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  • 4 months later...

So, now that Bungie have parted ways with Activision, they're ditching Battle.net for Steam and going free-to-play. Apparently Battle.net owners will be able to transfer everything to Steam, so that's pretty cool. The next expansion is already up for pre-order, although it mentions the base game and I'm not sure how that works if it's going f2p in a few months.


Hopefully this move works for them. The game seemed fun from what little I played but I never really gave it a proper shot. People often facetiously go "it's just another launcher" when people complain about the EGS and whatnot but honestly, the only reason I barely touched Destiny 2 was because the b.net launcher is just straight up never running on my PC. Steam always is, so there's always something I want to play just a click away. When you have a massive backlog, convenience counts for a lot lol. Also it being on Steam means it might become a co-op candidate for my friends and I. Vermintide 2 is great and all but we're almost done with the campaign so could be fun having something else to switch things up.

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Maybe it'll work like StarCraft, were the base game and some other stuff are free, but if you want the latest expansion you have to buy it. :P 


I had fun while playing until I got killed by a level 600 mechanical eyeball of doom, was running one of the early missions when I ran into it and got insta-killed, stopped playing there and never went back. :P 

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What I care about right now is that Destiny 2 has cross-save support. At first only PC and Xbox were confirmed, and with Sony being... Sony, I was scared. But even Sony is on board and that means all my progress won't go down the drain! It's just such a beautiful game on PC, though again it'll take time to get use to the movement on keyboard.

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It's cool that you'll be able to migrate your bnet purchases and characters and everything over to Steam, but I really don't see myself going back to it...


@Atomsk88 I played Destiny 2 on PC with a controller and was always competitive with the other players (in PvE, I don't play PvP so I can't comment on that), so you don't need to use kb/mouse if you don't want.

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  • 4 months later...

We're now 3 weeks out from the Steam/free to play launch and Destiny 2 is still hitting a daily concurrent players peak of 200K+. That consistently makes it one of the top 5 most-played games on Steam, usually sitting at number 4 under only CSGO, Dota 2 and PUBG, which is kinda nuts considering how huge these 3 are.




PC is also now the platform with the highest player base and while we don't have numbers for battle.net, I've seen reports that player count on PC has essentially doubled. So I guess it's safe to say the move to Steam has worked out very well for them.


Now I'm really curious to know how abysmal the sales were for the last two Call of Duty games because, even before they left Steam for Battle.net, the series had kinda been dying a slow death on PC. They likely lost a good chunk of players in the move lol.

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  • 5 months later...

To get the sparrow:


Visit Amanda Holiday in the hangar. That's it, no level 20 or completing the campaign. I wish it told you that stuff, or made it more obvious. :P She also sells (for glimmer/free) 3 campaigns, I don't know how that works, what the missions we've been playing are for or what's the deal with that, maybe something to look into? Don't know if it'll reset quest progress or if the current missions are just meant to be a quick introduction and then you buy the campaigns.


Also, bought a new ship, and then got a better one from an eververse engram I had. :P 

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OK, I think I get it now, the current quests were added for new players after it went F2P, after you complete them (or at any time depending on how you want to progress) you can get the campaigns and play those. I guess the objective is to introduce new players to the basic systems and then those that care about the story can play the campaign, everyone else can just focus on raids/strikes/pvp.


From what I've seen, some rewards have been removed from the campaign, but you can still get some decent stuff.



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Yeah, I got a number of achievements immediately on logging in the first time.


It's cool that they've made it free to play, but I feel like the systems are not explained well at all, particularly how to get missions in the first place.


Anyway, who's up for playing today? The discord is the place to congregate.

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Yeah, while investigating what the "New Light" changes were I did come across an article bemoaning that the F2P changes have been made more to speed up making a new character than to introduce new players to the universe and lore.

Defo down for setting aside time tonight to maybe crack through a bit of Red War(OG campaign)?

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On 4/19/2020 at 12:05 AM, MetalCaveman said:

Today I learned:


I can't jump. :P 


Also there's a ton of stats and stuff I don't quite get, I'll have to look into that, maybe there's something to make you jump better. :P 


I think there is a Mobility stat which affects both run speed and jump height.

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Which class are you? Warlocks tend to have the "weakest" jump because it's a tricky to gauge glide and they don't get a double or triple jump like Hunters or a massive initial boost like Titans.


In terms of the quests, I believe the main storylines are now presented as "purchasable" chains as you've noticed already. Red War was the D2 base game story line, then there was Curse of Osiris and then Warmind. Those are the free ones, and you just follow the markers on the maps (or in the quest tab). I don't know if they've made it so that's the progression, it used to say a recommended level, but it helps make the overarching story make a bit more sense/as much sense as it's ever going to make.


The progression is something like (*require purchasing):

Red War





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1 hour ago, Hot Heart said:

Which class are you? Warlocks tend to have the "weakest" jump because it's a tricky to gauge glide and they don't get a double or triple jump like Hunters or a massive initial boost like Titans.


In terms of the quests, I believe the main storylines are now presented as "purchasable" chains as you've noticed already. Red War was the D2 base game story line, then there was Curse of Osiris and then Warmind. Those are the free ones, and you just follow the markers on the maps (or in the quest tab). I don't know if they've made it so that's the progression, it used to say a recommended level, but it helps make the overarching story make a bit more sense/as much sense as it's ever going to make.


The progression is something like (*require purchasing):

Red War






I play Titan, always been my favourite, Hammer-Falling enemies is pretty fun. :P 


My problem, after running around for a bit trying to get a feel for it, is that I underestimate the initial boost and overestimate the jetpack thingy. Which is why I keep falling short of where I want to go. :P 


13 minutes ago, deanb said:

The "Guardian Games" event has started too, so might be worth hoping on to work through that. At the bare minimum you get a snazzy cloak.


That sounds cool, is it a special playlist or bounties and stuff?

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11 hours ago, TheMightyEthan said:

I was really busy with work stuff today, but I'd be up for playing tomorrow.

You posted this at 12am (midnight) my time so now I'm not sure if "tomorrow" is Wednesday or Thursday :P


At the moment I'm just popping on to do the "New Light" stuff which is mainly just tutorial type stuff, no structure missions just "talk to Shaxx" "Do a crucible" "Do a bounty".

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