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God dammit people are already complaining because the game has boobies. This game is not meant for you then. Jeesh. If the Witcher 1 and 2 weren't enough of a hint that CD Projekt has the topic of sex in its game then they're bigger idiots than their white-knighting makes me believe.


As to the game itself I can't get too excited until I see actual gameplay but apparently CD Projekt is still making the team that will make the game. But a freeze-frame shot apparently shows some sentences where CD Projekt explains it's a non-linear open world RPG. So maybe the narrative won't be as focused as the Witcher series and more about choice. Maybe not. We'll have to see february 5


And with no release date anytime soon the possibility that their claim that all of their next big titles will be multiplatform, and that they'll be in the next-gen consoles, slightly solidifies. Let's cross our fingers.

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Oh god, I am feeling such a Ghost in the Shell vibe from this. Loving it. HOWEVER, I'm not really holding my breath since I just couldn't get into The Witcher. Maybe I could try again... also I need gameplay. Atmosphere is spot on on what I love. Now have a gameplay that I'll like.


Edit: Modders should also mod the game so it'll play GitS and other cyberpunk soundtracks. I would die.

Edited by MaliciousH
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Woo! The game has boobies!





On a serious note, while watching it, i kept thinking "this reminds me of something"... Then Mal mentioned Ghost in the shell and that was it exactly. Enough for me to subscribe to the thread.


Read the description on the video too. People not in control of their cybernetics? Where have i seen that before? Hmmm...

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Okay, with that video I think they'll have a solid grip on the story and setting. I doubt CD Projek can completely screw up the gameplay. At worst it'll just be typical third person shooter sort of thing, which is okay since look at Spec Ops: The Line. It had typical to okay gameplay but the story more than made up for it.


I feel we may have quite a gem coming our way.

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Heard this from the Dtoid podcast, but I'm not going to type that quote in myself so I'm just gonna link to google's first search result






“As of yet no decisions have been made, but we’re thinking about a system that could tell the world’s story. The idea is to record everything in original languages, i.e. if we’ll meet Mexicans in the game, they’ll be taking – Mexican slang even, portrayed by Mexican actors. The player would be able to buy a translator implant, and depending on how advanced it is, he’ll get better or worse translation.”

“You can’t reliably recreate street slang of Los Angeles or some other American city, you can’t simply dub it and reproduce those emotions, rhythms of speech, mannerisms. Everything has to be cohesive. Otherwise we’d simply hear that Polish actors are trying to imitate Americans. That won’t work.”




I was going to post something similar to the AC3 thread, but mine was a complaint. I wish they just had native american accents, instead of native american language conversations. I didn't mind it that much in AC2 when they mixed English with Italian, but in AC3 it sure did drive me (still drives me) crazy. Maybe it's just the language is so monotonous and boring, and the Italian interjections in AC2 had feelings/emotions attached to it


So I'm not quite sure on this, but yeah I agree it could be cool. It sure would be immersive "getting lost" in, say, Argentina 2077 and people only speaking in Spanish, and I didn't have Spanish classes growing up. I'd have to buy that cheap little translator thing, and hope for the best. I'd say it should work like google translate, where it translates words, not phrases and you'd have to figure out what they actually mean through context and observation (of whatever action/gesture they're doing for example), instead of just adding a skill check, and throwing out different levels of "translated text", getting more and more correct if you're skill is high enough.

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Part of the problem I thought with the Native American dialog in AC3 was that it always took the actors 10 times as long to say the line as it took me to read it, so I would read the line and then have to sit there waiting while they spoke a language that sounded like gibberish to me.


I'd say it should work like google translate, where it translates words, not phrases and you'd have to figure out what they actually mean through context and observation (of whatever action/gesture they're doing for example), instead of just adding a skill check, and throwing out different levels of "translated text", getting more and more correct if you're skill is high enough.


I like that idea for when you're using a translator device, but if your character actually had a skill for "Spanish" or whatever it would make sense that the translation gets better as the skill rises.

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I think the idea though, is that you are your character. And if you know Spanish, great! Then if not, just buy a translator (like you would in real life, if such things existed).


That's what I inferred, since it is an RPG. The skill check I was talking about is attached to the device. Like if the device gives you Translate Spanish Skill +10, then you'd figure out half of what he's saying by the game giving you a translated version where you'll get half of what he's actually saying. If it gives you Translate Spanish Skill +20, then the game would tell you what the NPC is actually trying to say. Sarcasm included!


If your character had a Spanish skill, this would kill the idea.

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