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Cyber Rat

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117 hours into Xenoblade, I'm trying to go through it as fast as I can but I just can't speed through it, I love exploring and doing sidequests, and the little stories integrated into some of the sidequests are awesome. I'd say I must be about 3/4 of the way through by now. I want to finish it before starting The Last Story.

I've also been playing Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey, which is awesome, and difficult at times which I love, nice to have a RPG kick my ass. And got back into Darksiders on PC, which is really good.

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yikes, think I may make a concerted effort on my backlog before I start xenoblade then.


Just started AC:Brotherhood. I remember liking the controls for the previous games, but having just come from fable iii they seem really convoluted, and I have to keep looking at the marionette(?) in the corner. Hopefully they'll sink in so I don't keep getting pulled out of the flow by it. So far I hate the cannons, they are soo slow to move and then reload so I hope they don't appear too often. That all sounds like a bit of a downer though so I should say I'm enjoying it.

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Enslaved-ish. Not massively drawn me in right away mind, coding took priority a bit. Gonna see about beating it before Friday. Looks a bit Bulletstorm-ey but melee. I'm not sure I'm into the melee stuff, maybe not my cup of tea. The escort stuff isn't too bad though, at least she has useful abilities.


Still doing Bioshock 2 now n then on PC. Up next for RPGs (After FFXIII-2 and ME3 this month) is Alpha Protocol so I can uninstall it (I got it when Currys/Dixons opened their digital distribution store and I've a feeling I won't be able to re-install it once it's gone, so if I can beat it and uninstall it I can wipe my OS without fear.)


As for Portal 2, I ended up with Want You Gone on my playlist yesterday and I do kinda want to do Portal 2 again.

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I know, the earlier conversation just made it seem like you guys were acting like you both needed a PS3, and I phrased it as a question instead of a statement because I didn't want to sound like a dick and also I was only 99% sure, not 100%.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Started 3D Dot Game Heroes today. Sort of enjoying it. I do like the style, but mostly it just reminds me how many improvements Nintendo has made to Zelda over the years.


The forward thrust being the standard sword attack instead of the 90° swipe is really frustrating already as you can be standing a tiny fraction of side to an enemy and you miss it and having to stand just so in front of signs and people is annoying. Also, the 'moblins' fire arrows at you from off the screen which is just rediculous. The save system is well shonky too though I believe that is alleviated by a tent later in the game. The side quests don't seem to be well sign posted either - especially considering they don't stay available the whole time.


I'm on the second temple at the moment, and haven't been playing long at all, so I hope they beef up the story a bit as at this rate it's not going to last long at all. And despite the moany post I do want it to be a decent length as I am enjoying it.

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You learn to swipe at all times. It'll really make sense once you start to lengthen your sword.


Anyways, remember that this is a From Software game. Most of the issues you have are likely intentional. :lol:


Also, beef up the story? It's a Zelda parody. Zelda games didn't have much story in that era. Though there are jokes throughout.

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yeah, I phrased that badly, I didn't mean a more detailed story, just that the game seems to be flying by very quickly. How long does a playthrough take? seems like it's only going to be 7 or so hours?


I'm trying to get in the habit of swiping, but I find it a bit hard on the pad's stick as it feels like you have to push it really far which I've never noticed on other games, I would actually like to use the directional pad, but the left stick seems to be in my way. which I've also not noticed on other games.

Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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There's something completely overpowered and awesome about being able to walk into a room with a maxed out sword, do a 360 degree swipe and kill everything. It reminds me of Drain Life in KotOR II.


Oh god. I want to play this game again.


Anyways, depending on how much side stuff you do a run through the game can take a lot longer than you think. Then there's new game plus...

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