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Cyber Rat

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<insert games as art debate>


I'm totally on the side of "games are art", but for the most part they're on par with other popular art, like prime-time TV and popular movies (and even that may be generous). I'd be shocked if either of those things, even a really good example thereof, produced a 4 day existential crisis as well.

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In Demon's Souls, I'm only two levels away from the final boss I think, as the music in the Nexus has changed and is now all EVIL sounding. I got back into it and started again when I heard the servers were going down and this time I've truly GOT the game. Truly I am a GOD. Now I've neglected Dark Souls for too long D:


Also getting back into Skyward Sword. Had to download the damn iso cause my Wii's disk drive is broken. BOO.

Also I'm nearly finished Solatorobo: Red The Hunter on DS, its great. Really great and has some great production values for a DS title. Now to start playing Hotel Dusk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ys Origins


I'm sad that I can't be Adol but at least I can be a kawaii Gimli! Or a mage. Or some secret character. Yup, multiple characters. This is going to be fun. In later games, I recall you can switch between characters so the system in Origins is the predecessor to those systems.

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I started playing Uncharted: Golden Abyss last night. So far I'm enjoying it. Nearly all the touch/tilt controls are entirely optional, which is fucking wonderful. My only real complaint is that the FOV is way too wide, so it looks like I'm looking through a fish-eye lens if I have it farther than about 6 inches from my face.

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I started playing Uncharted: Golden Abyss last night. So far I'm enjoying it. Nearly all the touch/tilt controls are entirely optional, which is fucking wonderful. My only real complaint is that the FOV is way too wide, so it looks like I'm looking through a fish-eye lens if I have it farther than about 6 inches from my face.


How are you finding the aiming? With the sticks being so damn small i found myself constantly missing fairly routine shots. As an experience however i really enjoyed the game.

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I think the aiming's fine, though I did crank the motion aiming all the way up. Having played through Gravity Rush already I'd gotten used to doing gross aiming with the stick and then using the tilt to make fine adjustments, and I really like that setup. In fact I wish more games on PS3 would make use of the DS3's tilt function to do something similar.

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Unfortunately, like a lot of the PS3's features, developers seem to give no thought to it whatsoever. Video recording, custom soundtracks, screenshots, and remote play. Sixaxis is a great feature being held back! I would say the sixaxis could be an awesome feature for games if they bothered, and i'm not talking about camera controls. Folklore had a great implementation of it. Taking the souls from the monsters and slamming them to the sides, then pulling on it. It really felt good doing that. If action games let you do that when you grab stuff, it would be awesome.


Sorry about that but the sixaxis was one of the ps3's features that i'm so annoyed doesnt get used correctly, if at all...


Anyway, been playing Sleeping Dogs and It's really great! The only problem is the camera, and people who use kb/m seems to experience the worst of it. But that's only when driving and minor issues when moving around. Good thing i have a controller. Melee is really fun. I kept replaying the fight clubs, because combat is just fun like in arkham.

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I'm playing Ghost Trick on my Nintendo portable console. I'm quite enjoying it but it's not fantastic. The style really makes me think of Phoenix Wright, in fact I thin it even has some of the same sound effects.

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How are you liking Okami? I loved that game - it's the only time I feel a games lived up to the zelda comparisons, while while managing to maintain a completely original feel.


Also reminds me I keep meaning to find out if okamiden is worth giving a shot.

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Replaying Ys I and II since I got such a Ys hard on right now. It took some tricks to get the game working but they run great on Window 7 if you run them as a .bat file. There's some slight tearing of the graphics but I think its acceptable lost.


I'm currently on I. I'm surprised just how much stuff makes a reappearance between Origin and I. Some items and enemies are the exact same which adds some nice continuity element between the games. For example, I just rolled through an undead enemy that looks just like one in Origin.


Lastly, Adol is still a badass.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Playing through The Walking Dead. I haven't played an adventure game like this since I was maybe 8 years old. After finishing the first two episodes, I'm really impressed by the story telling, game mechanics, and art direction. My only problem is the game is it's glitchy, not very polished, and clearly rushed. It's too bad that at the climax of episode two, the game ran so slowly and kept temporarily freezing, that it really took me out of that moment.

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