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Cyber Rat

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Uncharted 3. On chapter 18 or 19 and I kinda wish I didn't know how many chapters there were because it seems the journey will soon come to an end. :(

Funny that a significant portion of the game is effectively a waste of time story-wise (won't say anymore because of spoilers); doesn't stop it being fun to play though.


I'm liking the increased difficulty when it comes to combat, even if it does take a little getting used to and does have some annoying sections. Liking the larger emphasis on an initial stealthy approach, even if I only get about 4-5 guys before all hell breaks loose.


Can't say I'm liking online competitive though. I think a lot of that is down to these combat changes seen in SP and the loadout/weapon unlock crap going on. It doesn't help that matchmaking seems to ignore skill level. Overall, I'm not liking how it plays. Melee is even more broken and firefights tend to devolve into mad, messy, shoot-from-the-hip scrambles. That is, when you've not already been sniped by someone far away. I'm sure Uncharted 2 had a more even mix of mid-range combat that worked much better.


Co-op is fun, for the most part, and I need to get some friends together to do the adventure stuff.

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I've been playing AC Revelations for most of yesterday and all day today. Not very far into the story, though. Spent most of the day renovating Constantinople and training my assassins.


So far it's about on par with Brotherhood, with some slight gameplay improvements. The hookblade in particular is pretty awesome. It actually helps with the free running/climbing beyond just ziplining.


The gist of it is very much the same, though. And I find Constantinople to be nowhere near as beautiful or fun to explore as Venice or Rome were.

These yearly releases have been fun, but I really hope that they take their time for ACIII to significantly improve on the formula.

Brotherhood and Revelations are pretty much AC 2.1 and 2.2 and III will need to be more than that.


They already confirmed another release for next year, though, so I guess we'll see...

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I see :(


I guess I'll just have to wait and hope for the best. Hopefully they started work on it a while ago and aren't rushing it. It really needs to be bigger and better than ACB and ACR.


Another thing that bugs me is, as big as Rome was (and I think Constantinople might actually be smaller than that), it still felt small when compared to the first two games, which both had 3 or 4 cities each. Sure, some of the early cities were smaller in ACII, but at least it made for a change of scenery.


I understand the need to keep things contained in a single setting if they're putting them out yearly, but that's only acceptable for "side-stories" like Brotherhood and Revelations. ACIII needs to step it up and have a much bigger scope, otherwise it's going to be a huge disappointment (at least for me).

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  On 11/17/2011 at 6:58 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

I could be wrong, FLD, but IIRC AC3 has been in development for a couple years already, and it's been a separate team working on ACB and ACR.


I'm not really sure about that though, that's just what I vaguely recall.

That would be awesome.


  On 11/17/2011 at 7:08 PM, Deanb said:

Ubisoft have a "factory" studio in Montreal, so I wouldn't be surprised if they've got several Assassin Creed games on the go at once.

Yeah, it's pretty big. Lots of big games come outta there, too, so they obviously have a large workforce.

Kinda cool to have such a big studio in my city :)

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  On 11/18/2011 at 3:57 AM, TheRevanchist said:

4 year old games are cheaper. I usually wait until a game is $20 or under to play them. It generally keeps me from getting caught up in the heat of the moment when the hype machine is working overtime.


Like I get criticized occasionally for starting games WAY later than others because I get them much cheaper. However, with THESE specific games coming out this month, I can't resist.

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  On 11/18/2011 at 4:09 AM, Flat said:
  On 11/18/2011 at 3:57 AM, TheRevanchist said:

4 year old games are cheaper. I usually wait until a game is $20 or under to play them. It generally keeps me from getting caught up in the heat of the moment when the hype machine is working overtime.


Like I get criticized occasionally for starting games WAY later than others because I get them much cheaper. However, with THESE specific games coming out this month, I can't resist.


Reminded me of http://xkcd.com/606/

I have kind of started doing that. My brother might get me Skyrim for X-mas, but the only new/recent game I will get is Mass Effect 3. Last game I got close to launch was Halo: Reach due to peer pressure. The game is great, don't get me wrong, but "never again" sums up my feelings.

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At the risk of seemingly contradicting what I just said, I frequently buy games at launch and almost never regret it. I'm just very careful about which ones I get at launch and if I'm not absolutely sure I'm going to love it I wait.

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  On 11/18/2011 at 3:48 AM, Flat said:
CoD4 and Halo 3 because I'm a hipster who plays 4-year-old games B)


No, this is all backwards! Hipsters are supposed to like things before they're popular not after.

Or are games like buying vintage clothing? HELP ME INTERNET I AM LOST HERE.


As far as buying games goes, I'm generally in the same camp as Ethan. I pretty much buy every game that interests me on release and wait for price drops on ones of which I am not certain (definitely glad I waited on Enslaved and even then I felt it was too much :P ). Of course, I'm just fortunate enough to be able to do this now. I was a penny-pinching student at one point.

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Well, I was playing Skyrim, but I took a break for that and was hoping to beat the new Assassin's Creed in the 5 days before Zelda came out but it didn't consume my life like the last two ones did, so now I have to beat Zelda (about to start the 3rd dungeon), and Assassin's Creed, before i can comfortably go back to Skyrim... hopefully I can get that done before January because Final Fantasy XIII-2 comes out at the end of that month. :unsure:

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