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Cyber Rat

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Frozen Synapse.


I've had it for a while. Bought it back when it got its own Humble Bundle but I never really got into it that much. I think the first time I tried it I got a bit overwhelmed by how tactical it actually was and how you had to anticipate enemy actions. Probably didn't help either that the tutorial is fairly short and doesn't do a great job of explaining all the tools you have at your disposal.


Then a few days ago I started watching TotalBiscuit's "WTF is..." series and saw there was one on Frozen Synapse. The video actually did a much better job than the tutorial at explaining everything and it really made me want to give it another shot. Really glad I did because I've been playing the single-player campaign and it's freaking brilliant! :o


Too bad the online is very dead. :( First time I logged on, 4 of the 6 servers were empty and there was only about 40 players online.

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Frozen Synapse is play by mail though, doesn't need everyone online like how something real time (i.e COD or what not) would.


I've also played a bit of Web of Shadows today. Kinda neat, though I swear I've missed the button for sticking to walls. It's through lovefilm so you only get the disc, could do with a site that has like PDF scans of manuals or something.

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  On 11/29/2011 at 2:01 AM, Sporkwaffles said:

@FLD I'd be up for a few matches sometime. I'm pretty trash at the game right now, but I didn't have a whole lot of trouble with the SP minus the first few missions.

That would be awesome.


I have no idea how good I am, though. I have no problem outsmarting the enemy AI when I carefully consider my actions, but I can't imagine it being as easy against a human opponent. Should be fun!

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  On 11/29/2011 at 3:27 AM, FLD said:
  On 11/29/2011 at 2:01 AM, Sporkwaffles said:

@FLD I'd be up for a few matches sometime. I'm pretty trash at the game right now, but I didn't have a whole lot of trouble with the SP minus the first few missions.

That would be awesome.


I have no idea how good I am, though. I have no problem outsmarting the enemy AI when I carefully consider my actions, but I can't imagine it being as easy against a human opponent. Should be fun!


Added you on steam, so we can see if we can get a match going there. I'm definitely more up for the "play by mail" idea of Dean's, as it'd be nice to just hop in, make a turn, and then not come back until that night or something.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm currently playing The Saboteur and Fable 3.


Saboteur isn't half bad. I like the climbing has a highlighter along the edges you're about to get too. Somewhat disturbing that the "Stats" page seems to imply I've 20% done with less than 2hrs in the game. This is open world. I usually expect to see at least 20hrs in those. It's sort of a bit like Assassins Creed in Paris with guns and nazis. You have hiding spots on roof tops, you have to walk slow to avoid detection, wear the enemies outfits, do stealth attacks, and you reclaim areas of the city by destroying certain areas or doing missions. All in all I'm enjoying it up to now. Certainly be on the look out for any upcoming games they have.


Fable 3 I'd already played a bit of on Bens copy. It's not bad, it's just not great. It's good for a lark though, and I'm a sucker for economy sims so being able to buy stuff and watch my bank balance go up is always going to make me a happy bunny. At least the PC version, unlike the 360 version, isn't constant "buy the DLC" "Buy the DLC" "there's some DLC to buy" mode every time you open the start menu. The PC version does have its issues. Which also include some weird ghosting in cut scenes (the FMVs look a bit higher rez than I'm used to in ports though, it's fuzzy sure but it doesn't look sub-HD).


Oh I've also being playing Bulletstorm, but I find I can only do it in half hour stints. It's a bit OTT for me otherwise. Bulletstorm is good though. I quite like the trick shot part of it. It makes it fun, unlike something like a MW campaign.

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Part of the reason for adding it to my rental list was cos 1. I thought it looked kinda interesting 2. I was curious as to what was so bad about it that EA would axe the entire studio before the game was even released.


I've a feeling it's ultimately a case of EA wanted Bioware, they had to take on Pandemic as part of that deal. Bioware worked out much better for them than expected and EA hacked off the unwanted tumour of VG Holdings Corp.

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LA Noire is such a strange game. Gameplaywise I enjoy it quite a bit, but storywise Im really confused by it. I havent finished it, im about halfway through. Im teamed up with Roy at the moment. That guy is such a douchebag. Hell, most if not all my partners have been douchebags. Cole himself is remarkably neutral. He tries to do the right thing and go by the rules, but when push comes to shove he folds easily. Im confused as to what feelings im supposed to have about my main character. Am I supposed to like him or hate him or somehow see myself as him? I feel neither.

The game seems bleak, but mostly its just very subdued. I have no idea where this is going, but I want to find out.


I know it sounds like I dont like it, but I do.


I will say that this game has pretty much made dead naked chicks completely tame. It was cool the first time, but now I dont really care anymore.

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I really suck at Deus Ex HR. Ive always sucked at stealth games AND shooters, so either way Im fucked. I have such little health that outright having a shoot out is crazy in this game since I suck at shooters.


Which reminds me, why is this in first person? Aside from shooting, absolutely everything you do is in third person. Couldnt they just have settles for third person like the other 90% of the gameplay?


Oh well. Ill keep trying for a bit longer, but I have no shame in setting it on easy mode. Im a grown up now. I dont give a shit about challenge in games. Im just here to have fun.



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First-person was kept to please fans of the original game.


I'm pretty crappy at stealth, and it does make it tough for an all-out shooter, but I had the advantage of Quicksave/load on PC. Although, once I had the cloak I could sneak through most areas never using more than one energy bar at a time (just takes a lot of time and patience though). Only on two occasions did I need two consecutively, and I have a screenshot from right near the end of the game that shows I only ever had two energy bars. I was pretty pleased with that. :P

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Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, on PS3 it has to load over again. Takes a bit.

I also just did my first hack and I dont actually know what I did. I just guessed and pressed buttons and stuff. The tutorial for that was littered with all kind of pseudo-scientific crap that didnt make sense.


Also, the black people's dialogue is fucked up in this game. Canadians dont know shit about them I guess.

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