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1 hour ago, toxicitizen said:

Also, yesterday I caved and got back into P4G. I remember bouncing off of it after 40h when it launched on Steam (I think I may have gotten distracted from it by another release) but I'm really enjoying getting back into it. P4AU really gave me an itch to spend time with these characters again. Hopefully I can finish it quickly and then rush through NG+ to finally get all the achievements. Never did bother getting the Platinum on Vita.


P4G is a rough platinum, I have every trophy but Hardcore Risette Fan, and that one requires you to hear basically ever Rise combat line, which means you have to have like every possible situation arise in battle. It's ridiculous.

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14 minutes ago, TheMightyEthan said:


P4G is a rough platinum, I have every trophy but Hardcore Risette Fan, and that one requires you to hear basically ever Rise combat line, which means you have to have like every possible situation arise in battle. It's ridiculous.


Yeah, I actually got it without even trying in my first playthrough on Vita. I hope I'll get lucky again but I'm going out of my way to use her enemy scanning constantly and making sure to swap party members regularly just to be safe.

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On 3/25/2022 at 12:16 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

I beat the game and did a NG+ 100% run and still never got that one.






It popped up out of nowhere halfway through Heaven, which I think is kind of early? I wonder if it glitched out or something. At this point I genuinely can't tell if I'm doing something that everyone else isn't or just fucking lucky. 😂

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Oh yeah, forgot to mention but the PC version has customizable difficulty settings and for most of the game I left it as default. So if I die I can restart at the entrance of the current floor but that started feeling tedious and like a waste of time so last night I turned on battle retry and holy fuck what a broken, garbage setting lol.


I assumed I'd just restart the battle from the beginning but no. I didn't die again until the dungeon's boss and my entire party got revived + healed but the boss's health bar didn't refill. It's not retry so much as God mode; just a straight-up built-in cheat code. I was so disgusted that I actually just let myself die again and declined the retry so I could start at the floor entrance instead lol. It was the last floor so it didn't really change anything.

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Started Death's Door last night. 


I'm only about an hour in but so far so good. It seems a bit more combat focused than Tunic, which is a nice change of pace. 


One gripe I do have, and this is likely specific to the Switch (when handheld)....the HD rumble is an absolute nightmare. I'm trying to play this thing with a sleeping baby in the room and every single time I die, or engage the enemy I got this bone shaking rumble out of the Switch, and there's no option to disable it in the game itself, so I've had to do it at a system level. Not the end of the world, but certainly annoying. 

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On 4/4/2022 at 3:11 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

Does your Switch make a bunch of noise when it rumbles? I can totally see why it would be an issue if the child was like in your lap.


Good choice though, that game is awesome.



Just the sheer force of the rumble is enough to make me turn it off. The Switch commits an act of violence on me whenever the damn thing needs to rumble. 

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the rumble makes such a high pitched whine I turned mine off. Think I remember an issue with the controllers always putting full power vibrations? I updated the controller firmware but still but never experienced the HD aspect and was not worth the annoyance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Returnal: Tower of Sisyphus


Goddamn this game just plays so good. The Tower is basically a more contained version of the main game, just without branching paths and the ability to go backwards. It's really reminding me just how solid the moment-to-moment gameplay in this game is, it's such a joy to play, and the added story content is keeping me hooked.

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10 hours ago, TheMightyEthan said:

Returnal: Tower of Sisyphus


Goddamn this game just plays so good. The Tower is basically a more contained version of the main game, just without branching paths and the ability to go backwards. It's really reminding me just how solid the moment-to-moment gameplay in this game is, it's such a joy to play, and the added story content is keeping me hooked.


Does the story make an ounce of sense yet? I ended up selling the game after getting the vanilla true ending because I just couldn't get drawn into the labyrinthine lore.

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2 hours ago, Mister Jack said:


Does the story make an ounce of sense yet? I ended up selling the game after getting the vanilla true ending because I just couldn't get drawn into the labyrinthine lore.


It's a lot like the house sections, and makes about the same amount of sense as those.

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13 hours ago, TheMightyEthan said:

I can't really blame anybody who feels that way, I had the same issue with Hades, even with god mode on.

For me, God Mode on Hades made a huge amount of difference, also, at least you could take the gems or whatever it was you got from it to permanently improve weapons.


wish there was something similar for Returnal, either a God Mode that makes you more tanky, or weapon proficiency being permanent, at least that way I would feel like dying was at least netting me some progress other than "gitting gudder".


The weapon proficiency thing really irked me, since my expectation was that Selene would remember that she was getting better at shooting a specific gun, alas, no.

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You do unlock permanent upgrades for the various guns, just not proficiency, which isn't weapon specific, and you get the Ether that carries over and you can spend on permanent item unlocks, but I get what you're saying. I think the difference for me was I very quickly gitted gudder at Returnal, so I reliably got farther each run, but with Hades I didn't feel like I was increasing in skill, and the 1% God mode boost each run wasn't enough to compensate for that, so I felt like I was barely making any progress.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fired up Street Fighter V on a whim two weeks ago and I've basically played nothing else since. It just sucked me right back in. I even became a little bit less of a scrub!




Either I got super lucky with the matchmaking last night or I'm usually super unlucky because I've been stuck in a loop of getting promoted to Super Bronze and then immediately getting matched with Ultra Bronze players that are borderline Silver and just getting immediately knocked back down to Bronze. I'm afraid to play ranked matches now because I'm certain to get knocked back down to Super Bronze but I really don't wanna go all the way back to Bronze. I hate it there lol. 😭


I've been trying to get better and what I've been learning sometimes works as far as holding my own against higher ranked players but Bronze is full of these insane assholes that play like shit but that have gotten so good at their particular brand of shit that they're honestly really hard to deal with if your fundamentals are still shaky. They'll usually go through the same motions but if you don't know how to counter it you're fucked because they've gotten pretty good at pulling off whatever unsafe shit they do, so they're usually really fast.


Higher ranked players, on the other hand, will respect you and have a healthy fear of you. So they'll be more careful and won't just rush in with blatantly unsafe shit, which ironically makes them easier to deal with when you sort of know what the hell you're doing.

Edited by toxicitizen
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Fucking hell, I'm really close to just shelving God Eater 2, everything was fine until the last couple of story chapters where the game gets a fucking hard-on for multi-stage missions. Normally annoying, as you can't go back and stock up on supplies, which means you have to carry as much as you possibly can which leads to inventory management being a pain in the ass mid-battle, the story missions go one step further by throwing a ton of really strong aragami your way, with a final one being a surprise one that you can't really prepare for beforehand.


Add to it the weird controls (result of the game originally being made for PSP), bad teammate AI (I tell them to attack the other target and they still focus on the one I'm attacking), and poor mobility of your characters compared to aragami and these story missions quickly go from challenging but fun to a frustrating hell.


The grind also feels worse in this game than in the first one, to the point where I've given up on crafting or upgrading certain weapons and just focus on the one set of sword/gun/shield I've been using for a while.

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