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Modern Games Being Retro

Cyber Rat

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I'm working on a write-up regarding modern retro games. Specifically, successful attempts at making retro games or building upon oldschool gameplay, as well as failed attempts which just stuck 8bit sprites in a game and called it a day.


Now, I have my own list at the moment, so I'm not asking anyone to do my work for me. However, I haven't played all the retro indie games (despite writing for Press X or Indie), so are there any examples you guys have that are worth mentioning? Something that frustrated you too much over trying too hard to be oldschool hardcore, or something that you thought captured oldschool gaming properly?


Please keep it to this "generation", even though that means little for PC and Indie.

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  • 9 months later...

I guess this is as good a place to put this as any:




Apparently Retro City Rampage on PSN did far better than XBLA, not even counting PS+ numbers.  Vita was the most successful platform of all.  It's not explicitly said, but from statements in the article I'm inferring that XBLA was the worst, at least among PS3, Vita, Xbox and PC.


He also said that it cost as much to get it put on XBLA as all the other platforms combined.  Sounds like XBLA is to be avoided.

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Are we talking about shit like Cave Story and Retro City Rampage or shit like Sonic Generations and NEW SMB?

I fucking hate the 8 bit and 16 bit aesthetic of modern "retro" games. Not only do they never get it right, but theyre just cheap asses. They dont have the money to produce a good looking game. Thats really the only reason they look "retro".


Not only that, but no modern "retro" game comes close to the actual older 8 and 16 bit games in quaity and deep gameplay. The whole genre is shit.

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I see it like the modern equivalent of shooting a movie in black and white: sometimes it's done for stylistic choices, and other times it's because the producers are dirt poor and can't afford anything better (though obviously digital cameras alleviate that somewhat).

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I agree with Ethan, though his film metaphor only extends to about the mid-80s.

I also agree with Strangelove, that these games very rarely approach the technical or mechanical complexity of those produced in the aesthetic's "actual" epoch. However, I don't think this is because those making the games these days are "cheap asses", nor do I think it's wholly due to their being unable to fund a full-3D game, and I also doubt the reason to be the fact that non-retro type games are harder to make. I believe modern retro games' successes are predicated upon nostalgia, feigned/cultural (as in the case of those too young to have played "actual" 8- and 16-bit games) or genuine. This isn't a negative thing, I don't think, as I personally enjoy Retro City Rampage, Cave Story, and Megaman 9 and 10 quite a bit.

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