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Yeah, they've a trend of sequels being the stronger game. AC set out the framework n theme, and AC2 polished all the edges. Much the same between Far Cry 2 n Far Cry 3 (n then Blood Dragon). So on that trend alone I'm down for it. I quite enjoyed the first one too, I understand the hate in the graphics being toned down but I liked the rest of the game n felt it was adequately different from other open source games. Looks like they're taking some cues from GTAV in this one, the bit with taking selfies definitely looked GTAV-esque.

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I enjoyed the first one fine, but I felt like it was lacking in personality.  So much stuff just felt like busy-work, even more so than other open world games.


That said, I agree Ubi has a trend of the first entry being promising and then the second entry actually delivering on that promise, so I'm interested.

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Yeah that's a pretty shittily laid out opinion.

I thought that GIF pretty much summed everything else but if I need to spell things out....

Oh look we're in San Francisco where there's tech companies. Look at all this tech! Wow! Hey check out this shitty song. Look another bland looking character with an iconic cap. Fuuuuccccckkkkkkk off. Watch Dogs 1 sucked and if they wanted to come back strong after it, this was not the trailer. I'm happy for you guys if you think it looks cool. I think it looks like a turd. Another uninspired modern open world game.


Anyway, just watched the 20mins vid and I'm on board with it so far. Not sure what all the negativity is about other than "hurr durr ubisoft".

I've played pretty much every Assassin's Creed game. I own their shitty Tetris game on Vita and PS4. One of my favourite games this year has been Far Cry Primal. I'm not an Ubisoft hater by any stretch. Watch Dogs is garbage though.

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It's a fairly douchey trailer I guess. The game looks gorgeous though. If this was for a new release I would be curious. Almost as much as pre-release media for Watchdogs had me interested in that game. Being what it is though, it's got a bigger hill to climb, and it would take more than even a great trailer to warrant a second chance.


The first game was a combination of a shittier Assassin's Creed (which I feel has been played out for years anyway) and shittier GTA. The story and characters were utterly boring and forgettable. The character customization options looked like they were created by one dork in a single one-hour session. The hacking was lame, and use of that story element of widely implemented, extremely pervasive technology that is vulnerable to hacker attacks was squandered on what amounted to a hundreds-deep roster of meaningless civilians with equally worthless bits of information attached to them and ridiculous little gadgets around the city that would require the complete expulsion of disbelief to take seriously in a modernized city that had any concern whatsoever with public safety.


Maybe I'm being harder on it with that last point than I am with other games, but that's what you get when you bore the shit out of me I guess.

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I've played pretty much every Assassin's Creed game. I own their shitty Tetris game on Vita and PS4. One of my favourite games this year has been Far Cry Primal. I'm not an Ubisoft hater by any stretch. Watch Dogs is garbage though.

That particular bit wasn't aimed at you specifically. Just an attitude I've been seeing a lot online lately. But, more importantly


I own their shitty Tetris game on Vita and PS4.


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I'm with Cowboy on this one.  Watch_Dogs was such a colossal disappointment--not to mention such a downgrade from the trailers in both graphics and gameplay--that I'm not about to trust another Ubisoft trailer anytime soon.  Even if the second game is better than the first, it would have to be a hell of a lot better to get me interested.  The first game was as bland as dry toast.

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Oh I'm definitely not preordering it, I'm just interested enough to keep my eye on it.  Waiting for reviews though.


Though I'm also in the camp with dean of having mostly enjoyed the first one, despite agreeing that the main character and plot was too bland.

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Their politics seem a little forced and on the nose, but eh looks like it'll be decent. Also your main character wears a Dedsec cap, and his online name is the same as his real name. Kinda hoping in the co-op stuff they can't fuck over your game too much. I never bothered much with the MP in the original but it was kinda neat idea.

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  • 2 months later...


Kinda bummed I feel this is gonna drop off the map. Based on past Ubisoft games they usually get their games properly nailed from the 2nd one (hence the HD re-release AC coming out is of the ACII series). I've got a few too many games upcoming so I feel that it'll be something I'll grab in a sale early 2017.


So thoughts so far:
I like the fact you can pick out specific landmarks to visit. Bit more realistic than randomly bashing markers down. Also his drone is whisper quiet :P


Driveable scissor lifts seems a bit OP :P


The social media aspect seems like it'll be a bit of an annoying gating system.

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