting axed to support PvP more than anything.

Edited by Hot Heart
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