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As long as it doesn't digress to the point that it throws wave upon wave of enemies at you, I 'll be happy. I get what Strangelove is saying though, with a game like that, it'll be a real immersion killer if you're walking down the street finding guns and ammo strewn about, and then started walking around town, not a bother on ya, filled to the teeth with guns and ammo.


I think The Last of Us differs a bit in that respect because I know for certain that if I was one of the last of us, I'd be stockpiling weapons and ammo like a motherfucker.

Edited by MasterDex
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Though he was talking about Splinter Cell, not Watch_Dogs, I think this quote from Penny Arcade nicely captures my thoughts about the shooting in this game and whether it's going to be rare or prevalent, mandatory or optional:


I would say that this is what I don’t like about E3, actually. They aren’t talking to me, they’re talking to some mythical All Person and they have to push each vital demographic button in rapid succession. I have no context for anything. My concerns may be utterly illusory, and there’s absolutely no way to know.
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It's just a shame that shooting has to be in every single game - even ones that don't benefit from it and indeed are negatively impacted by it (e.g. mirror's edge). It's not necessarily bad that it's in there but it would be nice if it wasn't a necessary part of the game as not everyone goes around all guns blazing in everyday life.

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Bear in mind that before Watchdog was shown we'd already had Halo 4, Gears of War 4, Call of Duty Black Ops 2(9), Battlefield 3 Premium, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, and maybe a couple others I'm forgetting.


Then we're presented with this neat concept game, dude getting around hacking into communications, peoples phones, and at most brandishing a baton. Then the cars crash and....he pulls out a gun. It was a bit of a downer after having half a dozen shooting games already shown, an opportunity to play a game where that's not the case and yet it still had guns anyway. It's jsut getting really fucking tiring at this point.

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I still don't really get how a gun surprised you. The moment you knew he was going to assassinate someone, I figured firearms would be a viable option.


Here's the thing, people here are hating on shooting. I think that's silly. Don't hate on shooting, hate on being pigeonholed into shooting. Mirror's Edge example? The guns were shit. I also never used them. The game wasn't worse for it. Anyone here play Vampire: the Masquerade? Good part about it was that you could choose between stealth, social and combat at any point in the game. Except the ending, because it turned into a grindfest. That didn't mean the actual combat was crap, that meant that it was crap that you -had- to use combat.


So, what did we see in the Watch_Dogs gameplay? We saw subterfuge, hacking, melee combat and ranged combat. For all we know, if you had missed the hacking of the traffic lights, you could have waited for your target elsewhere (like in the actual gallery).


Do not hate on shooting. There is nothing wrong with shooting. There is only something wrong with forcing shooting in a game, but that is true for any mechanic. And that trailer doesn't strike me like the game forces you to go guns blazing anywhere.

Edited by Cyber Rat
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I don't think anyone has a problem with shooting being an option, but I'm worried about whether there will be other options. From what I've heard about behind-closed-doors demonstrations of the game shooting your way through the body guards appears to be the only way to take out your target, and that's a shame because everything else about the game is so much more interesting. Like Dean and TFG said we're not opposed to shooting in general, we're opposed to it being shoehorned in to every game.


I don't think Mirror's Edge is a good example though. I think the shooting was executed perfectly in that game: it sucked, but it was supposed to suck, it was supposed to be a last resort and if you ended up doing it much then you were doing something very wrong.

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I had zero hate with the shooting idea, just how it became a big shootathon. Honestly I was hoping for a guy to have two or three enemies and have a slower more intense gunfight that had a feel that the guy we were playing as was a hacker first and not a very good shot. I think the clumsy gunplay could work here, make this guy a master hacker not a master assassin.


Again I don't hate on the shooting, but a little saddened that the shooting is the same as what we've seen everywhere else. I had high hopes that it was going to feel completely different

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I was actually specifically thinking of Assassin's Creed and the numerous times I've stealthed in and killed the guy without fighting my way through guards.


I mean sure there are other times that they make it so you have to fight your way in, but it's a design decision not an inherent requirement of assassination missions.

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Well, I think it would be a bit weird to take this one example as an overall design decision. Since I'm sure you could find a comparable AC example.


The way I see it, the mission makes sense in that this guy has bodyguards, and I think dying in a traffic accident would've been pretty anticlimactic in a way. I guess you could argue it would be cool to casually saunter over and just grab the guy to 'deliver the message' but it was a demo of various elements of the game: distraction, surveillance, hand-to-hand combat, cover mechanics and shooting (and explosions). Maybe people were focusing more on the fact that there was shooting, but I thought the animation and such looked great and I like that chaotic style of battle in a sandbox. Reminded me of GTA IV online, which could be really cool when it clicked, mixed with Uncharted 3 (without bullet sponges).

Edited by Hot Heart
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Yeah, I'm just hoping it's not something normal.


That said, they've said in future interviews (like in RPS) that there's a wide variety of ways to accomplish the same thing. You can be stealthy without getting in shootouts. Personally, I'll be avoiding using the gun as much as I possibly can :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought that the gunplay is a "oops I messed up" concept to get you out of a sticky situation. I appreciate that it's there, but I wonder if there are any situations that don't give you all those options and force you through a mandatory gunfight in the beginning, which seems more than likely.

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In the comments:


Looks amazing though,despite the fact they are pc graphics.




Based on the rest of that comment I think he's just (badly) saying that those aren't actually 360 graphics (since it's on OXM's site). Cause he goes on to say that he hopes they can do a good job on 360.


I thought that the gunplay is a "oops I messed up" concept to get you out of a sticky situation.


I really really really hope that's how it is.

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  • 6 months later...



Woot on being able to update this thread.


So big one, since it's a topic a couple of us discussed the other day: Watch_Dogs is definitely coming to PS3 and 360, but will be targeting "multiple platforms" so PC, and next-gen a possibility but won't require it (as started to be suspected due to it going under the radar so fast).

There's going to be an app, which could be neat. I think Far Cry 3 has an app for the MP side of things, it "decodes" stuff. Seems more of a "add it in because it's the hot shit right now" but could be something cool for this kind of game.


The big bummer, and I'm unsure if this is relevant to now or if it was done in 2012 but it supposedly won't ship this year. I'm hoping that's from an interview conducted last year.


edit: As Hot_Heart has just highlighted, it is from last year. June last year. Why does random shit like this end up "new"

Edited by Deanb
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