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Cyber Rat

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Picked up Crash 4 again after putting it down for a while but good god this game is unreasonably hard for a E10+ rated platformer game. Just out of curiosity I looked up a trophy guide to see how difficult it would be to 100% this and the official rating is a 9/10. To put that in perspective, the ratings for Sekiro and Bloodborne is 7.

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Surviving Mars


This is such a great game. I love city-builders, but "realistic" ones like Sim City, etc, have always seemed kind of boring to me. Give me something like this though, or Frost Punk, with a cool world and cool aesthetic, and I'm all in. Surviving Mars especially seems very well thought-out, and while there is a little bit of silliness (like the domes), fundamentally it's a semi-realistic take on a Mars colony, and I love it.

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Playing the Nioh 1 DLC for the first time and it's absolutely kicking my ass. At first I thought the game was just harder than I remembered compared to 2 but I was dying in one or two hits and that's pretty extreme even for Nioh. It wasn't until I beat the first of three chapters that I realized that unlike the Nioh 2 DLC, this one expects you to have already finished NG+. I'm 50 levels under the recommended. Fuck it though. I'm gonna finish it anyway. I've already gotten this far so I think I can do it.

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Hooooly fuck. I cancelled my RE3 pre-order when I found out that Nemesis wasn't a roaming stalker like Mr. X and was only relegated to scripted encounters (and also due to how short the game was). But now that I'm finally playing the game I'm actually okay with that. Holy shit is he more of a threat than Mr X ever was! He's fast, he shoots tentacles that grab you and he fucks you up real good, real fast. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I'm struggling to run away from him at all hahaha. Mr X on the other hand you could just kite around forever.

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Resident Evil 2 Remake




I was not prepared for this, super creepy, horror in full blast RE style, gore turned to 11, all that good stuff. :P Really enjoying it so far, even though Mr. X has given me a couple heart attacks already. :P


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  On 4/27/2021 at 2:56 AM, MetalCaveman said:

Resident Evil 2 Remake




I was not prepared for this, super creepy, horror in full blast RE style, gore turned to 11, all that good stuff. :P Really enjoying it so far, even though Mr. X has given me a couple heart attacks already. :P




Once you're done, make sure to do 2nd Run as the other character. ?


You need to select 2nd Run from the menu specifically, btw. If you just start a new game as the other character, you're not going to get the alternate scenario. I remember at launch some people got confused and just ended up playing the game twice and didn't understand why it was mostly the same lol.

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I'm only a few hours in, but holy shit I'm loving this game so far. I was a little nervous I would find it too frustrating based on how hard I've been hearing it is, but that is very much not the case. The combat is fantastic, I honestly can't think of a non-Bungie shooter where I've had this much fun fighting. It might just be because it's a shooter, when most Hard (TM) games are either third person action games like Souls, or side-scrollers. Shooters have always been something I've been good at, even though I'm pretty picky about which ones I like, so I don't play many of them. Back in college I used to play almost all shooters on the hardest difficulty, so I may just be better prepared for this game than others that are known for their difficulty.


Also, the difficulty, at least so far, feels very much like "fair" difficulty. I know I'm still barely into it, but at least so far I've never run into a situation where I felt like there was no way I could have survived. It's always felt like I had the tools I needed, and it's just on me to utilize them effectively (pro-tip: dash constantly, you're invulnerable while dashing*).


I did have one crash, on my second run (there's a stability patch coming out today so hopefully those crashes stop), but when I loaded back in I still had all the permanent stuff I'd collected on that run, so while it's obviously not good it at least wasn't any worse than if I'd died.


So yeah, at least so far this is on track to be a GOTY contender for me.


*I've just realized something: my only complaint about the gameplay is that dash is on :PlayStationCircle:, which means you have to take your thumb off the right stick to do it, but looking at a control map I see that for some reason the game doesn't use R1 for anything, and it has the option to completely customize the controls, so I think I'm gonna move dash up to R1.

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  On 5/6/2021 at 4:59 AM, MetalCaveman said:

Made it to the final boss in Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and uh... Multi-stage boss battles without checkpoints fucking suck, specially in a game where you only have 3 characters in your party and no way to bring back anyone who gets knocked out.


Oh man, I remember that. That was frustrating af.


  On 5/5/2021 at 2:09 PM, TheMightyEthan said:




I've beaten the first boss. I was worried I wouldn't enjoy it as much since you can't grind for levels like in Souls games, so you can't brute-force difficulty spikes by getting OP, that said I accidentally went back into the 1st boss arena on a subsequent run with just the base pistol and whooped it, so I'm obviously getting better at the game even if my avatar is no more powerful. I'm currently in the second "biome" and enjoying it a lot. Not made it to the boss yet.

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I beat the first boss last night, my second try. At the beginning of that run I'd got fucked up real bad by a surprise enemy, and thought the run was ruined, but I actually managed to recover.



Made it into the second biome, and got killed in the first room with enemies. ?

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Today, on a whim, I finally got around to starting Halo Master Chief Collection. This is something I'll probably be playing on and off for a long time cause I don't wanna get burned out on it but yeah, I played the first couple missions of Halo CE. Seems pretty fun so far.


Oh and on a definitely unrelated note, I got my first COVID shot today!

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I'm really impressed how well Halo CE holds up, especially considering it's a console shooter. This is the game that basically proved that genre could work and the fact that it's still enjoyable 20 years later, after all the evolution the genre has gone through, is a testament to how well they nailed it.

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Yeah, the one thing that I feel has aged a bit is the lack of ADS and the feel of the gunplay. It feels weightless and floaty in a way that feels like a huge step down after having played a bunch of Destiny 2 like a year ago. Probably not a fair comparison to make but that was my only point of reference for what a Bungie shooter played like, so my expectations in that regard were probably a bit high.


That soundtrack is god tier, though. Holy shit. I honestly can't remember the last time a game soundtrack blew me away like this.

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